Theatrical by Maggie Harcourt: Blog Tour

TheatricalTitle: Theatrical
Author: Maggie Harcourt
Publisher: Usborne
Source: Sent by publisher
Hope dreams of working backstage in a theatre, and she’s determined to make it without the help of her famous costume designer mum. So when she lands an internship on a major production, she tells no one. But with a stroppy Hollywood star and his hot young understudy upstaging Hope’s focus, she’s soon struggling to keep her cool… and her secret. 

There are very few things in this world that I love as much as I love theatre and books. Theatrical by Maggie Harcourt manages to bring my two loves together and it is total perfection. Visiting the theatre is always a magical experience and Maggie manages to bring the magic of the theatre to life on the page. Before I gush about Theatrical, I first want to talk a little bit about the theatre and why I love it so much.

Image result for hamilton gifI still remember the very first time I saw a show on the West End. I went to see The Lion King for my 13th birthday, in a new outfit that was bought for the occasion - a tradition that continues today. The show started and it was as if I had been transported to the savanna's of Africa. My face was one of complete awe and wonder. I had fallen in love with the theatre that day and I haven't looked back since. I have seen quite a lot of shows on stage, but there are so many more I am desperate to see. Every show I have seen was unique, mesmerising and transported me someplace new. I've seen Hamilton five times in six months and I don't think I'll ever get sick of seeing that show. The Cursed Child blew my mind with the ways it managed to bring magic to the stage, I still can't even figure out how they did some of it. The theatre is an experience you never forget and you'd struggle to find a more talented bunch than the people you see on that stage and the incredible people behind it too.

Theatrical by Maggie Harcourt follows Hope, who dreams of working backstage in the theatre. Hope wants to earn her place though, she doesn't just want to be given a job because her mother is a famous costume designer, When Hope gets an internship at a theatre, working on a major new production, she could not be more thrilled. Piecekeepers, a best-selling novel, is being turned into a play with the famous Hollywood heartthrob Tommy Knight in the lead role. Hope has her work cut out for her trying to ensure the show is ready for opening night, all the while trying to keep her internship hidden from her family.

Maggie Harcourt brings the theatre to life and gives us a peek behind the curtain. This book made me fall even more in love with the theatre. It also made me truly appreciate just how many people and how much work goes into making a play a reality. Maggie's writing easily transports you into the theatre, you can vividly see everything she is describing.

Maggie breathes as much life into her characters as she does the theatre, Hope is such an adorable character, and so very relatable too. She lacks confidence in the beginning and second guesses herself a lot, but it's great to watch her grow throughout the book. I also loved seeing the relationship between Hope and Luke, Tommy's understudy, develop throughout the novel. The book s also filled with a whole cast of interesting side characters. I especially loved George, with his larger than life personality, he was the perfect balance for Hope and I loved their friendship. Tommy Knight was one of those complex characters you don't warm to right away, you need to see all his sides to truly appreciate the character.

Theatrical was the perfect cute contemporary romance that transported me straight into the theatre and made me never want to leave. If you're looking for your next adorable romance and super loveable characters then this is the book for you.


  1. Hiiii !!!
    Wujuuu, this sounds awesome! I swear i hadn't heard of it befoe but i'll definitely go for it now :)

  2. I loveee Maggie Harcourt's books! I NEEEED to get to this!


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