Top Ten Tuesday: Completed Series I Own But Haven't Read Yet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

Completed Series I Own But Haven't Read Yet

I decided to go through my bookshelves and find every complete series that I own, but have yet to even start. I thought it would be good to also let you guys vote on which series you think I should get to first. I have a lot of complete series I haven't started yet, over twenty series on my shelves right now. So I have just picked eleven series to make it easier to choose between, and I picked the eleven I am most curious about or excited to read.

The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare

I did actually read City of Bones years ago, but then I never continued the series. I wasn't a a big fan of book one, but I have heard the series gets better as it goes along. I got bought the whole series for Christmas, so definitely want to try and read them at some point. 

The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare

I've heard that this series is a lot better than the Mortal Instruments one, but I kind of feel like I need to read them in release order, so starting with the Mortal Instruments and making my way through them all in release date order. 

Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi

I have owned this whole series for far too long. I definitely need to hurry up and get to this!

Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead

I have heard so many wonderful things about this series and I really can't wait to start it. I just keep putting it off, probably because it seems like a big commitment, as I know I will want to binge read the whole series. 

Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy

I LOVED Demon Road by Derek Landy, so I am very eager to read this. I am also scared. Sounds like Derek Landy is like George R.R. Martin when it comes to killing characters.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor

This series should win some award for most beautiful covers. I adore the covers for this, very simple but very beautiful. I have heard amazing things about this series and Kat at Katytastic recommends it all the time. 

Penryn and the End of Days series by Susan Ee

Blood of Eden series by Julie Kagawa

Graceling Realm series by Kristin Cashore

Razorland series by Ann Aguirre

The Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater 

I've never read a Maggie Stiefvater book... but I own 7 of them! I need to get started on some before Cait spears me. 

What Series Should I Read First:

Create your own user feedback survey

I recently read Queen of Shadows - my spoiler free review will be up very soon - and wanted to discuss it in full. So I filmed my first ever book discussion video and uploaded it to YouTube.


  1. Congrats on posting your first ever video! I would go watch it, but I haven't read the book and I am trying to avoid spoilers, so I look forward to your post instead :) As for this survey, there was no reason I would vote for anything other than the Mortal Instruments series. I love those books like crazy <3 But that is quite a few series you have yet to start! I have the first in the Infernal Devices to go and I have the first two books in the Angelfall series. I hope you will like these series when you get to them!

    1. Thank you!!! :) It feels good to finally have started doing videos, even if I am not very good at it and feel slightly uncomfortable whilst I am doing it.

  2. So many of these I've been meaning to read too! But I vote for Daughter of Smoke and Bone; I'm curious to see what you'll think of it.

  3. WELL GUESS WHAT I VOTED FOR. I KNOW THIS IS A HARD ONE. XDXD *throws Maggie Stiefvater books at you for ever and always* hehe, Buuuuut also you need read Derek Landy. *nods* So do I actually. I've wimped off finishing the last 3 books, but I plan to this year?! Sometime?!?

    (Omg and I LOVE your vlog. You are so so soooo funny!! :D I haven't quite finished it because I'm just watching it in segments, but the whole time I'm nodding and saying "Omg she totally gets how I feel about this" and just GAH. TWINS ON THIS MATTER ENTIRELY, CHARNELL. <3)

    1. HAHA! I know, I just KNEW what you would think of that one. HAHA! YAY! I love that we are twining on that. We also are twins when it comes to our thoughts about A Thousand Nights. Beautiful writing, dull story!

  4. Vampire Academy seems to be popular! That was the series that led me back to reading YA books! Loved that series! I still need to read End of Days myself, though I LOVED Julie Kagawa's Blood of Eden trilogy!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yes, very popular. Looks like that will be the series I start next!

  5. I loved Shatter Me and VA(+Bloodlines). I'd started with them. I enjoyed the Cassandra Clare books too, but not as much.
    Congrats on your first video too :)

    1. I am exciting to get to all of these. VA seems to have won!

  6. I have so many series' that I've started but not finished that I'm too scared to consider how many I own but haven't even started! ;-) My TBR pile, I think it's eternal. My vote for which series you should start is definitely Maggie Stiefvater's. Always yes to Maggie Stiefvater! :-D

    My Top Ten!

  7. You should read TMI and TID in release order. I have TMI on my list this week too because I was told I should do TID before I finish the other series and I have yet to get around to it. I hope you enjoy them more than the first, book 3 has been my favourite thus far.

    My TTT

    1. Yes, that is what I keep hearing. Will definitely do that when I read them :)

  8. I'm going to watch your video later! YAY!
    I will always pick The Graceling trilogy. Love it. And it's pretty much a companion series. So full arc in each book.
    With Cassandra Clare you definitely need to read them in publication order. The story does kind of intertwine, I guess if you wanted to started with TID you'd be fine(and yes this trilogy is a thousand times better than TMI). But I wouldn't read TMI all the way through and come back to TID as the later TMI books will spoil TID. Especially Clockwork Princess.
    Re Shatter Me series, I absolutely loathed Shatter Me. But for some reason I decided to continue the trilogy. And I'm very happy I did. The second book is much better. Especially the second half. And Ignite Me I gave a 5* to. So I guess you never know.
    I'm the black sheep with Angelfall and The Immortal Rules. Read the first books in both series and found them pretty meh. So I'm not planning on continuing.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. YAY!!! Hope you enjoy it, haha. I can't watch it, it's far too painful!!!

      I am nervous about Shatter Me. I want to continue the series and see if I love it. But I suck at continuing series if I don't enjoy the first book. AHHHH! >.<

  9. I loved the Shatter Me trilogy! It's one of my favorites! I also need to finish Vampire Academy and The Mortal Instruments. The others I haven't read yet. I hope you finish them soon!

    My TTT

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes

    1. I'm excited for Shatter Me. It has some of the most beautiful covers as well.

  10. Can anyone blame you for not reading the Skulduggery series? Seriously, that series looks intense. I actually started the first book the other day and I was enjoying it...I don't know why I put it down actually. On the other hand, I'm too lazy to move so I could pick it up and continue it. #bookwormproblems

    My list

    1. I know. I am scared for my feels if I start that series. I am not sure I could handle it.

  11. Wow! So many good series for you to start! I voted for the Shatter Me series, but so many others I loved as well. Good luck!
    Check out my Top 10

    1. I am excited to read all of them, but think I might start with VA as that one the vote.

  12. I'm ashamed to admit I own all of these and haven't quite finished them all either. I have a really bad habit of buying all the books in a series before I have even started them LOL!

  13. I rather like the looks of Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor. Neat post!
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  14. Mercy Falls is what you should read first there is another book out that goes with this series. I promise you will love this series. Vampire Accademy should be the next series you read, I loved this series so much. A Series I didn't see listed "Tigers Curse" by Colleen Hauck is a must read series I would strongly suggest that anyone that has not read this series do so right away. It is AWESOME. I mean it is epic.

    1. I have heard amazing things about Tigers Curse and I really wanted to read that one myself.

  15. Mercy Falls is what you should read first there is another book out that goes with this series. I promise you will love this series. Vampire Accademy should be the next series you read, I loved this series so much. A Series I didn't see listed "Tigers Curse" by Colleen Hauck is a must read series I would strongly suggest that anyone that has not read this series do so right away. It is AWESOME. I mean it is epic.

  16. I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone! I hope that series comes out on top on your survey. :D

    I just finished Penryn and the End of Days and am so pleased at myself, haha. It feels good to complete a series.

  17. I really enjoyed Penryn & the End of Days and Vampire Academy! I also really want to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone and the Skulduggery Pleasant series :)

    Great list -and I love that you added a survey!

    1. I'm terrible at making decisions, so it kind of feels good to let others decide for me! haha!

  18. I think a lot of people have voted for that one, so it will probably be the next series I binge read.

  19. Skulduggery Pleasant is freaking amazing! It's probably my all-time favorite series! The first 3 books are more MG but then from book 4 things get more complicated and darker and there's so much pain and sarcasm and gah, I just love it so much! :) Enjoy!

    1. I definitely need to hurry up and start it! I MUST DO IT SOON!

  20. I really need to pick up the Shatter Me series. It definitely seems like something I would love. The newest series that I just picked up was...Throne of Glass. I just started today & am absolutely in love with it already!
    Finding Perfect Review

  21. You have so many AMAZING series to read, I'm actually sort of sad that I've read them already. And yes, reading Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices in release order makes complete sense to me given what you find out, etc. You cannot finish Mortal Instruments before reading Infernal Devices, that would ruin Infernal Devices. Just my two cents! ~Pam

    1. I really need to get to that series, especially now that I own them all.

  22. Your blog is so pretty! I love your graphics, too :-D OMG - I thought I was the only one left who hasn't read the Mortal Instruments series. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series more than the first book. I have to admit, I'm more intrigued by the Infernal Devices series because I love historical fiction. The Vampire Academy series sounds really good! I own the first and the last book - don't ask haha! I hope you enjoy all of these series when you get to them :-D Just subscribed to your booktube channel!

    Sarah @ Novels & Whimsy

    1. Aww, thank you!!! :) Nope, I am left out of the loop on that series too. I really have to hurry up and get to it.

  23. Vampire Academy is one of my first YA series. I really enjoyed the books, and I am sure you will too! They are also quick reads, and the ship is awesome!


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