Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Pitch Perfect 2

This is a weekly meme that I am hosting here at Reviews from a Bookworm. To take part all you have to do is share a movie review once a week, link back to Reviews from a Bookworm and add your link to the linky tool.

This weeks movie review will be for:

Pitch Perfect 2

Movie Gif animated GIFI still remember the first time I saw Pitch Perfect, me and my mum were having a day out together and decided to go see a movie. It was the only movie that sounded even slightly appealing and the trailer had me eager to see it. But I honestly didn't know what to expect from it, I had no idea if it was going to be a huge disappointment, just okay or a new favourite. But my mother and I both absolutely loved it and had such a fun time watching it. We laughed so hard it hurt, we sang along with the awesome tunes and we left wanting to go back in and watch it all over again. So maybe it seems weird that the announcement of a sequel had me way more nervous than it did excited. I just worried that it would be another sequel that didn't live up to my expectations, another sequel that just ended up disappointing.

Movie Pool animated GIFI can't even begin to describe how shocked I was to find that I ended up absolutely loving this one. I loved it so much that I felt it was almost as good as, if not better in some ways, to Pitch Perfect. My mother preferred Pitch Perfect 2, I think because it had her laughing a lot more than the first did, which is saying something as we laughed so much at the first film. Her vote has been cast, but I am still undecided about which movie I prefer, I will have to decide after a rewatch of both back to back once the DVD is released.

Pitch Perfect animated GIF Pitch Perfect 2 follows the Bellas as they recover from a disastrous performance in front of the President, that sees them suspended from performing in a capella shows. Beca strikes a deal that if the girls can win the A Capella World tournament then they can be reinstated. So we follow them as they get ready to take on this challenge and gain new members to the Bellas. Plus it has the addition of the hilarious German a capella group Das Sound Machine, who provide so many of the laughs in this film.

movie animated GIF Whilst at times this could feel like it was trying a little too hard to get laughs and was recycling gags from the first movie, I thoroughly enjoyed this film and am so pleased they did a sequel. It had a solid plot and doesn't feel like they just quickly came up with whatever they could in order to get a sequel out and cash in on the first films popularity. This film has a whole host of new characters, plus all my old favourites as well as fantastic musical numbers that will have you wanting to sing along as you watch!

Movie Dance animated GIFI really loved the addition of Hailee Steinfeld as Emily, whose mother used to be a Bella. I never knew that girl could sing and she has a wonderful voice. Although, if I am honest, I didn't like the fact that this movie seemed to be passing the torch onto her. It felt like they were trying to pass the torch onto her, and a younger generation of Bellas. Whilst that does make sense, I don't think I would want to watch a movie that just followed her and new characters and didn't have Beca in the lead, I rather love Beca. So I was pleased when it was recently announced that Pitch Perfect 3 will happen and Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson are both signed on for it. YAY!!!

8/10 Butterflies

If you enjoyed Pitch Perfect then I really see no reason why you wouldn't love the sequel. If you haven't seen the first movie then clearly there is something wrong with you. Go do that and then go and see the sequel already!!! This was funny, entertaining and packed full of fabulous musical numbers!

YAY! I've blogged so much this week that I actually have posts for this!!!

Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Reads of 2015
The Duff by Kody Keplinger: Movie & Book review
The Find Me Book Tag: Photographing the Precious
Top Ten Tuesday: Hyped Books I've Never Read
How to Survive YALC: Advice & Tips


  1. I liked Pitch Perfect 2 and it did get quite a few laughs out of me, but I still prefer the first movie. I can't say exactly why though. I just do.

    1. I think I do to, although I can't quite explain why. I think it might be because this one felt like it was trying just a little too hard.

  2. I still need to watch Pitch Perfect 2. I was so sad when I missed it in the cinema, so I'm eagerly waiting for the DVD!

    1. I will definitely be getting it on DVD, I hope the wait isn't too long.

  3. I still haven't seen this! I've been avoiding it for the same reasons that you mentioned. I'm so glad it was good I'm going to make sure I see it now!

    1. I ended up really enjoying it, even though it felt like they were trying too hard at times.

  4. I really liked Hailee's character too! I still think I preferred the first movie, just because there was too much Bumper and Fat Amy in this one and the time spent on them could've been spent on Jesse and Beca or other Bellas-related plots.

    1. I think I preferred the first movie too, but can't quite understand why. They definitely did try really hard with those two and I would have preferred if it concentrated more on Becca and Jesse too.

  5. I still need to see the first one, it looks so darn good!

  6. Haven't seen this one, either. Seem to watch fewer movies as time goes on. :(
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

    1. Me too actually, been trying to go to the cinema a little more often.

  7. WOOO THERE'S GONNA BE MORE!! XD I didn't know they'd signed for 3! Anyway, I haven't watched this one yet so I supposed I shouldn't be too excited?! Buuuut...I loved the first one so much. XD

    1. I just recently saw that and it made me so happy. I was worried that Anna Kendrick wouldn't be back for a third!

  8. Pitch Perfect is life! I'm not sure if 2 was as good as 1, but it doesn't mean I didn't love it. Honestly they could continue to make sequels and I would see them no matter what.
    I thought they did try a little hard with Rebel Wilson. Like she's hilarious, but a few times it was just meh.
    Das Sound Machine were the break out stars. Sooooo funny.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I loved it too, but I think I still prefer 1. It was more of a surprise then and didn't feel like it was trying anywhere near as hard as they did with this one, especially with Fat Amy's character.

  9. Pitch Perfect 2 was loads of fun and definitely had the laughs, but I still enjoyed the first one better. Not sure what it is exactly but overall I just liked that story line better. But seriously, anything with Rebel Wilson is going to make me laugh. :)

    1. Me too, I think maybe they just tried a little too hard with this one at times.

  10. I am glad you could like this one so much! Seeing the trailer I actually did expect it to be a recycled version of the first movie which I recently rewatched in anticipation of this one. I am going to see this one soon, and I feel like now I can be a bit more excited to know the plot is solid and it is its own movie as well!

    1. I really hope you enjoy it. It doesn't feel like a recycled version, but it does seem like it tries a little too hard at times.

  11. Yes, I definitely felt like it tried a little too hard, but I think I knew that would be the case going in. I knew they would push it more with the sequel. I am so happy Anna Kendrick is signed on for a third, I knew Rebel Wilson was for quite some time but I really wanted Anna to sign on for the next one too.

    They did write an original song. They wrote the song and then got Jessie J to release it as a soundtrack song in order to get it in the charts... but it was a song originally wrote for the movie and it's soundtrack.

  12. Both of these movies are amazing! I liked the sequel as well as the first (I think). Though as you say, re-watching the first and second together with the second's DVD release is a must. :)

    1. Yes. Once I watch them back to back on DVD I will probably be able to say for sure which one I enjoyed more.


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