When I'm Not Being A Bookworm: Netflix Binging

Believe it or not, my whole life doesn't completely revolve around book. Yes, most of my expendable income goes on books. Yes, most of my free time goes on either reading books or blogging about books. And, yes, I work in a library and am surrounded by books all day. But sometimes, I take a break from my bookworm ways and do something that doesn't involve books - it's a real struggle, but I do it! 

One of the things that I turn to is NETFLIX! Netflix is amazing, especially after a long day at work. When I come home at night, sometimes I'm too stressed out to relax and read, but too tired to take the time to blog. This is when it's perfect to collapse onto my bed and binge watch a show on Netflix. I'm sure I am not alone in this, I assume a lot of my fellow book bloggers do this too. Today, I thought I would share the shows that I have recently binge watched, or am currently obsessed with! Then hopefully you guys can recommend me some shows too. 

The Office

I only discovered the US Office last year and I think I might have rewatched it at least 15 times since. I AM OBSESSED! It's absolutely hilarious and my favourite programme to binge watch. I watch it when I want something to laugh at, when I want to relax. I watch it in the background when I'm blogging, or when I'm reading. The characters are absolutely fantastic and I think Jim and Pam are my ultimate ship! If you have yet to discover The Office, go and do it! It's amazing!!!! BUT... You must get through the first 6 episodes of season one, it really takes off in season 2. 

If you have no clue what the show is about, it follows the employees of Dunder Mifflin, a paper company. It's filmed as though there is a camera crew documenting their work lives, and the cameras follow them at work, whilst also having interviews with them. It has a fantastic mix of characters and I highly recommend it. I still aww at every single Jim and Pam moment, they are the ship of all ships

the office animated GIF
jim and pam animated GIF
jim halpert animated GIF

I don't just love Jim and Pam though. Dwight is another favourite character of mine, and his and Jim's relationship is perfect in this. Those two together are comedy gold! I also love Michael. When I finish the final episode, I miss the characters too much and just go and start it all over again. This show is addictive! 

Favourite episodes: The Dundies - because drunk Pam is hilarious. The Job - because of that ending, the face says it all! Casino Night - for all my Jim and Pam feels. The Dinner Party. The Injury - concussed Dwight is the best!


Now this is a show I have only discovered this year and it quickly became a new favourite show of mine. It's another one that is just absolutely hilarious and was not what I was expecting at all. The first season follows a study group of adults at a community college, and is just following them doing normal things. But you hit the end of season one and you start getting all of these themed episodes. The themed episodes are some of my absolute favourites, especially the paintball episodes. If you're looking for a show to make you laugh, then this is the perfect show for you. 

Troy and Abed together are absolutely hilarious. But the show is really stolen by the Dean, who is so funny in this. He just gets better with every season!

Community Bullcrap animated GIF

Favourite episodes: Modern Warfare/ A Fistfull of Paintballs / For a Few Paintballs More - all the paintball episodes were amazing. Remedial Chaos Theory - where we see 6 different scenarios based on who went to get a pizza. I think this is the funniest episode. Basic Intergluteal Numismatics - the Asscrack Bandit episode, even has a theme song. I laugh just thinking about it! Digital Estate Planning - where they take part in a video game in order to fight for an inheritance. 

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt 

I am so happy I ended up watching this. I almost skipped past it because the adverts for it were ridiculous. It made it look so unfunny, I wasn't even tempted to try it. But Ellie Kemper played Erin in The Office, and I knew she had great comedic timing. So curiousity got the best of me one night, and I binge watched the whole show. Then put it straight back on again, but got the boyfriend in to watch it with me. I am now desperate for season 2 of this!!! Females are strong as hell!!! This series follows Kimmy Schmidt, a woman who has finally got her freedom after being kidnapped and held by a man for fifteen years. It's a serious start to what is a hilarious show. Ellie Kemper is amazing as Kimmy Schmidt, and I can't wait to get more of this series. 

I'm sticking with all my light-hearted comedy shows right now. As I haven't had time to really sit and concentrate on 40+ minute drama episodes. I did recently binge watch the whole of Once Upon a Time and love that, can't wait for the next season. 

Any other Netflix bingers out there? What have you been watching lately? What would you recommend?


  1. I like to binge watch Netflix sometimes too! Friends is always a good choice, and Psych always makes me laugh and is a good one to unwind to. Arrested Development is funny too. For more serious longer episodes I loved Breaking Bad, House of Cards, and The Walking Dead. I could go on all day but I won't. lol :D Happy watching.

    1. YES!!! FRIENDS!!! I forgot that. I recently binge watched the whole thing and couldn't get enough. I could watch Friends forever and never get bored. Breaking Bad is one of my absolute favourites.

  2. I don't really watch comedy because I love long story arcs, but i love Netflix. Currently rewatching Supernatural, and I started Sense8 and Suits too! (apparently I'm at the 'S' section :p)


    1. LOVE SUPERNATURAL!!! It is my favourite. I am also starting Sense8, as my boyfriend is a big fan of it. I want to try Suits.

  3. I don't watch comedy because I'm like the hardest person to entertain and I don't laugh at things when I should be which takes the fun out of everything. I love science fiction though! I love when the creator writes these supernatural and scientific explanations behind things.

    Alex @The Book's Buzz

    1. Yes, I am a fan of those. Supernatural is one of my favourite shows, even though I am currently two seasons behind. Ooops!

  4. I totally am a Netflix person as well! I love binge watching shows especially ones that have multiple seasons out. Right now my latest passion is Criminal Minds, I freaking love that show and all its horrific and often times scary glory!

  5. I am a huge Netflix and tv binge-watcher. Arrow, Revenge, Scandal, House of Cards, SO MANY SHOWS.. I also binged UnReal and How To Get Away With Murder. Netflix and binge-watching help relax me and de-stress. Nice post! <3

  6. I actually... don't have Netflix! Which is really terrible actually and I should be getting in one of these days. But in general, I am bad at watching things in general and it takes me a very long time to get through one season of a show. But the shows I do watch and really like are Doctor Who, Sherlock, Luther, Supernatural and of course, Once Upon a Time!

    1. I love my Netflix! It is perfect. I binge watch far too much TV on it, but I don't even care!

  7. I don't have Netflix, but we have many DVDs of TV Shows, which I love to binge.
    But I LOVE The Office...such a funny show. Dwight and Jim are hilarious, and Pam and Jim are the ship of all ships :)
    And The IT Crowd. It's so sad that there are only 4 seasons. There are not enough episodes, but they are hilarious.

    But those are the only comedies I really watch...I like the sound of Kimmy Schmidt, though. I may look into that.

    1. They really are the ship of all ships!!! I have to try the IT Crowd, I know so many people who love that one.

  8. LOVE binge watching!!! I love Netflix and Amazon Prime for this. Kimmy Schmidt was amazing. I also watched OITNB, The Fall, Catastrophe and UnREAL this summer. All were so good!!

    1. I have both Amazon Prime and Netlfix, both are so addictive. I recently watched the whole OITNB and I loved it!!! :)

  9. Oh yea, Netflix is my bae. Although I don't watch that many shows. I'd definitely suggest The Mindy Project. You can be done the three seasons up on Netflix in a day. It is impossible to start once started.
    I started Orphan Black this summer and that show is the shit. It's soooooooooooo good. Otherwise I still need to finish off The 100 and Vampire Diaries.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Oooh! I'd forgotten all about The Mindy Project. Yes, definitely need to binge that!!!

  10. If you haven't seen Parks and Recreation then you HAVE to watch it. There's also Breaking Bad, The Flash, Once Upon a Time, Game of Thrones, The Gilmore Girls... so many!
    I recently started The Mindy Project and am enjoying it so far. I've been binge watching it - the episodes are only 20 mins long so I always watch at least 3 in a row.

    1. I have started that and am currently on season 2. I really like it, it reminds me so much of The Office - which makes sense. I LOVE BREAKING BAD!!! SO GOOD! I need to watch Gilmore Girls. That's on my list.

  11. I want to compliment your blog, it looks fantastic. The college life has been a little much lately, so I haven't stopped by in a while, so I haven't seen your remodeling till now. I like it! And, I love Netflix too. I have seen The Office and totally ship Pam and Jim too. As for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, I have only seen a few episodes here and there, but they are fabulous! Some shows I enjoy are Supernatural, White Collar, and Burn Notice. There are many more of course, but those are the big ones coming to mind right now :)

    1. Burn Notice is one I want to watch, that looks really good. Thank you, glad you like the new design!!! :)

  12. I don't do Netflix anymore, so when I want time away from books (yes, there are a few of those times), I turn to Lifetime movies. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

    1. I haven't watched many Lifetime movies, as far as I know.

  13. Ahhhh! THESE LOOK AMAZING! I would really like to see The Office. I adore Leverage and they did a parody episode of the Office and it was HILARIOUS. xDXD Leverage is all heists and guns and running around stealing stuff, so it was just so weird and hilarious, that episode. *dies laughing* LEAST TO SAY. Leverage is one of my favourite shows. Also Psych! Again, erm, crime and dead bodies and stuff BUT SO FUNNY. I also watch Game of Thrones (it huuuuurts) and OMG HAVE YOU SEEN AGENT CARTER??? It is incredible for superhero/feminism. :')

    1. WATCH THE OFFICE!!! CAIT!!!! WATCH IT!!! IT IS AMAZING. I AM FAR TOO IN LOVE WITH IT. DO IT, DO IT!!! Now I want to watch Leverage... JUST FOR THAT! >.< I haven't seen Agent Carter, but I should probably watch it.

  14. I love Netflix too, it is fun to binge. Friday Night Lights is great, but there are so many…too many to name! Scandal, of course. Alias. Heroes, Fringe, Gilmore Girls, The 100. I still need to watch Community and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I don't think these are on Netflix, but if you have Amazon Prime, 24 is amazing. So is The Good Wife. And Roswell. TOO MANY SHOWS!!! ~Pam

    1. Oooh. I have heard a lot about Friday Night Lights, have really wanted to watch that. I still need to watch Scandal and Gilmore Girls, two I have wanted for so long. I HAVE PRIME!!!

  15. I LOVE Community! I don't see very many people who watch it, which saddens me. Remedial Chaos Theory is actually my favorite episode in the whole series. So, so great.

    1. YAY!!! So happy to find someone else who watched Community, that show is AMAZING!!!

  16. Netflix is SO BAD FOR ME. I just want to lay down in my dorm room and binge instead of doing ANYTHING productive. I have a problem where I can't watch the half hour comedy shows - I've never been able to. I did manage to watch New Girl but I wasn't really paying attention like 75% of the time, haha. I DO want to watch Parks and Rec at some point in my life because apparently I remind everyone of the most negative character, haha. I think her name is April? Anyway, I've binged The 100 (as like my third rewatch haha), One Tree Hill, Agents of SHIELD, Grey's Anatomy, and Hart of Dixie, and my guilty pleasure of PLL this summer. I definitely use Netflix for a lot of rewatchs, haha.

    1. Yeah, that's basically all I want to do with my time too!!! I love April, she is the best characters!!! I NEED TO BINGE THE 100. I have heard it is really good.

  17. The Office is one of the best comedy shows I've seen. I still quote them when I'm having conversations with my boyfriend. I love Michael, I ship Jim/Pam like crazy and Dwight is just hilarious. I should check out Community! Unbreakable Kim is on my watch list.

    TV shows I love to binge watch: Hart of Dixie, Once upon a time, New Girl, Big bang theory, Game of Thrones, The 100, Vikings.

    1. Community is so funny! Especially after season 1. The Office is my ultimate show. I think it might be my number 1 top show.

  18. I miss netflix :( The Office is my favorite as well, The Injury a great episode! :) I've been saving for box sets like Smallville and Full House but now I need to add The Office!

    1. I want to own The Office too! Just for those times when Netflix fails on me or my internet goes down =O I am OBSESSED!

  19. I don't have Netflix :'( It only just got to Australia and my family can't afford it yet. These are all shows I haven't seen but would love to watch one day!!

    1. Netflix is highly addictive. It steals all of my time... and I don't mind!

  20. A binge is good now and again :) I've been doing the same on Amazon Prime Streaming. It's nice in the background while doing blog rounds and such :) Right now I'm on Strike Back. Whew! The action and the man candy is to die for.

    1. I know. I have Prime streaming and it gets a little addictive at times. I like watching stuff in the background too.


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