Films for Thoughts on Thursday: The Scorch Trials

This is a weekly meme that I am hosting here at Reviews from a Bookworm. To take part all you have to do is share a movie review once a week, link back to Reviews from a Bookworm and add your link to the linky tool.

This weeks movie review will be for:

The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

I went to see The Scorch Trials last week, and I am happy that I can say I really enjoyed it. I was excited, but also very nervous, about seeing it. I had really enjoyed the first film, but I was scared because I didn't want this to be a disastrous sequel like Insurgent was. But it wasn't. It was really good and I can't wait for the final movie...

Be warned that I won't be able to comment on whether this is a loyal adaptation or not. I DID NOT READ THE BOOK. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I read and reviewed the first book, and I hated it. It just did not work for me at all. But my love of Dylan O'Brien meant that I still wanted to see the film, as did the advert. I could tell the film was going to be different from the book, and I was right. They changed so much, and I am sure that was the case with this movie too. I honestly don't think they are going to be doing faithful adaptations, and I am all for that because I really think they are improving them. 

I reviewed the first movie last year and talked about how much I enjoyed it. I ended up giving that film 7/10 because I really did enjoy it, but I found the ending frustrated and wanted more answers, ones that actually made sense. I still feel like the answers we get in this movie don't make complete sense either, but I still enjoyed it and hope that everything is wrapped up nicely in the final movie. I have to say that I am so pleased they are not going to split it into two parts, that is being far too overdone right now in the YA adaptations. 

I don't want to give too much away about the film, especially since I myself went in knowing absolutely nothing. The direction this story went in was something I was completely not expecting, and also surprised I'd never heard about this series before. But I don't want to say what that is because it will ruin it for others who also know very little about the series. I loved the surprise twist to this story and something I never saw coming. 

I loved the pacing of this movie, I thought it was as great as the first one. It is action-packed, but it also allows for a few quiet moments where we can get to know characters a little better. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen, I was scared I would miss something. I felt this one had some amazing and beautiful shots in it too, especially in the scenes set out in the Scorch. 

I adored the casting of the first film, and was quite pleased with the new characters we go in this film and the choice of actors for them. The wonderful banter between the characters was one of my favourite things about the first film. I felt that was still evident in this film, but was less frequent because this film seemed a bit more urgent and dangerous than the previous film, which is saying a lot. 

I really did not like Theresa in this film. I don't know where her characters story is going in the next film but I hope she dies. I hope a giant piano falls out of the sky and lands on her head. Or she falls off a cliff. Or gets crushed by a rolling boulder, Indiana Jones style. Or drowns in an inch of water. I wish for death for that character. Does this make me a bad person?!? Maybe, but still... I am not a fan.


I really, really enjoyed this film. I loved the acting and the pacing of it. I was really surprised by where this movie went, in terms of what the Cranks were. I was surprised, but pleasantly so. I really loved that about the film and it added so much more action and drama to it. I am far too attached to these characters though and this makes me very nervous for the final movie. I don't want my favourite characters to die, and I am a little nervous they might. If you enjoyed the first film then you definitely need to go and see the sequel, it is just as good. 

I also filmed a review and discussion video, where I talk about the film in detail, including all the spoilers. So if you have already seen it and want to know my detailed thoughts, then give the video a watch. 


  1. I may know Theresa's fate ahead of things because of the books but your predictions made me laugh! I haven't seen the movie yet, but I fully intend to after loving those books and finding the first movie to be okay. The main issue I had with the first one was the pacing because I found it slow but it seems like that balance maybe have worked out better here?

    1. Haha, thank you. I just HATE her so much in this film. She annoyed the absolute shit out of me. I was not a fan and I am eagerly awaiting her demise, so it better come.

  2. SO happy to hear this because you just never know!

  3. Normally, I like to read the book first and then watch the movie, but I'm getting ready to break my little tradition with The Martian. I really want to see the movie when it comes out, but for some reason, I don't think I'd like the book as well.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  4. So how do you really feel about Theresa? :) I had to laugh at your thoughts on her. I never read any of the books but just from the first movie she seemed kind of pointless. Like, it all could have happened the same way without her. Maybe she's pivotal in the books but I sure didn't get that from the first movie. Hoping to see Scorch Trials soon!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. HAHAH I know right. I dislike that girl with a passion. I WISH DEATH UPON THEE!!!

  5. I haven't seen this yet. D: BUT I WANT TO SO BAD BECAUSE THIS SERIES IS EVERYTHING TO ME. *hyperventilates* I actually love all the books and I died of happiness in the first movie. I mean, they changed stuff, but I think it was good changes and tied in a bit tighter? And of course DYLAN O'BRIEN, BASICALLY YES HE IS EVERYTHING. Also Newt. I can't remember his actor's name because I have a horrific memory but he's adorable and never ages. NEWWWWT. *ahem* Anyway. ;) I need to see this movie...and like nine billion others. Gah. For some reason I end up just reading and never watching movies?!? I miss it a bit. :P

    1. Yes... go see the movie. I know you have such love for this series, I love you despite of it ;) haha

  6. I have not seen the movie yet but I am excited to see it this weekend. I hope I enjoy it like I did the first movie.

    ~ Dre @ Sporadic Reads

  7. I was surprised when I really enjoyed The Maze Runner (having not read the series, which I think is the main reason why) - so I might as well give Scorch Trials a shot. I couldn't seem to get a clear idea of what it was about from anybody either. o_O

    Thanks for sharing! Great review, as always.

    1. I really enjoyed The Scorch Trials and I am now really excited for the final book.

  8. The more I hear about this movie, the more I want to see it! I mean, I wasn't a fan of the books either, but I also liked the first movie MUCh better than the book, so it stands to reason that I would like this one too, based on your feelings! I also hate Theresa. HATE. I doubt I will get to see this in theaters, based on the fact that I don't even know if it is still IN theaters and I have already spent way too much money on Mockingjay tickets, but I will be renting it as soon as it's on Amazon or something!! So glad you liked it, I am excited for it! Fabulous review!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. Me too. They =changed a lot and for the better. I can't wait to see what they do with the next film.


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