These Books Need Way More Love On Goodreads

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:

Best Books With Less Than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads

This weeks topic means that we get to talk about books that are completely underrated on Goodreads. Those books that deserve so much more love than they are currently getting. Less than 2,000 ratings is a tiny amount of ratings. The Hunger Games currently has 4,274,543 ratings on Goodreads. Harry Potter has 3,977,522. Even Fifty Shades has 1,336,175 ratings. And I will always say that any book should have more ratings than that book. So here are some of the books I have enjoyed over the years that have so few ratings on Goodreads, but deserve more. I'm going to order them from least to highest rated.

This book is the third book in Jenny's Ladybirds series and it was my favourite of the series so far. The characters have grown up a lot and this feels a lot more YA than the last two books. I loved the beautiful island setting. I adored the characters and the cutesy romance storyline. It was just the perfect summer read.

Love Song

I wasn't very sure of this book when it was sent to me for review. A young adult novel featuring a young girl going to work for a boy band?!? I just wasn't sold on that and thought this was going to be a horribly cheesy book, with zero substance to it. I was totally wrong and felt bad for judging it so quickly. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and thought it was a fun read, and made me want to try more from the author.

Second Chances

This was a book I picked up on a whim whilst strict ordering at work in one of the libraries I worked at. I just browsed the books whilst tidying and read the back of this and was intrigued. It is a murder mystery thriller and one that I ended up really enjoying. It was quite dark and twisted, as a woman seeks revenge on the man she believes murdered her sister. This book is perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult, Diane Chamberlain or those looking for an adult Dangerous Girls.

Gemina: The Illuminae Files: Book 2

This is totally cheating as the book isn't officially out yet, which is why it has so few ratings. I DON'T CARE! I am still putting it here just so I can once again tell you that this book is INCREDIBLE! If you haven't started this series yet, you need to. Go, read Illuminae and then prepare for one of the best sequels ever.

The Leaving

I really loved this book. I thought it was really great, even though you finish not really knowing what genre you should even put this book in. I found this book so addictive though, I could not put it down. The writing just completely sucked me in and I ended up finishing this book in one sitting. It follows five teenagers who return home, having gone missing eleven years before. No one knows where they have been or what happened to them. And, most importantly, no one knows what happened to the sixth child who went missing with them and never returned. I really loved this book and the mystery element of it. It was definitely weird, but I really enjoyed that about it. 

I Hate Fairyland, Vol. 1: Madly Ever After

I have been reading a lot of graphic novels recently, thanks to trying and falling completely in love with Saga. I Hate Fairyland is one of my favourites so far, it was hilarious and so dark. Our main character is a woman who has been stuck in Fairyland for 34 years, and she is still stuck in her 6 year old body that she came to Fairyland in. She needs to find a key to leave, and has not been able to find it in the 34 years she has been there. By this point she is basically mad, killing anyone and everyone and doing it all whilst being sarcastically funny and hilarious as anything. I loved it. 

In a Handful of Dust (Not a Drop to Drink, #2)

This is the sequel to the incredible Not a Drop to Drink, and this is a book that definitely deserves to be read more. I know your heart might have been torn out and stamped on at the end of Not a Drop to Drink, so was mine. But the sequel is so worth reading, even if it is just for more of Mindy McGinnis's incredible writing. 
Demon Road (The Demon Road Trilogy, Book 1)
Demon Road by Derek Landy  - 1,697 Ratings

Demon Road by Derek Landy is absolutely perfect for anyone who loves the show Supernatural. That is my favourite show, so of course I loved this book. It is a YA supernatural read and it is awesome. The characters are hilarious and the storyline can be quite dark. I can't wait to devour the sequel when I get a moment. 

Every Breath (Every, #1)

I LOVED this book! It is an Australian, YA retelling of Sherlock Holmes and it is epic. I ship the two main characters like nobody's business. Please, do not be put off by the ugly covers, these books are deserving of your time. I own the two other books in the series and plan to read them asap.

So there you have all the books I have read and enjoyed that have less than 2,000 ratings on Goodreads. They all deserved to have way more than that! Which underrated book do you love?


  1. I can't wait to read The Leaving!! I am so intrigued it is unreal!

  2. Lol! Gemina still has a few months to go! I don't think I even rated it on Goodreads. Just said I read it! I still need to read In a Handful of Dust myself! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Haven't read any of these... But I think that's the point of this week's TTT! Here's mine:

  4. Excellent recs! I've gone a checked a couple out and added them to my wishlist, you know once you mentioned Diane Chamberlain and Jodi Picoult I was sold on that one, right? Lol R xx

    My TTT:

  5. I still need to read Illuminae and Not a Drop to Drink. Nice list!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  6. Demon Road was on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

  7. I really need to pick up Not a Drop to Drink.

  8. I missed In a handful dust on my list, good one

  9. Love Song is on my list too! I loved it so much and I agree it definitely needs more love! :) Also, I so badly want to read Every Breath! :D

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  10. There's a lot of these I haven't read but I AM proud to say I have heard of all of these authors! I've even read a book by Sophia Bennett but it was another to the one you featured here. I really liked that one :D I also just bought Demon Road when I last went to the bookshop so I am looking forward to reading that one!

  11. I have seen Demon Road on a number of people's TTT this week and I am quite surprised at how few rating's it has! I still need to read Illuminae, everyone seems to love it so I really need to pick it up!!

    - Hills of Books

  12. I just bought Demon Road and can't wait to read it. So many interesting looking books on your list, I'll have to check them out sometime.

  13. Omg I can't believe Demon Road isn't more well loved! *GASPS* I'm hoping people are reading it and just not GR reviewing it because afjdskald that book deserves ALL THE LOVE. (Um, says she who still hasn't read the sequel #shame but I'll get to it! I will! XD) I also am crying over Gemina. XD It's soooooo not fair that Australia gets ZERO ARCS OF IT I MEAN C'MON THEY ARE AUSSIE AUTHORS. *howls* I think overseas budgets more for book promos than Australia does. >_>
    And YES. Aaaall the love for the precious Every Breath series even though it's been cursed with the worst covers and the most vague titles. I MEAN C'MON. Every Breath???? Sheeesh. It just sounds like it's going to be a sappy romance. It's basically the only book series I am really rooting to get a makeover. heheh.

  14. Great list! The Leaving and Gemina are two books that I'm really looking forward to reading.

  15. AHAHAHAHA yes, Gemina! <3 I started Demon Road but I wasn't really feeling it at the time so I'll pick it back up later. I did recently read Every Breath and loooooooooooooooooved it so much! MYCROFT <3

  16. LOVE EVERY BREATH. NEED GEMINA LIKE AIR!! Oh and I want to read Not a Drop to Drink too! AWESOME picks here^^

  17. Huh, I thought Demon Road was a lot more popular! I have to get round to reading it.

  18. GEMINA OMG. I am so excited to read it! If Illuminae is any indication, I'm sure it will be absolutely amazing. :) And I agree about Every Breath and In a Handful of Dust - they're both great, but sadly underrated, books. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices! <3


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