I Need More Historical Fiction!

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:

Historical Settings I Love

Ancient Egypt 

I think my love for Ancient Egypt comes from two separate things. My childhood love of the movie The Prince of Egypt, followed by my love of the Mummy movies. I would love to read more young adult fiction set in Ancient Egypt. If you have any suggestions, I would love them! 

movie hbo reactiongifs title soldiersThe Roman Empire

My love for the Roman Empire is endless! I definitely demand more young adult fiction be set here!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!! If you have never seen the TV show Rome, then you are missing out. That is one of my all time favourite TV shows. Plus we have the beautiful clothes. And gladiators. I want more books set in this period. I think I loved The Winner's Curse so much because it had a very Roman feel to it. 

Ancient Greece

I don't know if I have ever read a YA book set in Ancient Greece. So please tell me if you know of any amazing ones!!! Greek mythology is amazing too and so much fun to read about. I would actually love a cool book on Hercules that is as hilarious as the Disney movie. Give it to me!

Russian Empire

My love for all things Russia is 100% because of the movie Anastasia. I frggin' love that bloody movie, so much. I would love to read books set during that time. It has a beautiful setting in wintry Russia, amazingly beautiful dresses and costumes, dazzling balls. I need it in my life. 

Civil Rights Movement America

Books set in America during the Civil Rights Movement. I will never get enough of these books. If you have read any recent releases set during this time then please recommend. My favourite book set during this time has to be The Help.

Victorian London

I want more books set in Victorian London, especially some about Jack the Ripper. And not to mention that it is the backdrop of the original Sherlock.  We have the wonderful outfits and horse drawn carriages. I want more and more books set during this time please!!!

World War II

I should be sick of books set during this time as there are soooooo many! But I am so not sick of them. I will gobble up all of the books that are set during this time. So, publishers, please never stop publishing them. I want an endless supply. 

My Favourites

I reached 4,000 followers on Instagram and so decided to hold a giveaway. It finishes on the 10th of February and you can find it here.


  1. The Civil Rights Movement is definitely something I would like to read more fiction from, especially written for young adults!

  2. I agree, these are all great settings and some of my favorites as well!

  3. The Mummy movies!! Loved those so much, and I am slightly hesitant about them rebooting them, especially as Tom Cruise is associated with it. Any way, thanks for stopping by my TTT! (http://wp.me/p4Q518-CZ)

  4. I loooooved this list. I really like historical fiction too. I'm not terribly picky, but Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece stand out as eras I always like watching stuff on/reading about. Great post!

  5. Great ideas! I don't read a lot of historical novels, but I would love to read about Ancien Egypt, it sounds pretty good! And The Help, I've heard great things about both the book and the movie, I'd love to read and watch it :)
    Marie Drizzle & Hurricane Books

  6. World War 2 gets me every time - especially if it's a home front setting. I'm fascinated by Egyptian and Russian history but I haven't read much fiction set in those times. I tend to stick to nonfiction there for some reason. Great list!

  7. What a brilliant list! I need to read more from Egyptian times - do you have an suggestions? But love the Book Thief and The Help. Both great books :D

  8. I think what I like best are WWII settings; Civil War; Civil Rights; and just in general 1940's and 1950's. Nice list; I like The Book Thief quite a bit. :)

  9. I LOVE ROME. Actually, have you seen The Eagle?!? It's like on the more ancienter (that is a word I swear) side of Rome where they're taking over Britain and stuff and afjdkslad I LOVE IT I HAVE SUCH A CRUSH ON THAT WHOLE MOVIE. Idek if you can technically crush on a whole movie, but that is my current state with The Eagle. AHEM. ALSO THE MUSIC. <3 Ahem again.
    I really love Ancient Egypt too!! *hi fives for childhood's spent with The Princes of Egypt* I was looking at gifs for that again yesterday while writing most post and AHHHHH SO MANY MEMORIES. That truly is a magnificent movie. :')

  10. Oh nice! Yes for Egypt and Greece!! And ooh Russia! I loved the (almost Disney-fied, but not Disney) movie of Anastasia! That story itself could create a good book or two! Or more! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  11. I agree, the Russian Empire is an interesting time period to read about!
    The Civil Rights movement is another one that I find interesting. There really are some great periods in history to read about!

  12. You should read Uncle Tom's Cabin! I read it for my grade 11 American History class (for fun!) and honestly it's the most memorable book I read in all four years of high school (including To Kill a Mockingbird)! I really need to reread it again now that I'm older. It was a bit difficult to understand at times, but it's such a sad, touching story.

    There's a middle-grade series called The Roman Mysteries by Caroline Lawrence. It's actually a really good series and I think it's also a tv show. There's also Legacy of Kings, which is a retelling of Alexander the Great. I haven't read it yet, but I'm excited to get to it this year!

  13. I love my historical fiction but like you, I do think I need to read more of it! I love Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the American Civil Rights movement time, Victorian England and also the Russian Empire. I do like my world war books as well. I know, I basically listed near all of the ones you mentioned here but I just love historical fiction a lot <3 And historical romance works well for me too ;D

  14. I read Lily of the Nile last year and absolutely love it! It's about Cleopatra's daughter following the fall of Egypt. I've heard a lot of amazing things about Legacy of Kings and The Song of Achilles. Basically everything ancient is captivating! I've never read anything about Russia, but it sounds amazing so I need to read something about it soon!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

  15. I love stories set in ancient Egypt and Victorian London. Have you read the ancient Egypt series by Wilbur Smith? I like it very much.

  16. I love Anastasia too! I actually included it in mine. One of my favorite animated movies! And the Prince of Egypt and The Mummy movies too! They are so great.

    Great list!

  17. I love reading books set in the ancient worlds and of course Victorian London! Great list

  18. I hadn't thought about the Russian Empire when I wrote my post, but it's such a good idea! The only time I kind of saw Russian Empire, it was in A Thousand Pieces of You, but it was an alternated universe! Oh well, I'm wrong, I read one, Tsarina by J. Nell Patrick :)

  19. I LOVE ancient Egypt. I have seen practically every documentary about it on Netflix, haha, though I haven't found a book set in that time period. Also, love Victorian London! I've been obsessed with getting books in that time period lately.

  20. Welp, I had to add several books to my tbr pile. :)

    My love for books set in Egypt came from reading The Egypt Game when I was a little girl, and so many books after that.

  21. Who doesn't love Victorian London? Seriously.
    I also love the roaring 20's because of all the things.
    Great list! Have you read Forbidden by Kimberly Griffiths Little(I believe that's the author)? I know it's set in an ancient time period. I have it on my shelf just you know, haven't gotten around to it yet.


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