Weekly Recap: I Read & I Rant

Hey, look at me, still going strong with this old blogging thing! I am so happy to be back and blogging more regularly, I had really missed it. I have really loved getting post scheduled and ready to post. These last two weeks have just been me trying to keep up to date with all my reading and reviewing. I have also gotten back into Instagram, and I might be a little bit addicted. I just love taking bookish pictures.

This week I also posted my first rant post in forever, which all stemmed from the discussion that was going on over Jennifer Niven's new book, Holding Up the Universe. I actually had far too much fun writing it, because I really do love a good rant. It's very therapeutic and helps to get all my feelings out over it. And the response to it was wonderful, so far no one has tried to kill me! 

I've also been having a mini panic about wedding plans. Now that I'm engaged, people keep asking me about the wedding. I don't know what that's a surprise for me, haha! I kind of plan for a long engagement, as we want to save for a house before a wedding - £60,000 deposits are hard to come by! My issue is that the idea of planning the wedding and the wedding itself makes me feel sick. And not because I don't want to get married. That bit I am cool about. But it's like I've only just realised that weddings involve getting up and speaking in front of a large group of people. I have anxiety... that is basically my worst nightmare. So now I want to plan a very small ceremony and dinner, then have everyone for the reception. Only problem is that I know family will get all offended. But, screw it, it's my wedding and I'll do what I want. Anybody else with anxiety out there who got married? How bad was the being in front of people part?

When We Collided by Emery Lord, The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig, Death or Ice Cream? by Gareth P. Jones, Mind Your Head by Juno Dawson & First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen

I've already read When We Collided and I absolutely loved it, it was so good. It is a beautiful contemporary that deals with grief and mental illness, and it gave me all the feels! I am so excited for The Girl from Everywhere and I actually really love the UK cover for it. It's lovely! Death or Icecream? also has a really cool cover and I have just started this one, it's very weird but in the best possible way. Mind Your Head is the book I wish had been around for me when I was a teenager. 

Tell the Wind and Fire by Sarah Rees Brennan, Star Struck by Jenny McLachlan, Flawed by Cecelia Ahern, The Season of You and Me by Robin Constantine & Please Don't Tell Me by Laura Tims

So many good books to get through! I am definitely going to have to make a lot of time for reading! 

I reached 4,000 followers on Instagram and so decided to hold a giveaway. It finishes on the 10th of February and you can find it here.


  1. OOoh nice haul! Lots of new to me ones here! Love Toothless picture! I have me one of those as well!! He was too cute and I just decided I wanted him, so I built him! LOL!

    Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I personally think saving up for a house as opposed to a big old wedding is definitely having your priorities straight! When the Hubs and I got engaged, we were living in Oklahoma (Midwestern, USA), but all of my family lived here in Virginia (East Coast, USA). I did not want to have a big wedding, and we discussed going to Vegas, or waiting and having a beach wedding... but in the end, we just went to the local courthouse, got married and went on a brief honeymoon. It was lovely- I had one of my brothers "give me away" via speakerphone. :) I think having a small ceremony but a large reception is a great compromise- and you're right- it's your wedding, do what you want and don't worry what others think. The ceremony isn't the important part of the marriage- it's all the days after that count.

    And I really enjoyed your discussion post/rant and hope to see more! Also, First Frost is a lovely read- I love everything by Sarah Addison Allen though!

  3. I personally think saving up for a house as opposed to a big old wedding is definitely having your priorities straight! When the Hubs and I got engaged, we were living in Oklahoma (Midwestern, USA), but all of my family lived here in Virginia (East Coast, USA). I did not want to have a big wedding, and we discussed going to Vegas, or waiting and having a beach wedding... but in the end, we just went to the local courthouse, got married and went on a brief honeymoon. It was lovely- I had one of my brothers "give me away" via speakerphone. :) I think having a small ceremony but a large reception is a great compromise- and you're right- it's your wedding, do what you want and don't worry what others think. The ceremony isn't the important part of the marriage- it's all the days after that count.

    And I really enjoyed your discussion post/rant and hope to see more! Also, First Frost is a lovely read- I love everything by Sarah Addison Allen though!

  4. Great haul! Hope you enjoy your books.

    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  5. It's your wedding, do what you want. Saving for a house is a good thing. I get that. I hope you get what you want. You got some interesting books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. I hope to see wedding pictures, miss! Or at least a picture of you in your stunning gown ;) I'm sure all the preparations will come together nicely. I love the cover for The Girl From Everywhere, and I hope you love the inside as well! Please Don't Tell sounds awesome, and I can't wait to read your thoughts. Happy weekend!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

  7. First off loved your rant post!! Second weddings are nuts and just do what you want! You will offend someone no matter what anyways. Yay for that book haul. Lots of great looking books. Have a great week!

  8. And it is so good to have you back too :D! It is indeed YOUR wedding, so your rules and family should just accept your decisions.

  9. You got so many lovely books this week! I've seen loads of UK bloggers open their packages of The Girl From Everywhere, and it looks so cool! I hope you enjoy it, and all the other beautiful books you got this week. Good luck with the wedding planning, too :D

    Denise | The Bibliolater

  10. I don't think I can give any advice on the marriage part ;) But it is your wedding, so feel free to do whatever you want to do. And yes, I love that you have been around more and I am glad you're enjoying it. Don't worry, I am just as addicted when it comes to instagram. It's so much fun to take pictures of books <3 Lovely haul! I have been hearing a lot of good things about Flawed! And The Girl From Everywhere is one we have in common :3

  11. It's your wedding do what you want, but also consider your fiance and what he wants. It's nerve racking to stand up there and speak, but it's an extremely special day. Good luck and congrats!

    In terms of the long engagement, enjoy it the best you can. Unfortunately though, the questions about the wedding plans will never stop. People are just excited for you and trying to be nice, they don't realize/remember that is actually causes anxiety.

    Best of luck!

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

  12. I'm very shy and an introvert, but I didn't have a problem with being up front for my wedding (giving a presentation for a college class was way worse lol). We had a small wedding though, with only 100 guests and they were mostly family, so I was pretty comfortable around them. Also, you don't really speak during the ceremony, except for repeating a few words. You face away from the audience for most of it too, so that helps! But, the trend right now is to do a private/small ceremony and then a larger reception afterwards, or even a few weeks after. We were invited to two wedding events last year, and both were this format. So, if that's what you want to do, then go for it!

  13. Congratulations on your engagement. If it makes you feel any better, traditionally the bride doesn't have to stand up and make a speech... but you will be the object of the speeches (unless you break tradition!) It's your wedding, you decide what's okay :)

    I will be looking out to see what you think of The Girl from Everywhere - it looks good.

  14. I am so jealous you got Tell the Wind and Fire! I am a huge fan of Sarah Rees Brennan. I hope you enjoy your new books!

  15. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 10 years now. He proposed the same year we started dating, however we decided to spend the money we had saved buying a House instead of a big wedding. We love our home and now everything we save goes towards fixing/decorating/house related stuff. We are planning on having a private ceremony at the beach (me, him, our sisters) and then having a party in our huge backyard! My point is: it is your day, the happiest day of YOUR life. Enjoy it, make the best of it. In the end it is finding the right life mate that matters most!

  16. I can't wait for Tell the Wind and Fire! It sounds so amazing. I am also really excited for Flawed! I hope you love all your new books. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  17. Hi - Well, as far as your wedding goes (congrats by the way!), you should definitely follow your heart in your plans. Your book pics are very creative. I like many of the books and look forward to your reviews. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  18. Wow, great haul! :D The cover for The Girl from Everywhere is so freaking beautiful! ♥♥

  19. I enjoyed The Girl from Everywhere -- more than I expected to, really. And I'm thinking about picking up Mind Your Head. Looks like an interesting haul!

  20. I have such infinite love for your rant I shared it on my weekend post. xD IT WAS PERFECT. Ahem. Also, omg I hear you with the anxiety. :O Not that I'm near to getting married or anything (heeeck nope xDXD) but i can't even imagine standing up in front of people and having ALL the attention on me. That's like an anxious person's worst nightmare?! I've been invited to be a bridesmaid in two of my friends' wedding and omg I couldn't do it. I FELT LIKE A BAD FRIEND BUT NOPE. But seriously, just screw it and do what works and is most comfortable for you. ;) It is your day after all, right?!

    Also I must pause and shriek: THE GIRL FROM EVERYWHERE IS AMAZING!! I LURVE IT!! IT'S SO SO GOOD!! I mean, it's a little slow? But I just wish to hug it and it's definitely been a highlight of the year so far. :')

  21. First of all - CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT! I shall now proceed to ask you ABSOLUTELY NO QUESTIONS ABOUT THE WEDDING! Aren't I a fabulous blogger-friend? I'm here to balance those other ones out. ;) And re: your question, I've had anxiety about being IN A WEDDING PARTY, let alone being THE MAIN CAKE TOPPING. Wowza. But for what it's worth, from my wedding-party-anxiety experiences, you tend to build it all up WAY more stressful and more high-maintenance than it ends up being. No one knows HOW to get married until they get married. Y'know. Unless they're re-marrying, but that's a whooooooole 'nother cake topping to tackle. And I WORE PANTS EVERY TIME, which only goes to prove that you DO have the freedom to make it your own - ESPECIALLY when it's, in fact, YOUR wedding. There's nothing YOU have to do that YOU don't want to do. That's the beauty of the whole "your day" adage.

    I've gotta run now! I have A GLORIOUS RANT to catch up on. ;) See you in said rant in 1-3 minutes.

    - Lexie

  22. Congratulations on your engagement! I am so excited for you. Good luck with the wedding planning. I don't think you're unfair in wanting your wedding to be for you and your fiance rather than for all of his family, but wish you luck to achieving it.

    I love your bookstagram posts (if they aren't ones, they should be!).

  23. Congratulations on getting engaged! That's so exciting!
    Your haul is awesome, and I hope you'll enjoy your new books.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  24. Awesome haul! I'm looking forward to reading quite a few of these too. Hope you enjoy every one! :-D Also, I totally agree with your rant. And all of your gifs. ;-) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  25. Wow that's some amazing books you got this week! I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading :)

    Sofia @ SofiaLovesReading

  26. CONGRATS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT!!! That's so exciting! As I'm only 16 I haven't gotten married but I do have anxiety and I know how terrifying it is talking in front of a large group of people. I think because it's your wedding day you should do what makes YOU happy. It's your special day and you shouldn't do anything that will cause you unnecessary stress! :) Also, your new books look amazing. Enjoy!:)

  27. Congratulations on getting engaged. If you lived in the U.S. you could get a quicky wedding in Las Vegas! With how much a wedding costs, you could probably fly to the U.S., get married in Vegas and have a little honeymoon for far cheaper than a traditional wedding. I think if you are saving for a house, people will understand.
    Anyhow, back to books...I received The Girl From Everywhere this week too, so I hope it is wonderful. have a great week.

  28. Your blog is officially my new fav! I love to take bookish pictures myself too and post them on my tumblr. Do you have a booklr as well or not? :)
    The layout of your blog is adorable, I think I might be a bit in love with it

    ~ Amber, http://thenamelessbookblog.blogspot.nl/

  29. I feel you on the wedding planning. I scrapped them all and eloped. Ha! It was partly due to anxiety over the whole center of attention thing and partly because I simply Did Not Care about the whole planning process. Choosing flowers, and colors, and which napkins... ugh. So tedious! I had zero interest. I wanted to be married - and totally didn't care about the wedding part. So my husband and I very quietly planned an elopement and that was that. We had a small family gathering after the fact and I couldn't have been happier about doing it my way. Took all the stress of of a happy time.

    When We Collided is high on my TBR. I'm excited to read that one. Great haul! :)

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  30. 4k followers!! Look at you, building an empire!! =D And look at all of the cool books for review. Death or Ice Cream made me laugh. :3

    WAIT. Somehow I missed the part where you got engaged. CONGRATULATIONS, LADY!!! (I can't help that automatic feeling of being happy for you, even though I'm doubtful and sceptical about marriage myself. LOL let me shut up now.) Do you HAVE to speak in front of people? It's your wedding, right?! You're the one who's paying a fortune. You should have a special white tent or carriage that you can hide out in, and then people have to come in and speak to you one at a time. And you could even still do the speech from inside the tent so everybody can hear you but not see you. How's that for a problem solved? Heheh c:
    (Then again, who am I to give advice with no experience of weddings or authority on the matter whatsoever? XD)

  31. Congrats on being engaged! Take your time on planning the wedding, I took a year to plan mine and it was 23 years ago! Also, keep in mind that it's only one day, don't go overboard :) I hope you love all your new books!

  32. And that's why a bunch of couples do destination weddings. Being a travel agent, I booked them a lot. Especially as the years go on. It's not only cheaper, but it also means you can cut down on who you invite and hey no one is allowed to get offended. :/ Do what you want and everyone else can suck it.
    Great books this week! I have a few of them myself. But I will say that I'm envious over When We Collided. I NEEDS it in my hands like last year. :D


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