Top Ten Tuesday: Last 10 Books That Came Into My Possession

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

Last 10 Books That Came Into My Possession 

This is hard as I have gained about 40+ books in the last two weeks alone. I went a bit too crazy on Amazon, but then I also got a lot of review copies through. The main reason for the mass buy is for books to take with me to get signed at YALC, it will work out cheaper for me this way rather than buying them on the day.


I'm going to pretend it's not cheating to count these 9 books as 1! It's a series after all and I bought them as 1 item on Amazon... so IT COUNTS!

The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare

I am cheating again, but I bought this in a boxset so I am letting them count as one. I bought these as I plan to get them signed by Cassandra Clare when I am at YALC.

Read Me Like a Book by Liz Kessler, Made You Up by Francesca Zappia, The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly by Stephanie Oakes, Every Breath by Ellie Marney

All four of these are ones I bought because of all the glowing reviews I have seen for them all! Very excited to get to read them all. 


The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward

I lucked out and won this on Goodreads. I've already finished it and thought it was a really fun and easy read. 

Review Copies

Demon Road by Derek Landy, A Thousand Nights by E. K. Johnston, Night Owls by Jenn Bennett

I got a signed copy of Demon Road and died! I was desperate to read that because, not only have I heard great things about Landy's other series, it sounds very much like Supernatural, which is one of my favourite TV shows. I've finished it and ended up really enjoying it, whilst thinking it could have done with being a little shorter so it didn't feel like it dragged in the middle. I'm going to start one of the other two next and I am very excited, both sound amazing!

YAY! I've blogged so much this week that I actually have posts for this!!!

The Duff by Kody Keplinger: Movie & Book review
The Find Me Book Tag: Photographing the Precious
Top Ten Tuesday: Hyped Books I've Never Read
How to Survive YALC: Advice & Tips
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Pitch Perfect 2
Tonight the Streets Are Ours by Leila Sales


  1. The Infernal Devices trilogy... PREPARE YOUR HEART. IT WILL BREAK. Great list :)

  2. YAY! So many amazing books! I really want to read The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly and Made You Up. Have fun meeting Cassandra Clare! I've known her for years, she's sweet.

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. I ended up not meeting her, I was too exhausted that day and went home early.

  3. Oooh A Thousand Nights, looking forward to hearing what you think about it. I'm excited to read it. Happy reading. x

  4. Oh wow you have gotten a lot of books, that is awesome! And personally, I think you can never have too many. :P

  5. Read me like a book cover is awesome. I want to read the book!

  6. Argh, I am going to be in London during YALC but I didn't know it was a thing! I am so doing this next year. But I think these are some great books! I have to say that I really need to read the Infernal Devices because I have book one and just haven't read it yet >.> And I recently finished Made You Up which is AHMAZING. Read it soon, please ^^

    1. I hope you can go next year, it's so much fun!!! :) I can't wait for 2016 now :)

  7. You have ALL the Skulduggery Pleasant books? My little bookworm heart is so envious of you now. Those books are so amazing. I hadn't heard of Demon Road though. Looks like another Derek Landy book for me to hunt out now. His writing style is hilarious!

    1. I can't wait for Skulduggery, but I am also nervous for it too.

  8. Made you up looks really good! Great haul :) My TTT

  9. First of all: I LOVE your blog header, gorgeous design.

    Secondly, I love a bit of creative accounting when it comes to book counting, if it's the same series it's totally one ;) I've been hearing such great things about The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly. Enjoy your books!

  10. Excellent list, and I'm loving the blog redesign! It's so different! But really lovely!! R x

    My TTT:

  11. Eee, these look cool. I was briefly surprised by the blog redesign, but I think it looks great too!

  12. Books! The Infernal Devices is one of my favourite trilogies. Far superior than the Mortal Instruments.
    I also really want to read Made You Up and Every Breath. Thankfully my library has them for when I can get to them.
    I'm really eager to read A Thousand Nights. I recently read and absolutely loved The Wrath and the Dawn. And it seems like the perfect follow up.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I really need to read it, I've heard so many amazing things about it. I need to get to Every Breath soon, I've heard AMAZING things.

  13. Made You Up and Every Breath. Loved both of them…have fun reading! ~Pam

  14. I'm so freaking happy you're going to read The Infernal Devices!!! This series is seriously the best. It's what got me addicted to reading. I assure you you will need a shoulder to cry and be happy on. My shoulder is free and available. :) Can't wait to fangirl with you!!! Have you read the Mortal Instruments? I'm so excited for the TV show. The babe that is Matthew Daddario is so *heart eyes times a million* though I kinda miss Lily Collins playing her cause I love her so much!!!! Lucky you, you'll meet Cassandra. Have fun at that event!!! I've been wanting to read The Sacred Lies and Made You Up. Tell me what you think once you've read it! Your blog is so freaking pretty. Love it!!!! :)

    1. HAHA!! THANK YOU!!! But now I am a little bit nervous to read it as I don't want to cry. I didn't meet her in the end, I was too shattered to wait around.


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