Feature & Follow Friday #2

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Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each of whom feature a chosen blog of the week. It is a way for blogs to gain exposure but also so you can check out and follow other blogs

This weeks question:
What are some of your favourite magazines?

Okay, confession time: I don't read magazines anymore. If I have time to read then it's usually always going to be a book. I used to read magazines all the time when I was in my young teens, now at twenty-two I don't have any I really like to read. I was absolutely obsessed with Kerrang! magazine when I was younger, it helped me keep up to date with all my favourite bands.

When I accidentally leave the book I'm reading at work I will pick up one of the magazines on the table and skim through it. One of the women in our stock department has a, what I deem, unhealthy obsession with the American magazine The National Enquirer, it's £1 and she loves it. From skimming through it I can kind of get why she loves it so much, it's hilariously trashy. Most if not all the stories have about 10% truth in them if that and I've never heard of half of the supposed 'celebs' in it.

So not a huge magazine fan, if I'm honest. I'll always prefer a good book. 
Remember to leave a link to your blog so I can come check out your answers!


  1. You know, I've never been into the music scene very much. Don't know why. It's just not really my thing. That looks like the EW of music, though, so I get it. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Following via bloglovin'. Happy Friday! :D

    1. I really need to pick up EW, as I love movies and TV shows and it sounds like something I would really enjoy. Thanks so much for following back =D

  2. I feel like most of the blogs this Friday much prefer books over magazines. Thanks for stopping by and following and for the FF link info! Now following via bloglovin. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yeah I got that impression as well, I think it's a case of not really having the time for both. Thanks so much for taking the time to follow back =D

  3. I really like your blog! New follower via GFC!

  4. It seems a lot of people agree that they'd prefer to read books.. especially me! Thanks for stopping by my FF. Following back on bloglovin'

    Linsey @mybooksnthings.com

    1. I think magazines provide about twenty minutes worth of reading and usually the content is the same throughout most of them. Books are definitely better! Thanks so much for taking the time to come check out my blog and follow back.

  5. Time is so precious to waste it on magazine. Reading a book is way better. Thanks for stopping by and I follow back via bloglovin.
    Happy Friday =)

    Amie @Magic of Words

    1. Exactly, I would pick a book over a magazine any day. Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my blog and follow back =D

  6. I remember Kerrang!, though don't think it's even around anymore? And i'd much prefer to be reading books to magazines :)

    1. I think I still see it in shops now and again, I haven't bought it in years. It seems most of us would pick a book over a magazine, no questions asked!

  7. Kerrang looks like a great mag! Check out my FF Here http://shaynavaradeauxbooks.blogspot.com/2013/10/Feature-Follow-Friday-Magazines.html

    1. Yeah, I used to really love it and I'm not sure why I stopped buying it now! Thanks for taking the time to check out the blog and follow me.

    2. I nominated you for a Liebster Award HERE

  8. I guess all answers are about the same. If it comes to choosing what we should read, we'll always pick up a book.
    Thanks for visiting!

    Johanna @ Challenging Reads

    1. Books are a 1,000x betters! Thanks for checking out my blog =D

  9. The National Enquirer is just plain hilarious!! Thanks for stopping by my FF!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It is so bad but that is what makes it so funny, I get why she is so addicted! Thanks for taking the time to come check out my blog.

  10. I guess magazines are good for "light" (or trashy) reading. I do grab People every once in a while, but I'm like you - if I have time, I'm going to read a book! New follower -- Bloglovin & Feedly (my favorite).

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to follow me. I have never heard of Feedly, will have to go see what it is.

  11. The National Enquirer is good for a laugh! I usually just read the cover in line at the grocery store and it's enough to cause a fitful of giggles!!

    Haven't heard of this particular (UK, I assume) magazine, but I loooved My Chemical Romance!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. That's what I found when I read it, I couldn't stop laughing. I stopped making fun of her for being so obsessed with it after that. I could see why she enjoyed it.

      My Chemical Romance were the first band I fell in love with, the first band I got to see live- which seemed like such a big deal to me at the time! And yes it's a UK mag!

      Thanks so much for checking out my post =D

  12. Haha. The National Inquirer. There are some real facts in that magazine. :-P I'm a new follower!

    --Brenda @Daily Mayo

    1. I'm sure there are somewhere, I couldn't find them ;-) Thanks for checking out my blog and following, have followed back!

  13. I don't read them much anymore either. Too many books on the TBR list ;) Old follower.

  14. Books are really better.

    Thanks for stopping by and following. Following via Bloglovin.

    1. There's no competition ;) Thanks for taking the time to check me out and follow my blog!

  15. I loved Kerrang for pretty much the same, music was a big part of my life, and still is, just as much as books. Thanks for stopping by mine and following, I'm now following you back on bloglovin. :)

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    1. Yeah, if there's not a book in my hand then there are headphones in my ears! Couldn't live without either! You're welcome, thanks for following back =D

  16. I used to read EW back in high school. Now I just get my entertainment news on the web.
    Followed you back ty

    1. That's where I get all my news from too. Thanks for following back.

  17. I am the same way. Thanks for visiting my page now following also!
    Ashley Caught Reading Redheaded

    1. Seems like most of us much prefer books to magazines! Thanks for following back :)

  18. you sound just like me :-)

    Thanks for stopping by - following you back via bloglovin'

    1. You're welcome, thanks for taking the time to stop by and follow me back.

  19. Yes, books for the win everytime! If I just want to flick through something though, a magazine works.
    Following you now

  20. I just visited an #FF that stated Kerrang as her favourite magazine. What are the chances?! Not a lot of music magazines at the #FF I find.
    I used to love them though, the indie/alternative ones - not so much Rolling Stone. I used to drive to the news agents with my Dad and we'd pick up a bunch of magazines. Those were the days ;)

    Cheers, Katarina :)

    PS. I'll follow you via bloglovin #FF

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to follow me back =D I used to love going and buying magazines when I was younger, it was usually always my dad who would take me as well! =D

  21. Thanks for the follow! I followed back :)

  22. Yeah, I'm not much of a magazine reader, either.
    thanks for stopping by and following. I'm following you back via Bloglovin!!

    1. You're welcome =D Thanks for taking the time to come comment & follow back.

  23. Thanks for stopping by :) I'm following back via bloglovin and twitter. (:

    1. You're welcome =D Thanks so much for checking out my blog and following back.

  24. I don't read too many magazines either. I prefer books too.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF
    New Bloglovin Follower

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

    1. It seems it's the answer a lot of people gave. Thanks for taking the time to follow me back and check out my blog.

  25. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you back via GFC, and bloglovin.

    I have never heard of that magazine before. But I'm pretty much out of the loop, I prefer to read a good over a magazine. :) have a good weekend.

    1. I much prefer books as well, it's a UK magazine that I used to love in my teens =D

  26. I was never really into the music magazines, but I know there are a lot of them around. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  27. Hmm I don't think I've ever seen this one. New follower and thanks for stoping by.

    1. It's a UK music magazine, I found it fun seeing all the different magazines from around the world!

  28. I've never heard of that one but it looks cool. Thanks for stopping by the blog and followed back.

    1. It's a music magazine from the UK, and thanks for following back!

  29. I'm not aware of this magazine but it's good that you're able to support your fave boybands through this magazine.

    Thanks for stopping by Thoughts and Pens.

    1. Yeah it used to be my favourite! Thanks for checking out my post.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.