My Endless TBR: The Series Shame

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:

Owned Series I Have Not Read Yet

This weeks topic means that we get to talk about our endless TBRs. Some may be little, others may be large. Mine is now at the level where I could probably build my own castle out of it and then sit upon a throne built of books. I am not joking, I think the number is reaching about 1,000 or so books. Yup... I have a problem, but you probably already knew that. So here are some of the series that I own every single book in the series, and still have not read them.

The worst part is that this isn't even all of the series where I own every single book in the series but haven't started it. I really need to stop doing that. These series pictured total up to 46 books between them and that is a lot of reading, that is just under half of what I read in year. It would take me months to read them all, but every day a new book releases that I want to read. The TBR will honestly never get smaller, it just grows every day.

Which of these series have you read and would recommend to me?


  1. Oh the neverending TBR. There are so many series that I haven't read ye, including many that you listed. I also have a copy of the first book in The Daughter of Smoke and Bone and The Archived. I did love The Darkest Minds so I would recommend that one for sure. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  2. I didn't think I was going to like the Vampire Academy Series when I first started it, but I ended up LOVING IT! Hopefully you can get to it soon! :D My Top Ten Tuesday!

  3. The Shatter Me series I really need to get to read. But if you're thinking of where to start on this list I would highly recommend The Darkest Minds.

    I don't have a lot of physical books so I usually avoid this issue, but I can see how hard it would be to avoid buying the books. Because the intention always is to read them. There just isn't always time.

    Liselle @ Lunch-Time Librarian

  4. I haven't read any of them but I have The Archived and Daughter of Smoke and Bone on my TBR. They all look great. I refuse to believe that I won't get all of my TBR read but I try not to think too much about how I'm actually going to do that!

  5. Oh wow! I've read a few of these! Positively LOVED Vampire Academy! I read it while it was still releasing and it was basically the series that brought me back to YA! Adored The Covenant series, it was among my first review books! Shatter Me, Shiver, and Angelfall were all ones that were recommended to be because of blogging, so they're all read too! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I'm curious about the Delirium series and even own the first two(?) books of the series, but well, I've yet to read either one. Here's hoping we can read it soon and we both enjoy it. :)

  7. SHIVER. *shrieks* I LOVE SHIVER. I know some people say it's not Maggie Stiefvater's best, but pffft. It is amazing. It really focuses on characters and emotions and the writing is just SO GORGEOUS I COULD EAT IT. *hyperventilates* Ahem. ;D And I also love Skulduggery! But I think it's a bit MG-ish at the beginning and you have to like get through the first 3 books before it gets super good. THE ARCHVIED IS AMAZING. I just read that one and I just bought the Unbound! But then can VE Schwab do wrong? Nope. Nope she cannot.

    I haven't read Delirium or the Darkest Minds either though. XD So you're not alone there!

  8. You must read Skulduggery! SO GOOD!
    My TTT:

  9. Yes, you need to read these! :)

    Check out my TTT.

  10. I have the first two books in the Angelfall series and all the ones in the Clockword Devices Trilogy, but I haven't read any of them yet either >.> Oh well... we still have time right?

  11. You have an actual GIGANTIC TBR! Lol I have some full series too, and bits and pieces of series here and there, but for today I stuck with books on my TBR from before blogging, and my TBR just BOOMED when I started blogging. I used to have 30 books on my TBR, Chantelle! 30 BOOKS!

    PS - Do you still have Harry Potter for the TABookProject? We were trying to figure out where the books are on Twitter the other day.

    R xx

    My TTT:

    1. Just realized today I called you Chantelle in this post! It's the name of my secret sister from last round!! Lol I am an awful bloggy friend!!! R xx

    2. My TBR skyrocketed when I started blogging too! It's fine, haha. I actually get called Chantelle all the time so I have gotten quite used to that lol. That's what I get for having an unusual name x

  12. Oh my goodness, I am so in the same boat (as many of us are, I'm sure). The number of series I own that I've yet to even start... and yet I still have the audacity to keep buying more books in the series. It's crazy! We even share several of the same ones: Angelfall, The Darkest Minds, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Vampire Academy. Oh, the shame. :)

    Here's MY TTT POST.

  13. OMG YES: Angelfall, Darkest Minds, VA, Clockwork Angel, Shatter Me are ALL books I have yet to read as well! I have read Shiver though and enjoyed it more than I expected! I LOVED Daughter of Smoke & Bone, the Archived and though The Burning Sky was fun :)

  14. The Darkest Minds and Shatter Me are both amazing, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I did if you decide to read them. :) Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices! <3

  15. Ooh yeah, the series shame. I feel you! I also find it really hard to finish a series, even though I already have all the books xD

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

  16. The Infernal Devices series is so great! You should really give it a try right away! :) Have you read The Mortal Instruments? I think TID is even better. You'll fall in love with the characters instantly

    Oh and by the way: Your TBR will NEVER grow smaller. Believe me :P It's impossible nowadays because there are so many great books out there already and even more being released every single day. I know the struggle :P

    Happy Reading!
    - Yasmine @ Swissbookworm

  17. I could give or take a lot of those series but a must read is the Daughter of Smoke and Bone!! They are long but so beautifully written and with amazing characters

  18. LOVED Vampire Academy Series. The character dynamics are very similar to Throne of Glass and honestly the VA series is what got me reading again. I have read that series 3 times since I was introduced 8 years ago to it. You will not regret reading that, you'll only be mad that they stopped making the movies after it haha.

  19. LOVED Vampire Academy Series. The character dynamics are very similar to Throne of Glass and honestly the VA series is what got me reading again. I have read that series 3 times since I was introduced 8 years ago to it. You will not regret reading that, you'll only be mad that they stopped making the movies after it haha.


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