It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:
My Favourite Movies!!!
I am obsessed with films, about the same as I am with books. I own 1,000s of DVDs, which is a lot since I haven't really bought any in 2 or 3 years as I watch everything online now. I have so many favourite films that this topic is so hard. And, come on, there is no way I was ever going to just be able to pick 10. So here are just a small collection of some of my favourite films.
These are three movies that I consider my classics, I love them all and feel they are films everyone should see once. I think Fight Club might be the best book to movie adaptation ever, where they actually improved on the source material. Even the author of Fight Club says he thinks the movie is better. Plus it has amazing performances from Edward Norton and Brad Pitt. The Boondock Saints is soooo iconic to me for so many reasons, such a great concept for a movie. V for Vendetta is the movie me and my fiance watch every single 5th of November, it is an amazing film.
The Lord of the Rings movies are just masterpieces in my opinion. Peter Jackson was a genius when he created these films, I love them so much. I can also watch them over and over again and never get sick of them. I can just sit and binge watch all three and not think about anything else. These films were just soooooooo good. I will admit to being really sad that the Hobbit movies weren't anywhere near as good.
These are probably my 3 favourite romantic movies,and that is quite sad as they all have really depressing endings! Ooooops. I guess The Notebook isn't depressing, it is a rather sweet ending. The other two are just depressing though! I love Baz Luhrman, he creates some of the most stunning pieces of cinema. I think Romeo + Juliet and Moulin Rouge are his two best films.
And here are three of my favourite kids movies, that are totally not just for kids! I adore Anastasia, it has one of the best soundtracks ever. Plus I can still say I have a huge crush on Dimitri, even if he isn't a real person - his sass and sarcasm just speaks to me. Quest for Camelot is hilarious and also has a fantastic soundtrack, I will never get sick of watching that film. The Emperor's New Groove is hilarious from beginning to end, it is probably my favourite Disney movie.
Can you tell that I LOVE kids films? I am sad that I can't just sit and list every single movie I love, but we would be here all day, Your turn... What movies do you love?!? Do any of mine make your own list?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am obsessed with films, about the same as I am with books. I own 1,000s of DVDs, which is a lot since I haven't really bought any in 2 or 3 years as I watch everything online now. I have so many favourite films that this topic is so hard. And, come on, there is no way I was ever going to just be able to pick 10. So here are just a small collection of some of my favourite films.

People should not be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.
The Lord of the Rings movies are just masterpieces in my opinion. Peter Jackson was a genius when he created these films, I love them so much. I can also watch them over and over again and never get sick of them. I can just sit and binge watch all three and not think about anything else. These films were just soooooooo good. I will admit to being really sad that the Hobbit movies weren't anywhere near as good.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

And some other favourites:
I am planning to do a proper post soon about my return to the blog, as I have been absent for quite some time. I plan to hold a giveaway, so felt I might as well just get it all sorted now. The giveaway is for one winner to receive up to £40 of books of their choice from Book Depository. It's a giveaway for my return to blogging and to celebrate 15k followers on Instagram.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I also re-watch V for Vendetta every 5th of November! It's just sooo good! I haven't watch Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rogue and The Notebook which is terrible because I LOVE romance movies. Hopefully I could watch them soon!
ReplyDeleteTasya // The Literary Huntress
I use to be OBSESSED with The Lord Of The Rings movies!! I watched them everyday!
ReplyDeleteGreat Top Ten :D My Top Ten Tuesday!
I love this list SO MUCH, amazing picks! I love kids movies too, they're so funny, cute and nostalgic.
ReplyDeleteEverything about animated films is THE BESSSST. I love Disney.😍 And omg Emperor's New Groove is JUST SO AMAZING. Like Kuzco is my hero and I'm sure that's not worrying to anyone. hehhhheh. And I mean, LOTR is really long and I find it tedious at times..but it really is genius and the detail is AMAZING and it'll always be one of the most inspiring trilogies I've ever seen. :')
ReplyDeleteRomeo + Juliet came out when I was in high school and I was OBSESSED with it! I can't even count how many times I watched it. Enchanted is such fun! And I definitely agree about your must see movies. I'm not sure Fight Club is really a movie I want to see again but it was so good! Great list!
ReplyDeleteThe Lord of the Rings movies are so good. I've never seen V for Vendetta! I thought Enchanted was a lot of fun too. I like the mash up of animated and live action, and it was a fun story. I need yo see Romeo and Juliet as well.
ReplyDeleteAw, I remember loving Anastasia as a kid. I wonder if my VHS tape even works anymore!? ;) Also, Beauty and the Beast is a classic. One that I'm SO excited to see Disney adapt as a live-action film. It promises to be amazing. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Charnell.
Some amazing movies on your list! Moulin Rouge is my absolute favourite movie ever!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT:
V for Vendetta is such an amazing movie! 😍 I love it! Also LOTR is gebius! Animated movies rock :) The Lion King is a favourite from my childhood and makes me so nostalgic! Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteThe Emperor's New Groove, Hercules, Mulan, and The Road to El Dorado are some of my favorites! :)
ReplyDeleteLauren @ Always Me
I never get tired of Lord of the Rings...I want to live in a hobbit hole!
ReplyDeleteYou are never too old for Disney films. That is a fact ;)
ReplyDeleteAnastasia is also a favourite of mine and I should really get to re-watching that one.
Elf and the Grinch are my Christmas classics. I have to watch them every year to get my in that Christmas spirit haha.
The Notebook never fails to make me cry but that's why I love it.
- Lois @ My Midnight Musing
I've always wanted to see Moulin Rouge; it seems like and interesting movie.And Beauty and the Beast and Mulan? Can't go wrong wit those! Thanks for stopping by A Real Writer's Life!
ReplyDeleteAh, I love Quest for Camelot! It's so underrated, the soundtrack and the cast are great :D
ReplyDeleteI've not even seen most of these movies! Love Mulan and Anastacia - definitely two of my favorite animated movies. I really need to rewatch Beauty & the Beast because the first and only time I saw that movie, I was like eight years old. I loved it then and I know I still would now - I really need to get ahold of it. And, of course, I've seen and loved the LotR movies. And...that's it. Unless you count bits and pieces of The Lion King on TV - and I should watch that movie, too, because what I saw, I liked. I do need to watch a few of these movies - Moulin Rouge and Hocus Pocus specifically. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog earlier!
ReplyDeleteHercules is my life <3 I listen and watch that movie way too much. Lion King... Enchanted... pretty much anything Disney really gets to me. I also especially love Moulin Rouge too. That's a brilliant musical :3
ReplyDeleteV for Vendetta YAASSSS and Moulin Rouge!! <3 OH BUT ALSO ALL OF THE ANIMATED MOVIES. Much love for those. <3 The Emperor's New Groove is hilaaarious.
ReplyDeleteThe scenery and the soundtrack in Lord of the Rings gets my vote. I could see it again and again just for those things.
ReplyDeleteI'm a huge fan of kids' movies as well. I still love ALL the ones from when I was a kid and I love the newer ones too. 1000 movies is a lot, though!! Very impressive! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Oh so many fun movies :D I think Beauty and the Beast is my favorite from your list. I so need to watch that again :D
ReplyDeleteI love kids movies too, more then ones for adults. My favorites are Bambi, Beauty and the Beast and Enchanted.
ReplyDeleteBut I feel like I love them all, haha!
Glad you're back! I like Elf best from your list. Can't wait to watch it a bunch of times this Christmas season!
ReplyDeleteI'm crazy about movies too!! :D Great selection, Charnell :) I have a soft spot for kids movies hahahaha Christmas is coming, and I already know I'll be watching THE GRINCH like, 20 times xD Not to mention I watch Hocus Pocus every Halloween xD
ReplyDeleteGreat movie picks! I could watch Lord of the Rings all day everyday. :)
ReplyDeleteI love Disney Movies,Anastastisa and Beauty and the Beast are my favorites :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the movie recommendations :)
Of course the Disney classics--I'm a 90s girl, I grew up on them. I also love The Princess Bride, The Sound of Music, Casablanca, Clueless, Planes Trains and Automobiles, The Breakfast Club, You've Got Mail, The Princess Diaries, Pride and Prejudice, Christmas Vacation, Mean Girls, The Parent Trap, and many others I can't think of at the moment haha
ReplyDeleteI love the Disney movies too! My faves are Mulan and Tangled! I also love The Fifth Wave, World War Z, and The Host!
ReplyDeleteMoulin Rouge is one of my favorites too! And I'm so glad you have Hercules and Tarzan in your list because those are some of my favorites, but they're such underrated Disney movies! No one ever seems to mention those when discussion favorites. And of course Anastasia is a great movie with a great soundtrack :-)
ReplyDeleteMoulin Rouge and Romeo & Juliet are among my favs too. Thanks for the chance!