Weekly Recap: An Awesome Week for Book Mail!

I'm actually super proud of myself right now, I am still going strong with this being back at blogging business! GO ME! This has been a struggle for me in the past as I kept getting in to huge blogging slumps, but I am really loving it right now and finding time to do it on top of everything else. This week has been a brilliant mail week, mostly because pay day happened and I bought a bunch of books for myself.

I also had the most amazing email and book mail from Hodder! They sent out a few advanced copies of Morning Star by Pierce Brown and I got one. Not only that, they also sent out invites to an exlusive party at their offices for Pierce.... AND I GOT ONE! Most of you won't even realise how much I freaked out at this. I can't even describe how bloody giddy I got. I am soooo excited. Red Rising is one of my favourite series and I am so excited to finish it. I am also excited/super nervous to meet Pierce Brown.

Other than that it has just been work, work, work and then more work. Plus getting sick,... again! It's actually a joke how ill I keep getting. I manage to shake off one illness and then immediately get something else. It's like a running joke at work, except it's not funny. I feel like I am dying!

Truthwitch by Susan Dennard, Passenger by Alexandra Bracken, In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken & A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

I am so excited for all of these books. Although, to be fair, I need to read the first two books in the Darkest Minds series before I can get to book three. I will do it! Truthwitch looks amazing so I had to get my hands on the US hardback, mostly because it is a whole lot prettier than the UK cover. Passenger has time travel and that just sold me on it straight away! A Darker Shade of Magic is apparently amazing, so I bought that and pre-ordered myself the sequel... I am prepared for a binge read session.

Never Never Part 3 by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher, Fuck Love by Tarryn Fisher, Every Word by Ellie Marney & Fairest by Marissa Meyer

I've already read Never Never part 3 and I actually really enjoyed it. It helps that I read all the 1 star reviews and spoilers for it, as it was getting a lot of negative reviews. Knowing all the spoilers was good as I wasn't surprised by it. Plus, my expectations were so spectacularly low that I actually ended up pleasantly surprised. Fuck Love is supposed to be really good, so I thought I would give that one a go. I bought Every Word and pre-ordered the final book (not out here yet! >.<) so that I can binge read this whole series. Same for Fairest.... I plan to binge read it and so I pre-ordered Stars Above as well. 

Morning Star by Pierce Brown & The Square Root of Summer by Harriet Reuter Hapgood

MORNING STAR!!! MORNING STAR!!!! MORNING STAR!!! I am a hyperventilating mess of a person right now. I am not prepared for this book. Pierce Brown is going to harm my soul, I can tell!!! But, at least now I can meet him and rant at him if he kills my poor baby Sevro! The Square Root of Summer looks so good, I am so excited for this one. I have far too many reads I am desperate to read. I need infinite hours in a day.

I reached 4,000 followers on Instagram and so decided to hold a giveaway. It finishes on the 10th of February and you can find it here.


  1. Congrats on reaching 4000 Followers on Instagram. It's always so awesome to get invited to things. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Congrats on your 4k on IG! :D

    I really want to read Passenger as I've heard so much great about this novel :)

  3. Congrats on your 4K on IG.
    Truthwitch is really good, I hope you'll love it as much as I am. I want a Darker shade of magic too because so many people are talking about this book. Happy reading!

  4. So many fantastic books, yay! I hope you enjoy all of them! Congrats on fighting that blogging slump (I feel you!), your Pierce Brown news, and your 4000 IG followers. :-D And I hope you feel much better soon.

    My StS!

  5. Ooh, nice haul. I've been eyeing Passenger for the last couple of weeks! Hope you enjoy the new books. V.E. Schwab is good, though I liked her upcoming This Savage Song even more.

  6. So many awesome looking books! I really want Truthwitch and Passenger myself. But I can't buy it yet. Maybe next month. Maybe... :P

    My STS!

  7. Oh wow! Awesome haul!! I still need to read Truthwitch!! Hope you enjoy all the new lovelies!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Great covers! Nice haul, enjoy :) I hope you can stop by:



  9. You have had a great week! Except the getting sick thing, because that just sucks. I hope that when you get to go to the party that all your healthy is back! I actually just bought Red Rising because Audible was having a sale. Despite never having read any of his books, I follow him on Instagram because... well, you've seen his pictures. ;)

    I can't wait to read Truthwitch! There are literally so many books on my shelves that I want to read that I would stop time if I could.

  10. That's amazing about Morning Star and seeing Pierce!!! You're allowed to freak out. I'd still be freaking out haha And yay for blogging! I know sometimes we get into slumps and frankly, I think it's okay.. Or rather don't overwhelm yourself. The feeling of wanting to post every day because you have to will put you in a reading slump so that's why I think it's best to not stress over that and post what/when you want to :)

  11. How awesome! That is an amazing opportunity to meet Pierce Brown! :D
    I'm currently reading A Darker Shade of Magic and really enjoying it. It's not pulling me in, but still it's good.
    I really liked The Darkest Minds when I read it year ago, unfortunately by the time the third book was out I'd lost all interest in continuing the series.
    Oh Never Never. I hated the first part so I never continued on. I'm still not over hating a CoHo book. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!

  12. I'm so jealous of you getting to meet Pierce Brown! I loved Truthwitch and Fairest. Great Haul:)
    Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie
    My StS

  13. What a wonderful book haul. Passenger looks great; I'm very curious about that one. Happy reading!! :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  14. OMG I DON'T TRUST PIERCE BROWN TO NOT KILL EVERYONE. Someone really important is going to diiiiie...I have this horrible feeling. *gives a pterodactyl screech* But still, that is so so amazing you're going to the launch! AHHHHH. CONGRATS. :D:D

    And I total agree that the US Truthwitch cover is better....it's so so entrancing, while the UK one seems a bit meh? But anyway, I'm hoping to start that next week! EEP.

    Aw, that absolutely sucks about all the sickness. *feeds you soup* I hope you kick this one soon and stay better!!

  15. You got some great books. I've read Truthwitch and it is really fun with strong friendships and world-building. I am also looking forward to A Darker Shade of Magic. Have a great reading week.

  16. An awesome week indeed! I loved Passenger, Truthwitch, The Darkest Minds trilogy, ADSOM and AGOS. I NEED to get my hands on Morning Star. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week. :)

    Check out my STS post!

  17. Yay! I hope you have a brilliant day when you get to meet Pierce Brown. Especially as you love their writing so much! I LOVE Fairest just because of the insight we get into Queen Levana, so I hope you enjoy it for that reason. Oh, and I know what you mean about the illness to some extent. I thought February might be better, but on my birthday I got the flu... and right after that I had food poisoning...

  18. Congrats on all of your wonderful news! I'd love to meet Pierce Brown. Hope you get pictures:) It also seems like most of the blogs I visit have sick hosts. A little bit of everything is going around. Here's to getting healthy and feeling great again:)

    My Sunday Post - http://fuonlyknew.com/2016/02/07/whats-new-on-my-bookshelf-146-and-the-sunday-post/

  19. How exciting to be invited to the Pierce Brown event! I know it's completely besides the point but he is sooo attractive. LOL I saw he and Natasha (Tashopolis) giving away a couple copies of Morning Star and he seems like such a great guy. My husband has read the first two books so I need to nab Morning Star for him as soon as it's released. So sorry you're sick again! Your poor immune system must be so beaten down by this point. Hope you bounce back this week!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books


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