Yes, I Am Adding More Books To My Ridiculous TBR Pile

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:

Recent Additions to My TBR

My TBR pile isn't a pile, it isn't even a bookcase worth anymore. My TBR pile could be used to build a highrise tower that stretches to the fucking moon. I wish I was exaggerating, but I am pretty sure it is nearing almost 1,000 physical owned books that are now unread. THAT IS RIDICULOUS! I definitely get way more books then I end up reading every year, which is saying a lot as I read over 100 books every year. I am constantly adding to my TBR though, constantly buying books and I can't be stopped. Here are just a few I have recently come into possession of and hope to get to very soon:

RoseBlood The Diabolic New World: Rising (New World, #1) A Quiet Kind of Thunder By Your Side

All of these are review copies that I have recently received, and all ones I am planning to get to asap.These won't be winding up on the never read pile. I am so excited for RoseBlood, even if I didn't do well with the authors last series. I am just always looking for Phantom retellings and so I HAVE to read this one. The Diabolic sounds so good and I have had my copy for a while now, so definitely need to get to it. I have the first two books in the New World trilogy and can't wait to read it, it sounds really interesting. A Quiet Kind of Thunder is a review copy I was so happy to receive, I loved the authors debut novel and can't wait to see what she has to offer with this one. I adore all of Kasie West's books, they are always so adorable and so I will be getting to By Your Side asap.

Metaltown The Problem with Forever Holding Up the Universe Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns, #1) Penny in London

These are a few of the books I have either bought for myself or received in a subscription box. I am curious about Metaltown, as I honestly don't read much steampunk. I have heard really great things about The Problem with Forever, so I definitely want to get to that soon and I hope it is as good as everyone says. I have put off reading Niven's new book because I loved her first YA book, All the Bright Places, and I don't want to be disappointed (I have faith though!). Three Dark Crowns sounds sooooo good, sisters pitted against each other in a fight for the crown... Yes, please! Penny in London just screams COVER BUY and I loved the other three books I read from the author so want to give this a go. 

Have you read any of these? What did you think?

I am planning to do a proper post soon about my return to the blog, as I have been absent for quite some time. I plan to hold a giveaway, so felt I might as well just get it all sorted now. The giveaway is for one winner to receive up to £40 of books of their choice from Book Depository. It's a giveaway for my return to blogging and to celebrate 15k followers on Instagram, which is why you have to be a follower of both.

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  1. I felt the same way about Holding Up the Universe, but I loved it! Even more than her first book. I hope you do too.

  2. I'm super excited for Three Dark Crowns too!! I only just recently bought it and ajsdkasld EVIL QUEENS! PLEASE BE AWESOME!! I don't think Holding Up the Universe is as good?? Like I didn't even understand the characters' motivations half the time haha.😂 But it's still GOOD and precious and there's dancing and pizza and afjdkslad. I seriously hope you read it and like it too!! Also the Problem with Forever is AMAZING. And I have Roseblood and The Diabolic to read too! SO EXCITED. I just want to read everything all at once.😂

  3. I adore Kasie West books, too. I am curious about by your side. The cover is so cute. good luck on your TBR and Congrats for reach 15k followers on instagram :D

  4. Ooh nice! I can't wait to read Roseblood and I am very curious about The Diabolic too! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Roseblood looks gorgeous and Penny in London looks fun. I'm super curious about Three Dark Crowns and I've been wanting to read Kasie West for ages and Jennifer L. Armentrout too. Those TBRs are a best! I try not to think about the numbers on mine too much or it would make me sad!

  6. I got Three Dark Crowns recently too, and I'm so excited for it! The Diabolic is one I've seen around lately and it looks so intriguing! As do a couple of contemporaries on here. I so don't need to add to my TBR, so today is dangerous for me! Lol R xx

    My TTT:

    Bookish Gift Guide with 22 Discount Codes!

  7. So many great books up there on your want to read list--I've got almost all of them on my own! I'm curious about Metaltown; I adore steampunk and can't believe I haven't looked into that book further yet, what's wrong with me lately?! Also, YAAAAAAS at Rose Blood--so much excited for that one, I can't even!

    Happy book-ing to you in the near future! Hopefully you enjoy all your recent bookish acquisitions (by which I mean, the books in your leaning toward of read-za!) Here's my Top Ten Tuesday, if you're interested; no worries if you're not though! Happy Tuesday. <3

  8. So many good books. I currently have Three Dark Crowns on hold at the library, but there is a few people ahead of me.

  9. hurrah, finally I find someone with a bigger tbr than me! Mine is over 900 at the moment-about 700-750 physical books and the rest on ereader! I know exactly how you feel about no restraint and continued book grabbing! I read 200-250 books a year and still can't reduce the pile...but this winter I'm trying really hard!

  10. I love Splintered and All the Bright Places so I'm also excited for Roseblood and Holding Up the Universe. Plus is a Phantom retelling! I've heard mixed reviews for Three Dark Crowns, really curious about what you'll think of it :)

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

  11. Great list! There are a lot of titles I want to read from this list, but especially Holding Up The Universe! I have heard such good things. I hope you enjoy it, too!

    My TTT:

  12. I'm excited for By Your Side. It's on my list as well. I just read P.S. I Like You last month and I'm so ready for more from Kasie West. And I loved The Problem with Forever. I got so invested in that one... so many feels while I was reading it. I hope you enjoy all of these when you get to them!

  13. There are so many books on this list I need to read!

  14. I haven't read any of these but I do have an eARC of By Your Side and I also have a copy of Holding Up The Universe so yay! Hope to read them soon.

  15. I just bought Three Dark Crowns! Can't wait to read it :)
    My TTT:

  16. My pile is definitely not as huge as yours but I think it's about 200 books and I am really working on trying to read at least half of that by my next summer holiday because then I'm gonna have to move out of my house... anyway, these seem like a lot of good books! I love the looks of Holding Up the Universe because JENNIFER NIVEN YOU KNOW. Oh, and I have read and loved New World Rising, so I hope you enjoy it too x

  17. I am so excited to read RoseBlood because I got that as an ARC review copy too and I've heard such fab things about the author so I'm ready to dive in!

    Anisha xx (

  18. I want to read all of them. ALL OF THEM. It's torture!


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