Blogoversary Celebration & Giveaway!

I have been blogging for TWO YEARS! Which feels rather amazing to me. I know I have been absent from the blog for quite some time now, but I plan to come back with a vengeance, starting with a blogoversary celebration!

My first blogoversary came round so quickly, it hardly felt like it had been a year at all. Two years feels so different, it feels like I have been blogging for so much longer than that now. Now blogging can be so much fun, but it can also be a lot of work. It's the wonderful community that makes blogging worthwhile, and what makes me keep writing posts. I have got to know so many amazing bloggers and they have made blogging a million times easier for me.

I need to thank you all! To all of you reading this. To everyone who's commented, who's visited me, who's followed the blog. You're all amazing and wonderful and you've made every minute I've spent blogging worth it!

What I've done in the last two years:

475 posts
166 reviews
5,318 total followers
268,940 total pageviews
Far too many hours spent at my laptop

Like last year, the most popular search term that leads people to my blog is still non-Disney movies, which takes them to my posts on my favourite non-Disney movies. I am happy people are still finding those posts though, as I had a lot of fun making them! 

Most popular reviews:

Most popular discussions:

Why You Love The Blog

I had absolutely no clue how I wanted to celebrate my two year blogoversary, and I am still struggling. But I did decide to ask some of my fellow bloggers to give me a reason why they like my blog, what gets them to keep coming back. These girls are all amazing, and each one has a blog that you should definitely be checking out asap. I was all teary-eyed by the wonderful things they had to say about the blog. THANKS GIRLS!

"I'm such an avid fan of Charnell's blog. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. Basically, I never want to miss a post. I love her passionate (and detailed) reviews and how friendly she is and super epic to chat with. And her passion for books?! #goals Please never stop blogging and also maybe adopt me so I can live in your library and eat all your books." - Cait @ Paper Fury

"Charnell is one of the kindest, most attentive and genuinely generous bloggers I know. Having started our blogging journeys in close succession of one another and looking at what we've both achieved, I could not be prouder of her and Reviews From a Bookworm. When life has kicked her down, Charnell has gotten back up and shown life who is boss, and when things have been tough, she's never forgotten about her blog, her followers, or what it is she loves about blogging. Her content is passionate, unique and inventive - it jumps of the page with personality, and her straight to the point and fangirling reviews never fail to impress me. I could not imagine what the last two years of blogging would have been like without Charnell's blog, her support and kindness, and her friendship, and I sincerely hope she carries on blogging on Reviews from a Bookworm long into the future." - Amanda @ Nellie and Co.

"I've pretty much been following Reviews From A Bookworm since I started blogging. I remember coming across Charnell's blog and immediately clicking with the reviews and posts. There's a reason why Reviews From A Bookworm has a strong and growing following and that's because of Charnell's honest, detailed and personality filled reviews. As an added bonus her personality shows through in her creativity in any discussions, TAGS or other posts she comes up with. I love having a trusted blogger friend in Charnell. It's what I take out most from blogging; the book nerd friendships. Happy Blogoversary, Reviews From A Bookworm! You can count on me being around for the many more to come."Brittany @ This is the Story of My Reading Life

"Charnell's passion for books comes through in every post she writes. Her reviews are insightful, her hauls drool-worthy, and her profession gives her credibility in all things bookish. All that, and she has a gorgeous blog design!" - Rachel @ Confessions of a Book Geek

"I adore Reviews From A Bookworm! Charnell's reviews are always great and her blog is so pretty it gives me serious blog envy. Her beautiful instagram photos put the mess that is my bookshelf to shame too!" - Mikayla @ Mikayla's Bookshelf

Blogger Love

Those five wonderful women above aren't the only wonderful bloggers that I follow, or have helped me out in my two years of blogging. I appreciate every person who takes the time to stop by my blog and check out my content, and I love it when they enjoy what they find. So I just want to take a moment to say thank you to all of you!

Ella @ Once Upon a Bookish Time | Ebony @ Daring Damsels | Mel @ The Daily Prophecy | Allie @ Little Birdie Books | Zoe @ Stories on Stage | Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books | Anna @ Herding Cats & Burning Soup | Anne @ Lovely Literature | Pam @ YA Escape From Reality | Eileen @ BookCatPin | Patty @ Patty's Book Corner | Chuckles @ Churckles Book Cave | Jess @ My Reading Dress | Rachel @ Confessions of a Book Geek | Kindlemom @ My Guilty Obsession | Kay @ It's A Book Life | Jess @ Jess Watkins | Alma @ Journey Through Fiction | Mara @ The Reading Hedgehog | Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Breathes Books | Ashana @ Ashana Lian | Finley @ Finley Jayne | Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road | Natalie @ The Written Adventure | Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books | Kelly @ Diva Booknerd | Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight | Kara @ Diary of Teen Writer | Olivia @ Olivia's Catastrophe | Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf | Mishma @ Chasing Faerytales  | Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes | Alexandra @ Milky Way of Books | Emma @ Awkwardly Emma | Sophie @ Sophie Reads YA | Kitty @ My Little Corner of Books | Alexandria @ The Book's Buzz | Eugenia @ Genie in a Book | Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf | Zaira @ Addicted Readers  | Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Books | Rachel @ Obsessed with Fairy Tales | Zoey @ Uncreatively Zoey | Lauren @ Bookmark Lit | Jess @ A Book Addict's Bookshelf  | Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog | Cassie @ Cassie the Weird | P.E Mari @ The Sirenic Codex | Kate @ Sporadic Reads | Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

Really sorry if I forgot anyone!!!

I can't celebrate my blogoversary without holding a giveaway for all of my amazing followers. One winner will win up to £30 worth of books from Book Depository. This will be open internationally, as long as Book Depository ships to your country.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway Winners

I went on a very unplanned blog break. It was needed, but I didn't plan for it and I really did go off the grid as far as the blog goes. As such, I completely forgot to announce giveaway winners for THREE seperate giveaways. Ooops! 

£40 worth of books from Book Depository: Daniel S (The Bloggers Bookshop)
Copy of Night Owls (UK): Claire Samuel 
Copy of Night Owls (INT): Valentina B-V
Copy of Game of Love and Death: Emma McAndrew
Copy of Game of Love and Death: Mirlou

Each of you should have received an email! Please reply ASAP!


  1. Thanks so much for the mention, Charnell! And HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! Two years is such a short time period in comparison to how much you have built up on this blog. I hope there are plenty more years to come <3 And I look forward to seeing you around a bit more too. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

    1. Thank you! It has gone by so quickly. I am hoping my third year of blogging will go a lot more smoothly and see me doing a lot more on the blog then I have in the past.

  2. Happy blogoversary! :D
    I love reading your posts, especially the film reviews and look forward to reading future posts.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Happy Blogoversary! I enjoy your reviews and giveaways! ♡ Thank you

  4. Great post. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Hope you will still blogging two years from now and beyond. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  5. I just love to read your reviews. And your discussion posts have been fun when I get time to read them as well. Happy 2nd Blogoversary!

  6. Love your book reviews! You read a lot of the same things I do, so I like getting that second opinion or view point! LOL!

  7. Aw, you're welcome Charnell! I'm so glad you've achieved what you have and that's super duper awesome and I'm so so happy for you, and here's to loads of more blogging to come in the future! :D

    1. I know, let us hope I can stick to actually blogging now. WE SHALL SEE!!!

  8. Helou!! thanks a lot! I am new around here but I love you reviews!

  9. Congratulations on 2 years!! I hit a blogging slump shortly after you did, and I haven't quite come out of it yet. I can feel a change coming though, I think I'll be back soon! Just have to ride it out! So happy to be able to provide you with a comment for this post - love your blog and I'm glad you're feeling the blogging bug again, hopefully I'll follow suit soon!! R xxx

    1. I think I might have finally left the reading slump. WE SHALL SEE!

  10. What wonderful comments and I couldn't agree more with them! I love all your fun discussions and reviews. Happy blogaversary!!

  11. Happy Blogoversary, my dear friend. Spend the day buying more books because why not? :D
    Thanks for being the fabulous you.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  12. Happy Blogoversary...takes some commitment to keep a blog going - well done!

  13. Happy Blogversary!! What I like about your blog is..everything! I love the reviews (especially the gifs) and I usually pick my next read based on your recommendations. Also, the giveaways :) Thank you for your generosity to share to us broke bookworms :)

  14. Happy, Happy Blogoversary! My favorite thing is always the reviews. I love seeing someone get excited over a new book and it always makes me smile and makes my ever growing TBR list longer but I appreciate them all. Thank you for all the hard work you put in to it all. I hope you have many more blogging years ahead.

    1. Thank you! I am happy to hear that people love the reviews, as it feels like those are the ones that people don't love. So happy that isn't the case :)

  15. Congrats on two years, my dear!! I remember you were one of the first people to ever comment on my blog. Your kindness and comments really helped me "get out there" in the blogging world and interact with others. I adore you and your blog (and our mutual love for Chaol and all things Throne of Glass). I'm so glad I've gotten to know you!! <3 <3

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. Thank you!!! I LOVE your blog and still remember when I found you.

  16. AHHH CONGRATS ON 2 YEARS!! !!! OMG CAKE FOR EVERYONE !!! *tips sprinkles over your head* And awww, you are an incredibly special bean of course and I'm so glad you're going to be blogging more. :D (Although I totally understand that life gets exhausting. ;) But I do miss it when you're gone!!) *tackle hugs you and your fabulous blog*

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! :) I failed at blogging more, but I am getting better at it now.

  17. YAY BLOGAVERSARY TIME!! Your passion and enthusiasm for books makes you one of my favourite people in the blogosphere and I'm so glad to know you!! Here's to another year of fangirling, throne of glass and everything awesomely bookish!! ;) <33

  18. Happy Blogoversary! You've got some amazing statistics. :D I still remember the Disney posts - those were awesome and certainly an inspiration to other bloggers. Keep up with your wonderful ideas and lots of happy reading hours! :D

    1. Thank you!!!! :) I am glad people remember and enjoyed the Disney ones :)

  19. I love the honesty and enthusiasm evident in your posts :) Happy Blogaversary xx

    1. Thank you! I am glad that comes across. I always pride myself on being honest. Honest about my opinions on books, but also movies and my own life :)

  20. I love your reviews x and love how your passinate,like me about reading x

  21. Happy Blogversary!! Love your reviews. ;)

  22. I absolutely love your header and the font you use! It's so cute and amazing! I also quite enjoy your reviews!

  23. Happy blogoversary, Charnell! I love your blog theme (it's just so pretty and pleasing to the eye) and your honest book reviews.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  24. I am a sad, uninformed potato who's just discovering you (via Cait's blog, because I go to worship at Cait's blog daily). Though we've been following you on Instagram for quite awhile now, as it turns out. ALL THE BOOK PICTURES! This blog is just so lovely! Now we can stalk you everywhere else, too! Happy blogoversary, dear!!! Your blogoversary was on my actual birthday, and that's just all kinds of awesome!

    (Also, we're both reading Six of Crows right now, and... so much yes for Six of Crows.)

    (Also, methinks your Instagram link in the actual giveaway widget is broken.)

    (Also, happy blogoversary again! Huzzah!)

    - Lexie @ The Honest Bookclub

    1. I worship her blog daily too!!!! IT IS LIFE ;) HAHA

      I am getting back into Instgram and I am rather addicted.

  25. I was happily surprised that you mentioned me, thank you <3 Congratulations on two years. It's been great following you for such a long time and I hope you'll be around for many more years.

  26. Happy Blogoversary!!
    I Love the "Why you love the blog" section, so much fun

    Thanks so much for the shout-out! :)

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

  27. Happy Blogoversary!!! Congrats on two years, that is such an amazing accomplishment! And thank you for mentioning me, you are just too sweet!

    Also, now I am reading all the old posts and reviews you linked too hahha. I am curious about James Patterson, Non-Disney, and the commenting one (because I feel you lately- I have felt so overwhelmed, so I NEED this post in my life!) Congrats again, and hopefully many more to come :)
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  28. Aww that's so sweet of you to mention me!! I never get mentioned :) You made my week! Your blog is totally adorable and creative!! I love the things you come up with. Congrats on 2 years!! I hope you keep going for a long time to come :)

  29. Congratulations Charnell on two years blogging, that is such an amazing milestone! I wish you all the best blogging success for the future as well, you deserve it :) PS. That's so nice of you to mention me x

    Eugenia @ Genie In A Book

  30. I love your blog. I didn't know it before but I am a fan now

  31. Congrats on your Blogoversary! I really enjoy your reviews as well as everything else you post. :D

  32. I love all your awesome reviews!!

  33. Happy blogversary!!! Congratulations on the milestones, you deserve it (and more)! Your blog continues to be one of my favorite book blogs <3 I always look forward to reading your posts. I especially love how you include GIFs ;D

  34. Happy blogversary!!! Congratulations on the milestones, you deserve it (and more)! Your blog continues to be one of my favorite book blogs <3 I always look forward to reading your posts. I especially love how you include GIFs ;D

  35. This is late but congratulations on the blogoversary Charnell! It's been amazing getting to know you and I love your in-depth reviews! Thanks for the lovely shout out <3

  36. Congrats on two years!! I really enjoy your reviews :) And seeing Chandler in this post just made me extra happy :)
    Ana M. on Rafflecopter

  37. I like reading reviews

    Lynsey Buchanan

  38. I've only just discovered your blog. I love books, but have limited time (& money) so important that I don't waste precious resources on books that I don't like. Hence I follow several review sites to help steer me towards things worth reading. Your site looks like it can help.

    1. Well I am glad to hear that. I spend far too much money on books :(

  39. Happy, happy blogoversary, Charnell! Two years seems like such a feat to me, you should definitely be proud. I love reading all of your reviews, and you are so lovely and nice on twitter.

    I've just realised you mentioned me too, and I'm so grateful for it - you're one of the first bloggers I connected with, and I can't thank you enough xxxx

    Sophie @ Sophie Reads YA

    1. Thank you!!! It has been a long two years but very enjoyable. Hopefully I will be here for many mores :)

  40. Thank you. I am glad you enjoy my blog and my personality ;) Well... I think I might finally actually be back :):):)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.