Time to Talk ROMANCE!

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:

All About Romance Types

I decided to just use this as an excuse to talk about some of my favourite couples! And try to put them in to their relationship 'types'. Some would go in more than one, so I just stuck them into one category. By the way, this list doesn't even come close to showing off all the amazing romances that I love.

Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses, #1)Star Crossed Romance

Callum & Sephy

I get all the feels in the world by just writing down their names. The Noughts & Crosses series is one of my childhood favourites, a series I still love to this day. Those characters had such a big impact on me when I was younger, we even ended up naming my cat after the main character. Callum and Sephy's romance was utterly adorable to me, but was not accepted by those around them purely because of the colour of their skin. They grew up together, were the best of friends and I loved watching their friendship turn into something more.

Ally & Noah

I love The Notebook, to be honest I prefer the film over the book. It was just so good and Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams were so perfect in this - their chemistry was incredible. It was so romantic, my heart hurts just thinking about it.  I'm putting them in star crossed because of the whole poor guy, rich girl and the parents trying to keep them apart. It totally counts!

The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)
Arin & Kestrel 

I have a whole lot of love for these two characters from The Winner's Curse. Kestrel buys Arin at a slave auction, so not the best way to start any romance. But I loved the slow build in this, and the obvious chemistry between these two. Plus the series is absolutely fantastic.

LGBT+ Romance

Gabriel & Nathan

I am still not over it.
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Simon & Blue

These two were just so utterly adorable and squishy!

First Love Romance

My Life Next DoorJase & Samantha

These two won me over in the book from the very beginning. If you haven't yet picked up and read My Life Next Door yet then you really need to hurry up and do that. They have one of the most adorably cute romances ever. Plus Jase Garrett will quickly become one of your biggest fictional crushes, I adore that boy.
Stargazing For Beginners
Meg & Ed

This is a new edition, as I only just finished Stargazing for Beginners. It contains a cutesy, first love romance that feels so unbelievably real. And it is slow build, which is the most perfect kind.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1)Lara Jean & Peter

I am a huge fan of the To All The Boy I've Loved Before Series, mostly because of how much I just ship Lara Jean and Peter together. Theirs is a case of fake romance turned real and it is as cute as it sounds.

Henry & Clare

Writing this post is just making me want to reread all these books, revisit all these characters and their love stories. I have only read The Time Traveller's Wife once, but it became an instant favourite of mine. I was so blown away by this book and their story, it made me feel all the feels. Henry and Clare are perfect together, plus this is my favourite time travel book of all time. I want to start crying just thinking of this book! Make sure you read the book instead of watching the film, the film was not good.

My Most Shippable Ships

Image result for ron hermione gifRon & Hermione

It should come as no surprise to anyone that I mention Hermione & Ron, as I love them far too much. I have a HP obsession that is hard to even explain, my love for that series it endless. And Hermione and Ron will forever be my number one OTP. I just adore them too much, especially as they started out disliking each other, became best friends and then fall in love.

Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2)
Chaol & Celaena

S.J. Maas can blow as many holes in that ship as she wants, I will still ship it forever. I know it is not ever going to happen, but I still think theirs was the best romance in the entire Throne of Glass series. They were far too perfect in Crown of Midnight and I am still not over it.

Related imagePeeta & Katniss

I will forever be Team Peeta, no matter what others think. I really did like Gale the first time I read The Hunger Games, but by the end of the book I was just so in love with Peeta. After Peeta went through the arena with Katniss in book one he was the only person who truly understoof her. And that just became so much stronger in book two. Book three basically broke my heart! The casting for those characters in the films was perfect, Josh Hutcherson played the perfect Peeta.
A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2)
Feyre & Rhysand

I'm not even going to explain it: THESE TWO ARE PERFECTION!!!

Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)
Kaz & Inej

These two... URGH! I honestly can't even with these two. I just wanted them to be together and be happy.

My Non-Bookish Ships

Jim & Pam

If you haven't seen The Office, you can't understand the love I have for Jim & Pam. If Ron and Hermione are my ultimate bookish OTPs, then these two are my ultimate non-bookish ones. I don't think it is possible to be more heavily invested in two fictional characters than I am with Jim & Pam. These two are the cutest couple I have ever seen in the entire history of ever. And I love that the show didn't make the mistake of trying to drag out the will they or won't they storyline.

Kayleigh & Garrett

A childhood favourite that I LOVE, these two were amazing! Plus I love the fact this has a blind romantic lead, which I haven't seen since.

Anastasia & Dimitri

All the snarky back and forth between these two is what all romances should be made of.

Satine & Christian

I have far too many OTPs that just crush my soul into a thousand tiny pieces. Someone rescue me from myself.

What romances do you absolutely love?


  1. The Time Traveler's Wife was such an emotion-filled book, and they were definitely perfect for each other. And I agree that the film for The Notebook was so much better! And ugh, Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies, but yes, it definitely crushes my soul every time I watch it, haha. Btw, what is that movie with the blind lead?

    1. The movie with the blind male lead is The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot. It is one of my absolute favourite children's movies, it is sooooooooo good.

  2. I'm looking forward to Six of Crows and it seems to be popping up on a lot of lists. Anastasia and Dimitri is a good one.

  3. I think you covered it all! Thank you.


  4. I totally agree with Ron and Hermione, Noah and Ally, and Katniss and Peeta! <3

    Bookworm Mom

  5. Ahhh, Anastasia and Dmitri. Yes!

  6. AMAZING list! Jim and Pam and Allie and Noah are also on my TTT!! I just love Jim and Pam so much, they're seriously amazing and gorgeous and hilarious and adorable and OH MY HEART <3 <3 They are definitely the cutest couple in TV history :)

    Here's my TTT

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  7. Wow! So many great romances on your list. I included a few of these on my list like Kaz and Inej, Simon and Blue, and Kestrel and Arin. Great ships and great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  8. Peeta & Katniss and Kaz & Inej made my list today for favorite slow-burn romances!

  9. Simon and Blue are the cutest! And I agree 100% with what you said about Chaol & Celaena. I've accepted their fate but they'll always be the OTP to me...

  10. Callum and Sephy! Noughts and Crosses is one of my favourite childhood books as well, I loved those two. I also love Peeta and Katniss. And Satine and Christian.....Moulin Rouge is my absolute favourite movie of all time, I was actually just watching it last night! Love those two, even though they break my heart.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/02/14/top-ten-tuesday-96/

  11. AWWW! So many sweet couples. I remember being enchanted with the animated Anastasia film. Seeing the .gif in this post makes me want to revisit it.

    Also love Henry and Clare, and most of the time I like Katniss and Peeta. Oh, and I cannot wait to "meet" Lara Jean and Peter! Sounds like my kind of story. :)

  12. I think you mean Katniss and GALE are one of the most shippable ships ;) And I get all the feels just thinking about Callun and Sephy too. I am so glad they were top of your list!


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