Weekly Recap: Time for Books, Glorious Books and Disappointment

Hello, hello, hello! I hope you guys have had an awesome week. Mine has been okay, not amazing but also not awful. I've just had a few very stressful days and a lot going on. The only really exciting thing to happen was that I had new shelves delivered, so got to spend a day and a half making my shelves look super pretty! This does now put my total number of  bookcases up to 9, which is too many according to anyone but a bookworm - there can never be too many bookcases! I also published my review of City of Glass, which I was a little nervous about as I didn't hold back at all! I'm totally not sorry, that book was horribly disappointing.

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas - I have two copies of this for some reason, plus there is a hardback copy yet to arrive. One was sent to me by Bloomsbury for review. I am currently reading this one and really enjoying it - although Feyre is annoying the crap out of me!

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater - I bought this one to complete the series, even though I still haven't read any of these books. At least now I can binge read them when I do.

The Rose and the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh - I am looking forward to reading this as I really enjoyed the first book. I do hope this answers some of the plot holes made in book one - like why did he kill women, when the curse never mentions that at all?!?

Nimona by Noelle Stevenson - This was really great and my love of graphic novels continues! I have spent far too much money this month already on them. I'm still more in love with Saga, but this was great as a stand alone. It tells the story of a supervillain and his shapeshifter sidekick and it was rather awesome! 

Rat Queens Volume 1: Sass & Sorcery by Wiebe, Fowler, Bonvillain & Brisson - Yup, another graphic novel. I ordered the first three, but need volume two to arrive so I can continue. I really enjoyed this and the funny all female leads. 

Rat Queens Volume 3: Demons - Looking forward to Volume 2 to finally arrive so that I can continue this.

Saga Volume 4 by Brian K. Vaughan - I am 100% in love with this series, it has just quickly become my favourite thing and I can't get enough with it. 

Saga Volume 5 by Brian K. Vaughan - So good, I need the next one NOW!!! 

The Naturals (The Naturals, #1) A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)
The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - This was a reread as I planned to continue the series. This is a fun and interesting start to the series and I am excited to continue the series. 

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas - Another reread and I didn't love this as much as when I first read it. I gave it 5/5 and raved endlessly, but on the reread it got 4/5. I just didn't feel so strongly about it and was less sold on the romance. 

I have spoken a lot (I'm totally not sorry!) about my love of Instagram and how much I love taking bookish photos for it. I recently reached 6,000 followers on there and thought it was a good time to do a giveaway. I am offering £30 worth of books to the winner - the winner gets to choose their books from Book Depository. To find out how to enter GO HERE.

What have you been up to this week? Have you read any 5/5 read this week, if so, what?


  1. Yay bookcases!! I'm still waiting on my new ones. Sigh...I've already a new stack of knickknacks and Funko Pops to go on the shelves. So I just need the shelves! LOL!

    Great new reads too! Cannot wait to find time for ACOMAF and TR&TD!! Hope you enjoy all the new reads!!

    My STS will be up on Sunday, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Seems like you had a fairly decent week. Congratulations on your shelves by the way! It's true - you can never have too many books or shelves. You've also got a lot of the sequels people have been anticipating. I can't WAIT to read The Rose and the Dagger myself :3

  3. I got ACOMAF from a friend and I'm reading it SOON. I really love the Naturals and it's sequel Killer Instinct. :D

  4. I need to get on with reading Saga! I've only read two volumes, still. And I need to reread ACOTAR before I read ACOMAF... Enjoy the new books!

    My STS.

  5. I need more bookcases but I have no space left in my room! The hall is wall to wall bookcases filled with dvds and the living room is already full of bookcases with computer games, dvds and my dad's cd collection. I NEED MORE SPACE!

    I don't give Cassandra Clare the time of day as I hate copycats and she is a poor writer, so I'll be checking out your review!

  6. Oh those bookcases are awesome - there can never be too many ;) I am really excited for The Rose and the Dagger- Hope you enjoy all your new books!

  7. Feyre annoyed me in book one, so I'm both excited and hesitant to read this sequel. Love your shelves! There is no such thing as too many book shelves. I'm working on getting some more for the piles of books I have neatly stacked on the floor. I hope to start The Raven Cycle soon. Hope you have a great Saturday!

    My STS

  8. There is no such thing as too many books. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  9. You acquired so many beautiful blue books this week! I am currently reading ACOMAF too, and while I didn't reread ACOTAR prior to starting, I have the same feeling that I may be less enthralled by it than I initially was, judging by how ACOMAF is going.

    -Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

  10. Ack, I don't think I'm going to read ACOMAF. *winces* I know everyone is raving about it, but I honestly found ACOTAR to be a bit disturbing in the romance department, and I didn't like Feyre at all. For all her toughness, she seems a bit of a damsel? But ah well.
    I haven't read any excellent books since The Raven King. *WAILS* I have SUCH A MASSIVE SERIES HANGOVER IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. XDXD
    Ohhh but I do hope you read them soon!! And I hope you like them and the hype doesn't let you down. 😂
    Also 9 bookshelves = #goals ;D

  11. *drools* Look at all those pretty shelves! Never enough indeed :D

    I also got A court of mist and fury & The raven king in the mail. I can't wait to get started! Happy reading.

  12. One can never have too many book cases! LOL I need several more so my books aren't stuck in closets and stacked all over the place. I'm going to have to check out Mist and Fury. Everyone is buzzing about it:)

    My Sunday Post

  13. I know it was probably unintentional, but I love how this week's bookish purchases were dominated with blue books! And oh gosh, your bookcase is gorgeous! #goals right there! Happy reading and blogging, Charnell! :)


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