My Weekly Recap: 29/08/2015

This week has been a bit slow on the blogging side of things. I am absolutely exhausted at the moment, so I haven't really had the energy to do too much. I did one post where I decided to do a chapter by chapter series recap of the Throne of Glass series, which took forever. That took me five straight hours to type up, left me with a ridiculously sore back and meant I had to skip dinner! But it felt totally worth it and I am rather proud of that post. 
I've not done as much reading as usual this week, mostly because I have been too tired to concentrate. I'm on a medication that, whilst it is really good and helps me, it's main side effect is insomnia, which means I haven't been getting a good nights sleep. It sucks always being tired, but completely unable to get a decent nights sleep. But the medication helps with everything else, so it's a side effect you kind of just have to deal with. I'm going to try and get more posts up next week, I have one or two already drafted. 

I've begun to realise just how many unread books I own. My bookshelves are more like my own personal bookshop/library. As I can go there and browse through them all looking for my next read. But it's probably not good to own hundreds of unread books. So I have been limiting my book buying! I've had one pre-order come in, but haven't bought any other books this week. I want to try and get through some of the ones I own first. 

My blogoversary is coming up very soon, so I am currently planning my post!!! I wanted a few bloggers/readers of the blog to give me some quotes about why they like my blog or why they read it. I've had amazing response from the people I have asked so far, which has been my some of all time favourite bloggers/people. If any of you want to leave a quote below, please do!!! 

I also got a new camera. It's technically an old camera, but new to me. It's my sisters boyfriends old camera, as he has his eye on a new camera. He takes some AMAZING photos, which you can find on his site here. He wants a new camera that will set him back a few thousand pounds, so he wanted to get rid of some of his old ones. So I immediately offered to buy one as I have been looking at cameras online and had been considering buying one for myself. I am still at the IDIOT level, so I have a long way to go before I take any half decent photos. But I already love the camera and the amazing photos it takes.

The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick 
Tim Mason was The Boy Most Likely To:-find the liquor cabinet blindfolded-need a liver transplant- drive his car into a house
Alice Garret was The Girl Most Likely To:-well, not date her little brother's baggage-burdened best friend, for starters. 
For Tim, it wouldn't be smart to fall for Alice. For Alice, nothing could be scarier than falling for Tim. But Tim has never been known for making the smart choice, and Alice is starting to wonder if the "smart" choice is always the right one. When these two crash into each other, they crash hard.
Then the unexpected consequences of Tim's wild days come back to shock him. He finds gimself in a situation that isn't all it appears to be, that he never could have predicted... but maybe should have.
And Alice is caught in the middle. 
I've had this pre-ordered for a long time, as My Life Next Door is one of my favourite books. I had to start it as soon as it arrived and I enjoyed it, but I didn't love it. It wasn't a bad book by any stretch of the imagination, it just wasn't what I was expecting and I think that threw me off whilst I was reading it. 

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

Madeline Whittier is allergic to the outside world. So allergic, in fact, that she has never left the house in all of her seventeen years. But when Olly moves in next door, and wants to talk to Maddie, tiny holes start to appear in the protective bubble her mother has built around her. Olly writes his IM address on a piece of paper, shows it at her window, and suddenly, a door opens. But does Maddie dare to step outside her comfort zone. 
I'm so excited to read this. I requested it ages ago but never received a copy, but got an email asking me what I thought of it. When I said that it hadn't arrived, they sent me a copy and I can't wait to devour it. Jennifer Niven gives her seal of approval on the cover, so now I wish to devour it!

The Girl Without a Name by Sandra Block
In what passes for an ordinary day in a psych ward, Dr. Zoe Goldman is stumped when a highly unusual case arrives. A young African American girl, found wondering the streets of Buffalo in a catatonic state, is brought in by police. No one has come forward to claim her, and all leads have been exhausted, so Zoe's treatment is the last hope to discover the girl's identity.When drugs prove ineffective and medical science seems to be failing, Zoe takes matters into her own hands to track down Jane Doe's family and piece together their chequered history. As she unearths their secrets, she finds that monsters hide where they are least expected. And now she must solve the mystery before it is too late. Because someone wants to make sure this young girl never remembers.
I got an email from the US publishers asking me if I wanted to review the book, and possibly hold a giveaway and author interview for it. I love a great mystery book and loved the sound of this. I might have been convinced by the fact that Heather Gudenkauf recommended it, and I absolutely love her books. 

I'm still reading book one... so no spoilers for book two! The first book has one of the most awesome starts ever. It just jumps straight into the action and makes it almost impossible to put down.

One night. A life-changing decision. And a list...Of course Clare made a list. She creates lists for everything. That's just how she is.But tonight is Clare and Aidan's last night before college and this list will decide their future, together or apart.It takes them on a roller-coaster ride through their past - from the first hello in science class to the first conversation at a pizza joint, their first kiss at the beach and their first dance in a darkened gymnasium - all the way up to tonight.A night of laughs, fresh hurts, last-minute kisses and an inevitable goodbye.But will it be goodbye forever or goodbye for now?
This was an unsolicited review copy, which I think they probably sent me because I reviewed her last book for them. I wasn't the biggest fan of her last one, but I am willing to give this one a try and hope I enjoy it more. 

George by Alex Gino
When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl.George thinks she'll have to keep this a secret forever. Then her (4th grade) teacher announces their class play is going to be "Charlotte's Web." George really, really, REALLY wants to play Charlotte. But the teacher says she can't even try out for the part... because she's a boy.With the help of her best friend, Kelly, George comes up with a plan. Not just so she can be Charlotte - but so everyone can know who she is, once and for all.
This was an unsolicited review copy from Scholastic, but I am so pleased they sent it to me. It sounds like an amazing and moving read, and I can't wait to read it. I'm sure I will definitely be posting a review for this. 

I currently have THREE giveaways that you can enter. The first is to win up to £40 worth of books of the winner's choice from Book Depository - enter here. The second is two win one of two copies of The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough - enter here. And the third is two win one of two copies of Night Owls by Jenn Bennett - enter here.

Why Hate On Confident Women: Why I Love Celaena Sardothien
Night Owls by Jenn Bennett: Review, Author Interview and Giveaway
Paper Towns by John Green: I Just Don't Get It!
When I Am Not Being a Bookworm: Netflix Binging


  1. Sounds like a crazy week! I've just got a new camera to (unfortunately only for work purposes, I'm not supposed to take it out of the office but there are so many functions and settings I'm still on "set it to auto, point and click mode". Such a waste!

    1. HAHA! That is what I am on right now. I need to do a lot of reading to get better, and I am willing to put in the time. But for now it is just a point and click for me!!! :)

  2. Great haul. I hope you enjoy all of you books and have a wonderful week!

    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  3. Ooh I really want a new camera! I use my parents' one to take photos but it's quite old and I'd like a camera that takes better photos. Great haul! I so badly want to read The Boy Most Likely To and Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between.

    Enjoy your new books! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My STS Post!

    1. Thank you, I will. I love the new camera, it is really old but I still love it and it takes great photos.

  4. Great haul! I hope you enjoy all your books! I can't wait to read A Thousand Pieces of You!

    My STS

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes

    1. I am really enjoying it so far. Although think I am in a bit of a slump, which is a little difficult.

  5. Those pictures are so clear. Especially the one of your haul.
    I've been cutting down on my book buying as well. For a few reasons(unemployment being the biggest). But like you, I have hundreds of unread on my shelf and Kindle and they are ones I want to read. So although my review books are taking over I do want to find time to actually read off my shelf.
    I really enjoy Jennifer E Smith and I just read Hello, Goodbye and pretty much loved it. My favourite of her books. So hopefully you will too. I really want to pick up George. I have None of the Above and Gracefully Grayson but I haven't gotten to them yet. I wanna do a good post on intersex and such. I'm glad we're starting to see more diverse books.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Thank you. The camera does take amazing pictures, I just need to get a lot better and it.
      I need to continue cutting down on my book buying. I hope I am getting better at it. I think I am!
      I really hope I love it!!!! >.< I really want to, I struggled with her last one.

  6. Don't feel bad, I have thousands of unread books. One day I'll get to them. Great haul! I loved Everything, Everything. I hope you enjoy them all! Happy reading!

    My StS

  7. OOoh nice! I can't wait to read Ten Thousand Skies Above You! Hope you enjoy it and all your other lovely new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I am glad to hear that the medicine is working for you, even though the insomnia is a rubbish side affect. I had insomnia for two years (but not due to anything) and it really is rubbish >< Mine is getting better now though, and I am working on it :) But the book buying ban is a good idea and I hope you can keep up with it! They are definitely challenging. From the books you got I have only heard wonderful things about Everything, Everything so it's on my TBR. And I REALLY am excited for Ten Thousand Skies Above You. I loved book one!

    1. I am currently reading book one and really enjoying it myself. I hate the insomnia. But I feel the tablets are worth it for everything else they are doing for me!

  9. Not being able to sleep is never fun. I hope you can get some sleep soon or at least sneak in some naps. ;)

    Congrats on the books. I have been trying to concentrate more on my TBR pile as well since, like you, I have more unread books on my shelves than I do read.

    1. I know! I wish I could have some naps, but even they don't help. IT SUCKS!!!

  10. Ah I hope you can get some sleep soon! Awesome on the camera. Having a good camera is so much fun. I don't have physical books but my kindle is well stocked. I really need to read more of what I own. I loved Everything Everything and really like Hello, Goodbye. Hope you enjoy them and the rest of your haul!

  11. Nice haul. I hope you feel better very soon. I look forward to seeing your reviews for your new books. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  12. I love your blog and I keep going back because I can always find something interesting at each post. I sometimes get recommendations through your book reviews -- even with Films for Thoughts! Also, I love the fact that you respond to almost every comment on your posts. :)

    Anway, great haul!! I want to know what you think of Everything Everything & Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between :)

    1. Thank you!!! I really appreciate it, love that people enjoy the content.

  13. Happy early blogoversary! I love coming here because your reviews are top-notch! You're an engaging writer!

    And I hope you are able to get your sleep struggles worked out. :( My husband also suffers from sleeping issues and I can see how hard it is to deal with lack of sleep. And your newish camera takes lovely pictures! That haul post is so crisp and shiny!

    1. THANK YOU! Loving the new camera, although I am still learning how to use it.

  14. omg, you skipped DINNER to give us that Throne of Glass recap?!?!? I AM IN AWE OF YOU AND ALSO A MILLION PERCENT GRATEFUL BECAUSE I NEEEEEDED THAT RECAP. hah, because I'm too lazy to reread. ;) And now to sad to reread. :( Although, I saw Throne of Glass for like $9 in Kmart the other day and I'm SERIOUSLY considering buying it, because I can't have the first book missing from my set!! And that's super cheap for Australia. (It's like Australia wants to kill the spirits of bookworms by making books $16+ gahhhh.) *ahem* What was I even rambling about?! OH YEAH. It's awfully cool you got asked by an American publisher to review a book too! :D Go you! And yaaay for such a good camera! I'm like an awful cheating greenie and only ever use automatic, but the QUALITY IN A DSLR IS TO DIE FOR. <3

    1. I DID SKIP DINNER! AND IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!!! >.< Yesh, I'm a cheater too because I SUCK AT IT!!! I want to get better at taking pictures.

  15. AH! Awesome haul! ENJOY

    Check out our WOW

    Check out our STS & enter to win a personalized copy of Queen of Shadows (open INT)!

  16. Awesome stack of books this week. I totally loved Everything, Everything. I hope you do as well.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  17. Such a lovely haul this week. The only camera I use is my phone. LOL My sister is big into photography and she takes great pictures for me. So glad to hear the medicine is helping:)

    1. It really is. I suck at photography, but I am trying to learn.

  18. I LOVED Everything, Everything! I was really good. I hope you love it.
    And I recently took all my unread books off my bookshelves (I needed the space), and so now I have about 50 books spread throughout my's getting a little ridiculous, because I keep buying books and adding them to the various piles...
    *sighs* Books everywhere.

  19. Such a pretty canon you've got there! My husband friend just got a new camera so he's letting us borrow his Pentanix (I think that's the name of it) and my life has been changed forever!

    Now I just need money to buy myself a pretty DSLR!

  20. Yay for the pretty books. Sorry you're battling insomnia. It's so very hard to deal with. I go through phases of it (not medication induced) and gah it really does zap ya. Hope things are going better this week for ya!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.