Creepy Covers: Halloween Freebie TTT

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:

Halloween Freebie
Creepy Covers

This was actually last weeks topic, but I missed it. Plus, Halloween was only yesterday so I feel like this is totally okay to do the topic this week instead! And I am excited to share some creepy covers!!!

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness / The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff

Anna Dressed in Blood & Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake

 Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiary Children, Hollow City & Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs

 Asylum, Sanctum & Catacomb by Madeleine Roux

Rot & Ruin, Dust & Decay, Flesh & Bone, Fire & Ash and Bits & Pieces by Jonathan Maberry

I think these all have some super creepy covers, perfect for Halloween. I own quite a lot of these, but I actually have read zero of them. Have any of you read any of these? If so, what did you think?

I am planning to do a proper post soon about my return to the blog, as I have been absent for quite some time. I plan to hold a giveaway, so felt I might as well just get it all sorted now. The giveaway is for one winner to receive up to £40 of books of their choice from Book Depository. It's a giveaway for my return to blogging and to celebrate 15k followers on Instagram, which is why you have to be a follower of both.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Those covers are definitely really creepy! Even though the Rot and Ruin series features human, their poses really give me creeps. Thanks for the giveaway Charnell!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

  2. Ooh nice creepy covers!! I had Anna's books in my pick as well last week!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Your list made me want to buy all the books!
    My TTT.

  4. I loved the first Anna and first Benny book - need to continue them. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  5. The Madeleine Roux are definitely creepy, but also kind of appealing?

    My TTT.

  6. Those are some very creepy covers.....*shudder*....

  7. Ghaahhh creepy covers. *hides under blanket*

  8. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, that series definitely has some of the creepiest covers to them! But the books aren't actually too spooky, so I'm fine with it!

  9. That cover for The Replacement is SO MUCH BETTER than the one my copy has!

  10. Ooh, I love all these covers! Great post! :)

  11. Those are really creepy covers! I bought the Asylum series because of those spooky pictures (inside and out) - plus, I really enjoyed the story ^^ The same thing with Ransom Riggs' books, though some people say they don't represent the actual story properly. Still, they're beautifully scary! Now, that cover from The replacement will give me some nightmares!! ahaha
    Loved this TTT, Charnell!! Hope you had a great Halloween! ♥

  12. Those covers are really creepy but I love the covers of Anna Dressed in Blood & Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake. :)

  13. The covers of the Asylum series by Madeleine Roux are sooo creepy!! Enough to give me nightmares!

  14. Thanks for the giveaway, awesome cover! real creepy!

    ~ KateS

  15. I love Anna dressed in blood covers.
    I've seen the rot and ruin books in Good Reads and they are kind of scary.
    A monster call and The replacement are in my tbr.


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