Top Ten Tuesday: Hyped Books I've Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

Top Ten Hyped Books I've Never Read

This was a little hard for me, trying to come up with books that I haven't read yet and that I would consider 'hyped' books. I decided just to go for books that I hear endless things about and seem to see EVERYWHERE!

The Holy Bible by Anonymous, Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon 

Yes, that's right, I have never read The Bible. Okay, I might have read one or two passages for RE at school, but that's it. I've never had the urge to just sit down and read The Bible and I don't think I ever will. It would have been number one on the TTT list for books I never plan to read. The Girl on the Train is one I have been seeing everywhere and I do plan to read, I just have to buy it and actually find the time. Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one I have owned for far too long, I have to hurry up and get to it. To Kill a Mockingbird... I haven't read very many classics and I really should hurry up and read some already. Outlander... own but haven't yet read, want to just so I can finally watch the TV show.

The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, Paper Towns by John Green, 1984 by George Orwell, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Lord of the Rings is hard for me. I have watched and loved the movies, I rewatch them far too much. I worry far too much that I won't enjoy the books anywhere near as much. I have to get to Paper Towns as soon as, because I have to see the movie but want to read the book first. 1984, yet another classic I haven't found the time to get to. Ready Player One is one I really want to get to, I have seen so many rave reviews! Eleanor & Park is one I have avioided so far because I didn't like Fangirl and worry this will just disappoint me as well.

Have you guys read any of these? Which one would you recommend I get to first? Except the Bible... don't say the Bible! 

YAY! I've blogged so much this week that I actually have posts for this!!!

Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Jurassic World Review
The Unpopular Opinions Book Tag
My Weekly Recap: 27/06/2015
Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Reads of 2015
The Duff by Kody Keplinger: Movie & Book review
The Find Me Book Tag: Photographing the Precious


  1. I haven't read Eleanor and Park or Ready Player One yet, but I plan to check them both out soon. The rest are all worth it.

    Check out my TTT and my current giveaway!

  2. I'm actually surprised by the number of people who haven't read DOSAB, because it's so well hyped! I loved the first book though. I haven't read Paper Towns or Eleanor and Park either, even though they're both on my shelves. Planning to read Paper Towns soon though. Oh man, I LOVED Ready Player One! It's sooo good!

    1. I need to hurry up and get to Ready Player One, I have heard so many amazing things.

  3. Daughter of Smoke and Bone! I can see why the others I know stuff about wouldn't be for you, but I think you'll like Laini Taylor. I'm about to read the last book, finally!

    My TTT.

    1. I hope I read and love it very soon, just need to find the time.

  4. I haven't read Eleanor and Park either, actually I have only read To kill a mockingbird form your list. :)

    Sofia @ SofiaLovesReading

  5. Weeell, I didn't really love Eleanor and Park but I LOVED Fangirl, so maybe if we're opposites on Fangirl it'd work for E&P?!! HEHE WELL. IT MIGHT BE. XDXD Ahh, I don't think your'e missing out on anything by not reading LOTR. The books are my dry than a cracker in the Sahara. Omg. Ugh.
    But TKAM is incredible. SERIOUSLY. It's just so good and I really want to reread it before Go Set a Watchman.

    1. I really hope so. I want to love E & P but I am very nervous!!!

  6. I'd go with To Kill a Mockingbird, actually. But I hear the Girl on the Train is also good.

  7. Nice! The only one I read was To Kill a Mockingbird and that was years ago for school. I didn't really enjoy it, but I rarely enjoy the classics like that. Hope you get to read some of these soon!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I don't read many classics, but I do want to try that one.

  8. Outlander is on my list too! I want to read it before marathoning the show but it's HUGE. I remember seeing the movie for 1984 and the ending just made me go "what. whAT!? WH1AYT?" because it was so unexpected and not exactly happy...depends on how you see it. I wonder how the book will be like...

    1. I want to try reading the series... but the size of it does put me off!!!

  9. I have not read the bible either so nooo worries. Dughter of Smoke and Bone, Outlander and RPO are ones I recommend wholeheartedly. I did read and like Eleanor & Park, but for me, Fangirl was much better. I think the camps are split on those two. You love one or the other, not necessarily both.

    1. Haha, well at least I am not alone! At least I don't live somewhere where I am forced too!

  10. To Kill a Mockingbird made my list too! I think it's because in school we never took time to study american authors and their work so I'm pretty behind in the Hyped american classic s department.
    Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie
    My TTT

    1. I am really behind on classics in general,although I am not that eager to start them either!

  11. Ready Player One is on my TTT list too! I've heard pretty positive things, so I'm hoping to get around to it soon.

  12. I haven't read Ready Player One either, but I've heard great things so I should read that one soon. Daughter of Smoke and Bone…honestly, the first book didn't wow me but I loved the rest of the series. Paper Towns is definitely worth reading, and I'm like you, I like to read the book first. If I see the movie first, I don't like the book for some reason. That happened to me with Game of Thrones, so I completely understand why you haven't read Lord of the Rings. I love Game of Thrones (the series) and then I read the first book and I was BORED. I knew exactly what was going to happen and I didn't feel compelled to read like I normally do. I love seeing a book come to life on screen, but the reverse is not true. ~Pam

    1. I really want to get to it. I am scared that I want love LotR as much as the films and I have heard they really drag, so not sure if I ever will get to them.

  13. Outlander is on my list too. I own it but never managed to actually pick it up. I have friends who have LOVED it and others...mehish. I've read a couple of yours when forced to in school but other than that just the Bible and that not in entirety just here or there.

    1. I want to try it.... but it's such a big series and seems like a big commitment.

  14. I'm getting ready to read Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins soon; been waiting for an ebook from my library and it's finally in. I've recently read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Paper Towns by John Green a few months ago.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  15. I've only read two of these books. Gah! so many books to read, so little time to do it!
    Caroline @

  16. Outlander! Do it for me! It's my bae. Ummm...but you could probably get away with watching the show and not reading the book. The show is pretty much on point.
    Ready Player One is a book you will love. I guarantee it. It's such a fun sci-fi adventure that is clever and witty and full of 80's pop culture references that I don't even know how someone cannot like it.
    I'm not sure if you'll like E&P either. I mean Fangirl is the one 99% of people like. Where as E&P is the one that you either do or don't. Soooo...maybe go with Attachments instead. It's a cute adult fiction read. Super cute.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Haha, I will try but it's just sooooo long!!!!
      I want to read Ready Player One, definitely need to hurry up and get to there.

  17. Ready Player One and Outlander are some books on this list that I am definitely going to read at some point. I am not sure about Paper Towns though. I have read two John Green books so far and been pretty disappointed with them, but maybe in the future I will give his writing another chance. I am beginning to think it just isn't for me. I am currently trying to read my whole way through the Bible right now ;)

    1. WOW!!! Well good luck with that, that book is looooooong!


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