The Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

The Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

Thank you to Brittany for tagging me for this!

1. A popular book or series that you didn't like.

There are so many books that, even though they have amazingly high ratings on Goodreads, I did not like them at all.

I know, I know! Some of these are books you probably love, but I hope at least some of you will agree with me on some of them. Code Name Verity just didn't work for me at all, it didn't even make me cry and I weep so easily at books. It just really bored me and I was so disappointed. Fangirl is a book that it really feels like every single human on the planet absolutely loves, but not me! I just really didn't get what all the fuss was about. The romance was laughable and the story was really dull because there really wasn't one. Beautiful Disaster is most definitely a disaster, but there is nothing beautiful about it! The Maze Runner was poorly written and made me so frustrated. And Fifty Shades of Grey.... I shudder just thinking about it - it's poorly written, had terrible characters and the worst excuse for a romance ever. 

Could someone please explain to me how The Kiss of Deception has such a high rating on Goodreads? I mean, seriously, it's one of the worst books I have ever had the displeasure of reading. The characters are just meh, the romance was soooooo dumb and the whole guess which guys which storyline was superbly pointless. Red Queen seemed to impress so many people, but it read like a copy of so many other YA books. I don't hate Allegiant because of it's ending, I was actually happy it finally brought an end to Tris's constant whining and poor decision making. I posted both a spoiler free, rant filled review and a spoiler filled, rant filled review just so I could properly vent all my frustrations with this book.. How I Live Now was not good, not good at all. I read it so long ago and I still get pissed off every time I think about it. Ruby Red is loved by so many, but I just felt nothing when I read it, I didn't hate it but I just didn't like it. 

2. A book or series that everyone seems to hate but you loved.

I don't know why but, I really struggled to come up with an idea for this one. But then I checked out my 5 star books on Goodreads and saw that Blue Diary has a relatively low average rating. And I don't understand why! I absolutely loved that book, it was a beautiful and wonderful book and it broke my fucking heart. I cried so much at the end of that book, my heart couldn't handle it. I will love and recommend that book forever! 

3. A love triangle where the person ended up with the person you did not want or OTP you don't like.

I can think of two for this one. Nyx and Ignifex from Cruel Beauty and America and Maxon from The Selection series. I never finished The Selection series, but it was pretty obvious from book one who she would end up with. I hated America, I hated Maxon and I hated the idea of them being together even more. 

4. A popular book genre you hardly reach for.

I would have to say romance and paranormal.... paranormal romance even less!

5. A popular beloved character that you do not like.

Levi and Cath from Fangirl, I just don't understand why everyone loves them so much. I kind of felt like Levi was a douche canoe and a really boring love interest. And Cath was just utterly hopeless, and that's coming from someone who suffers from social anxiety. Also, Tris from the Divergent series as she just gets worse as the series goes on. I absolutely despised her by the end of Allegiant, she just made the worst decisions and kind of deserved everything she got. 

6. A popular author that you can't get into.

Rainbow Rowell. Everyone loves her, but Fangirl has really put me off trying anything else by her.

7. A popular book trope that you're tired of seeing.

There are far too many that I am sick of seeing. I am so fed up of the virginal good girl meeting and falling for the experienced bad boy. Or the virginal good girl having a 'slutty' best friend. NOPE! Controlling, abusive guys being portrayed as love interests that readers should root for and lust after, NOPE! And love triangles. Fuck love triangles! 

8. A popular series you have no interest in reading.

I'm pretty open to trying anything, at least then I can have an actual educated opinion on it and whether I really like it or not. If I can suffer through reading Fifty Shades then I can suffer through anything. 

9. What movie or TV show do you prefer more than the book. 

Fight Club! Romeo + Juliet! Lord of the Rings and there are probably a few more. 

And now time to tag some of you lovely people! 

Cait @ Paper Fury
Amanda @ Nellie and Co.

And anyone else who wants to do it!


  1. I hate that trope!! Good girls do not pick bad boys ALL the time. Like not even close... I don't like Tris much either. She's so dull and unfeeling. I just can't connect with her at all!! She's just flat... Nice tag!

    1. I KNOW!!! I would much rather a nice guy than an arsehole.

  2. Romeo and Juliet is definitely a movie I much prefer over the play as well! I would have to agree with you on a lot of the tropes. They're cliche and sometimes aren't really going to happen. It seems like there are a lot of popular books you disliked. I also disliked Allegiant not for the ending, but more so because of how boring that last book was. Tris wasn't a favourite character of mine. Perhaps in the first book but by the third she bothered me and I liked Four better. I will say that I liked the first two books much better. I think I like this tag ^.^

    1. That last book was so dull! The final book in a series should be exciting, but that was just so slow.

  3. I just did this tag a few days ago! :) I feel you on tropes...I have had enough of them too. I did enjoy Romeo + Juliet - that was a lot of fun.

  4. Finally, someone else who didn't much like Tris or enjoy the Maze Runner books! I've been feeling so bad about that, because everyone else seems to like them, but I tried a couple fo the Maze Runner books and I just couldn't love them like everyone else did. I would definitely agree that the Lord of the Rings movies are better than the books. I've read all the books, some of them more than once, but it's tough going compared to the movies. Plus there were all the elvish poems and songs. Can I admit now that I skipped all of those every time I saw them?

    1. YAY!!! I always like finding others who shared my opinion on that, it makes me feel less bad. I want to read LOTR but I have heard that they are really tough to get through.

  5. HA - I just love these types of things. My sister and I have a HUGE fight over the book The English Patient. I adored it, but she hated it - and the opposite regarding the movie.

    1. Me too! I think it's fun to see all the differing opinions that people have.

  6. Oh, I agree with you so much. I'm a little bit of a closet hipster, notorious for disliking popular things, just because I can. But really, I wasn't a fan of Rainbow Rowell's books at all. Not a single one. Beautiful Disaster indeed was a trainwreck, I felt my brain cells dying when I read it, oh my god ... it's not even that it's smut, it's just poorly written crap.

    1. YAY!!! Happy to hear that someone else didn't love Rowell's books, I was feeling so alone when it came to that.

  7. YAAAAY. UNPOPULAR OPINIONS!! *calms self* Erm. I mean yes I'm definitely going to do this one. ;-) I quite like a controversial opinion. And I totally agree with your answers to #7. Ugh, I would happily not see any of them EVER AGAIN. -_-

    I can actually understand why Code Name Verity wouldn't work for everyone. I was deathly bored for the first 50%, but I listened to the audio and somehow...all the accents and the pauses and the style of the narrator, just made me fall in love with it. XD I loved Fangirl, but not so much Eleanor and Park! So I haven't really been game to try Rainbow Rowell's adult books. WE SHALL SEE, THO. hehe.

    1. I am so pleased that you ended up doing it! I liked seeing all of your unpopular opinions.

  8. The only booked I liked out of the ones you didn't is Fangirl, and I wasn't in love with it either. I HATED Allegiant and NOT because of the ending either. The plot made no sense and tbh I didn't mind what happened to Tris, I just think it was poorly handled and didn't seem to HAVE to go down the way it did. O.O I hate the trope you mentioned too, it's so overdone, give it a rest already! Oh and I LOVE the movies Fight Club, Romeo+Juliet and LotR :D I loved reading your answers here^^ ♥

    1. I know, Allegiant was just one massive disappointment for me. I don't even get what Roth was thinking when she wrote that book. Obviously she wasn't thinking very much!

  9. Hi - I also didn't care for Fifty Shades of Grey. I read the first in the trilogy and that was it for me.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  10. Ha! I love Rainbow Rowell, but I'm with you on Fifty Shades! The other book I hated that others loved is Eat, Pray, Love. I thought she was pretentious and annoying.

  11. I didn't like Code Name Verity, Fifty Shades, Allegiant or Red Queen either.
    I liked Tris but she did annoy me at times.
    Great post :)

    Jess @ A Book Addict's Bookshelves

  12. Yay! You did it! :D
    I fucking hate The Selection series. But I read all three books. I wanted to punch a wall a million times during my reading time, but you know I couldn't stop....
    I tried to read The Kiss of Deception(okay by try, I read the first three pages) and they were boring. I don't think I really care to try and get further.
    I have the Ruby Red trilogy on my shelf, but I really don't have any interest to read it. It's just really hard to unhaul them because of those covers, yo. Lol
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  13. I'm totally with you on How I Live Now, I loathed it. Didn't read more than ten pages!

    1. I finished it but really wish I hadn't bothered.... it was awful!

  14. I agree with you 100% about 50 Shades- BLECH. So horrible- and I have to say, you make a good point- if you can make it through that series, you can make it through anything! I also didn't like Allegiant. I did kind of love Kiss of Deception though :)

    And I HATE that trope- what IS that even!? NO. And it's funny- since you didn't like Tris, it stands to reason Allegiant would have been splendid for you ;) (Kidding, it was altogether a mess, forget the ending!) And GOOD CALL on Romeo & Juliet! The Claire Danes/Leonardo DiCaprio one? I kind of love it. This tag is so fun!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. It was such an awful book and so painful to get through.

  15. This is the first Unpopular Opinions Tag I've seen where the unpopular opinions were actually unusual! I feel like a lot of book bloggers are the same exact person with different skins, so it's refreshing to see a new opinion once in a while.

    1. Thanks, glad they weren't the same answers you saw everywhere else.

  16. "If I can suffer through reading Fifty Shades then I can suffer through anything."

    *shudders* Don't remind me. I suffered through that crap as well -- on a dare by my co-blogger, no less. They were SO. BAD. I will never comprehend why they've gathered such a following.


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