My Weekly Recap: Adele & Review Books

It's nice to finally say that I have had an AMAZING week! I have been on a round of antibiotics, which has helped clear up my sinusitis, meaning I am sickness free for the first time in months. I have also had a week off work with the fiancé, which has been absolutely amazing. We have both just been able to enjoy each others company, without stressing about work. We also went out with a group of friends to celebrate his 25th birthday, and had a fantastic night. The morning after was awful, hangovers just seem to get worse the older you get.

The best thing to happen all week occurred on Wednesday, when I went to see Adele live at the O2 in London. It was an amazing night and I had such a great time. I have been to a lot of concerts in my life, but I've never heard someone sing like that in real life. That's real talent.

This week I wanted to get a ton of blogging done and reading, but have done barely any of both. I've just been relaxing, spending time with friends and family. It's been a very enjoyable week, but do wish I'd done a little more reading, especially since I received all review books this week/last week.

The Winner's Kiss (The Winner's Trilogy, #3) The Leaving Follow Me Back Bullet Catcher
The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski, The Leaving by Tara Altebrando, Follow Me Back by Nicci Cloke, Bullet Catcher by Joaquin Lowe

I received The Winner's Kiss and The Leaving from Bloomsbury. I have read The Winner's Kiss as an eARC and really enjoyed that one, although I did feel like it wasn't a completely satisfying ending. It left a lot of questions still, and that always bugs me at the end of a series. The Leaving looks really good, I'm excited to get to that one. Follow Me Back and Bullet Catcher are from the wonderful people at Hot Key Books. I am especially excited for Bullet Catcher, as I have a craving for a good western. 

The Serpent King The Darkest Corners Chasing The Stars
The Serpent King by Jeff Zenter, The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas, Chasing the Stars by Malorie Blackman

The Serpent King was sent over by Random House, and is being sold as a 'southern gothic novel', which sold me straight away. The Darkest Corners was sent over by Random House US, and is a YA thriller, which I have been searching for since Dangerous Girls. I have read it and enjoyed it, but didn't have quite the same shock factor that Dangerous Girls had. Chasing the Stars was sent by Double Day, and I am excited for that. I love her Noughts and Crosses series, and really want to read another one of her books that I will love.

What books did you get this week? Any of you hate unanswered questions in series finale books? Leave a link to your own STS below.


  1. Wow you're getting really great books from publishers. I really want to read The Winner's Kiss... LIKE NOWWW. I really can't wait for the last one to come out and have been in a hangover ever since the first two books. I need more Kestrel and Arin in my life. UGHH. The Darkest Corners looks interesting. I got The Serpent King as well but I don't know if I'll be reading it. I need some convincing hehehe :D

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

  2. Squee! I got Chasing the Stars to review as well - I'm super excited to read it! :D That's awesome that you got to see Adele live, it must have been amazing and YAY, that's great that you're feeling better! My whole family (including me) have come down with a nasty flu - being sick is the WORST.

  3. It seems like you had a really good week and you did manage to get some posting done so you can't feel too bad about it! Especially as you had such a fab time with your husband and also got to see Adele LIVE!! The Serpent King also looks like a fantastic book, and everyone is gushing over it, so I hope you enjoy.

  4. I love nice relaxing weeks and am looking forward to a few days off this week during my daughter's spring break. You added some awesome books this week. I feel like I need to read The Serpent King as soon as I can fit it in my schedule. Have a great week!

  5. Those look like great books. I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for stopping by my bog earlier.

    Glad your sinusitis is better. I'm always miserable when mine act up.

    Have a great week!

    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  6. Great haul! I got The Winner's Kiss this week as well! The Serpent Kings looks awesome! I'll have to check that one out! Happy reading!

  7. So glad to hear you are feeling better! I have been under the weather for over a week now with some sort of sinus issue and it is so distracting! I would LOVE to see Adele live, her voice is so powerful and she really seems like a vocalist who would sound just as amazing live as she does on her albums!

    -Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

  8. Oooh, these look great! :D I got Follow Me Back and Bullet Catcher too...although I thought Follow Me Back was hopelessly cliche and awkward. I just feel like books about social media are always written by paranoid people who want to whisper to teens that if they're online, they're probably talking to axe-murderers. *rolls eyes* ANYWAY. I'm really excited for The Winner's Kiss! *screeches* And I have the Serpent King and I've heard it's AAAAMAZING!!!

  9. Aaaa The Winner's Kiss. I must get to that one too -- I juuust finished The Winner's Crime.

    My STS.

  10. That's so exciting that you got to see Adele! She is so incredible. Wonderful post, I adore your blog! xx

  11. Eeep! So exciting! And I love your haul - I adore the UK cover of The Winner's Kiss. That book was so, so good! My favorite of the three, I think. I hope you enjoy your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fantastic weekend. :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  12. I really want to read The Leaving and The Darkest Corners they seem super interesting. I also need to get around to reading The Winners series the first book has been on my shelf forever. Hope you enjoy all these!

  13. OOOOOH! The Winner's Kiss, The Serpent King and Follow Me Back are at the top of my TBR! SUPER sad to hear that TWK didn't give you all of the answers you wanted - though the series started going downhill for me during book two, I still NEED to finish it.

    Aditi @

  14. I'm happy you are feeling better and you got to see Adele, that is amazing! I need to continue with The winner's curse series.

    Happy reading :D

  15. Lucky you to see Adele live, Chantell! I love her, and her voice is amazing. If she ever comes to Switzerland, I'll be sure to snatch a ticket! I think Muse is fantastic live as well - other groups can be quite different live from their albums, but that is mostly what I expect :)
    I'm happy you've had a nice, relaxing, sick-free week off from work. And yes, hangovers definitely get worse with age *ugh* but it's also easier to be more careful ;)
    Your new books look great, I hope you'll enjoy them all.
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  16. So jealous that you got to see Adele! She's amazing.
    Glad you had a nice week :)

    Jess @ A Book Addict's Bookshelves

  17. Enjoy all of your books! I heard the Serpent King is awesome!

  18. I completely agree aobut hangovers getting worse as you get older! I used to be really smug about the fact that I didn't get hangoevers, but as soon as I hit my twenties I had to eat those words! Lucky you getting to see Adele too, tickets were a nightmare to get hold of. Hope you had a fab time!

  19. EVERYONE deserves time off! (Frankly, if I had a fiance, I'd insist on more time OFF than ON. Because some things are well worth appreciating.) I'm glad you took the time to just enjoy yourself for a bit. Besides, our wee blogs have yet to develop legs and walk off, so you always know where to find us when you need us. ;)

    (Also, re: the hangovers increasing in their WORSENESS proportionally to our age? GAWSH, YES. And it's THE WORST.)

    - Lexie

  20. Yeah! I'm so glad that the antibiotics are finally working and that you're feeling better! ♥ And The Winner's Kiss is one of my most anticipated reads of the year, so I am so glad you enjoyed it, even if it left just a bit to be desired. Thanks for sharing Charnell and, as always, fabulous recap & haul! ♥

  21. Hi - I don't recognize these, but most seem very interesting. Hope you thoroughly enjoy them. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  22. Adele would be mesmerizing to see live. How awesome for you! And to have a nice week off. Perfect.
    I'm kicking myself for not taking an ARC of The Serpent King when I had a chance. There were no reviews for it at the point but of course right after all these amazing reviews were coming in and I'd lost my chance to grab it. :( Oh well, guess I'll just have to buy it.


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