In My Mailbox/Letterbox Love #5

In My Mailbox & Letterbox Love
 IMM is something that was started on TheStorySiren so click on the link and check out her blog if you want to find out more about it and how to participate. Letterbox Love was started over at NarrativelySpeaking and is a more UK based version of IMM. This is basically a way for me to show what books I have received, borrowed or bought each week.
Also check out Friday Finds over on ShouldBeReading and Stacking the Shelves over at TyngaReviews, I am in love with all of these as I love finding other blogs to follow and books to read through these! So check them all out and see what you find, Stacking the Shelves has a lot of participants as well which is great.

This weeks book haul seems full of books I don't usually look twice at in book stores. Not quite sure what's happened to me this week but let's hope they are all great.

This week I bought:

Julie Kagawa

Meghan Chase has a secret destiny - one she never could have imagined...
Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan's life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fitted in at school... or at home.
When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar and her little brother is taken, Meghan senses that everything she's knows is about to change.
She could never have guess the truth. Meghan is the daughter of a faery king and a pawn in a deadly war. Now Meghan will have to choose between a normal life and her magical destiny - and between her best friend and a darkly dangerous prince. 
It's time for Meghan to enter the faery world...

I kept seeing The Iron Traitor on a lot of book hauls but also as books they were really excited to read. I have never heard of or seen the series before so when I saw all four books for £5 in my local book store I thought why not, for £1.25 a book it's worth giving it a try! 

Rebecca Donovan

All she wants is to hide away but love has found her...
In a town where people worry about what they're seen in and who they're seen with, Emma Thomas doesn't want to be seen at all. She's more concerned with feigning perfection - which means pulling down her sleeves to conceal the bruises. Emma doesn't want anyone to know how far from perfect her life truly is.
But when Emma unexpectedly finds love it challenges her to recognise her own worth, at the risk of revealing the terrible secret she's desperate to hide.

Not sure what made me pick this up, have seen the book title mentioned a lot. Was also something that was recommended to me after I read and loved Slammed. I'm not too sold by the blurb, sounds like it might be too melodramatic for me. We shall see.

Kody Keplinger

Seventeen year old Bianca Piper knows she's not the hottest girl at school, but when school jock and resident moron Wesley casually refers to her as a Duff - Designated Ugly Fat Friend - the gloves are off!
If there's a thing line between love and hate then Bianca has crossed it. She just never thought she was capable of breaking anyone's heart...

I saw this on a few blogs and I was intrigued. Hoping it is good and makes me laugh. I love a book that can make me laugh.

This week I borrowed:

Maggie Stiefvater

Even if Blue hadn't been told her true love would die if she kissed him, she would stay away from boys. Especially the ones from the local private school. Known as Raven Boys, they only mean trouble.
But this is the year that everything will change for Blue.
This is the year that she will be drawn into the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys. And the year Blue will discover that magic does exist. 
This is the year she will fall in love.

I had seen so many bloggers getting excited about the release of The Dream Thieves that I finally gave in and picked these both up. I am very intrigued, have heard wonderful things so I am hoping they are good. 

Katherine Paterson

It was Leslie who invented Terabithia, a secret kingdom on an island across the creek. Here Jess is strong, unafraid and invincible. And when something terrible happens Jess finds he is able to cope better than he could ever have imagined.

When I saw this movie it made me cry like a little baby. So when I saw it was an adaption of a book I knew I had to track it down and read it. I just hope it's as good as, if not, better than the movie. But hopefully doesn't make me sob quite as much.

Nyrae Dawn

Sebastian Hawkins knows what girls need to do to get a guy.
He has what he considers a PhD in hooking up. When he needs extra cash for a car, Sebastian starts an online venture as The Hook-up Doctor to anonymously help girls land the guy of their dreams. Of course, his services don't offer a happily-ever-after guarantee. He's seen first hand that getting together never means staying together.
And then he falls in love. With the last girl he would expect. Totally not in his game plan.
Suddenly, Sebastian finds himself muddled in the game he's always prided himself on. He can't even pick up girls at parties anymore! Why would anyone want to be in love when it turns you into a stuttering, screwed up mess with really lame stalker tendencies? Stalking? Totally not his gig.
But The Hook-up Doctor won't let himself go down easily. He's always known how to give a girl what she wants and now it's time to figure out what a boy wants... and he definitely plans on getting it.

This was new in, I just grabbed all the new in teen books that were delivered. After reading the blurb I'm really wishing I hadn't it. It totally says totally was too totally many times, like totally. 

Beth Kephart

The future should be right within reach, but for Kenzie the future has suddenly been rearranged. It's senior year, and while she should be looking forward to prom and starting college in the fall, she discovers she's pregnant. Her mother sends her to Spain, where she will live out her pregnancy, and her child will be adopted by a Spanish couple. No one will ever know.
Alone in a foreign country, Kenzie is at first resentful. But as she gets to know the rough land and the mysterious people in it, she begins to open her eyes, and her heart, to the beauty that us around her, and inside her. Kenzie realises she has some serious choices to make - choices about life, love and home.

The cover drew me in and the book does sound really intriguing, hopefully it's good.

This week I received for review:

Tess Sharpe

Sophie Winters nearly died.Twice.
The first time, she's fourteen, and escapes a near-fatal car accident with scars, a bum leg, and an addiction to Oxy that will take years to kick.
The second time, she's seventeen, and it's no accident. Sophie and her best friend Mina are confronted by a masked man in the woods. Sophie survives, but Mina is not so lucky. When the cops deem Mina's murder a drug deal gone wrong, casting partial blame on Sophie, no one will believe the truth: Sophie has been clean for months, and it was Mina who led her into the woods that night for a meeting shrouded in mystery.
After a forced stint in rehab, Sophie returns home to a chilly new reality. Mina's bother won't speak to her, her parents fear she'll relapse, old friends have become enemies, and Sophie has to learn how to live without her other half. To make matters worse, no one is looking in the right places and Sophie must search for Mina's murderer on her own. But with every step, Sophie comes closer to revealing all, about herself, about Mina and about the secret they shared.

I saw this on so many peoples book hauls that I caved and requested it on Netgalley. Finally just had my request accepted, so we shall see if it is any good. 

A lot of these aren't the kind of books I usually pick up but I'm taking a chance this week. Let me know if you've read any of them and what you thought. 

This week on the blog:

I reviewed:

The Sight by David Clement-Davies
Alienated by Melissa Landers
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff

I also posted:

My first Top Ten Tuesday

I want to thank Elizabeth @ Fangirls of Fiction for following me as well! 

Leave a link to your own book hauls so I can check them out. I need to add to my never ending TBR list somehow.


  1. Nice haul. Julie Kagawa has awesome books. She is awesome in person. Come check out my haul as well.


    1. I've never read any so not sure what to expect. Thanks for checking out my haul.

  2. The Iron Fey Books are up there in my all time favorites!! Enjoy!! They are awesome. :)

  3. I love The Raven Boys so much and I can't wait to read the rest of the series! Iron Fey series is one my favorites too so I hope you enjoy reading them. Happy reading!

    My STS
    Chel @ The Procrastinator's Corner

    1. I am hoping I love the Iron Fey series as well, I haven't really liked any faery books that I've read so far.

  4. Oh my gods. You have the Iron Fey series. I only read the 1st book and I totally loved it. Been wanting to have the 2nd book since then but Julie's books are quite expensive here in our country. Life... :(

    1. I really hate it when that happens, when there's a book I really want but to get it in the UK i'd have to pay a small fortune! I'm hoping that I love them too.

  5. Wow, you got so many great books this week! I loved The Iron Fey series, it's really good. And Duff is great, it's hard to believe the author was a teenager when she wrote it. Have fun reading! ~Pam

    1. I'm looking forward to Duff, sounds really great. Everyone seems to really enjoy the Iron Fey series, so now I'm looking forward to it.

  6. The Iron Fey series is good! :) Oh, Bridge to Terabithia was a required read in school back when I was in elementary! I really cried a lot. :)) Happy reading!

    My STS :)

    1. Oh great, another book to make me sob like a child! I kind of love books that make me cry though! Thanks a lot for stopping by the blog.

  7. I keep meaning to read the Iron Series but I haven't had a chance. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

    1. I've seen it so much lately and it was so cheap that I finally caved and bought it. How long it will take me to get to it though is another matter! The neverending TBR pile =D

  8. I still have to read that Iron Fey series... the first book is actually our Brunch Book Club read for November! :) (You should join us! Details here)

    The Raven Boys is a good read.. I still need to get to Dream Thieves.. Enjoy all of them!

    Michele | My StS | Giveaway

    1. Oooh will go check it out :) Have never taken part in a book club ever, so excited to run the teen one at work. I'm hoping I like it, as so many people seem to love it.

      Thanks for checking out the blog.

  9. I hope you enjoy the Iron Fey, it's a good series. I need to buy The Dream Thieves still. I am desperate for it.

    1. I am excited for both, but they aren't the type of books I usually go for so just hoping I enjoy them as much as everyone else did :)

  10. Good luck with the Raven Boys. Wasn't my cup of tea. Happy reading.

    1. Thanks, it's not what I usually read so I'm a bit nervous too!

  11. Awesome haul. Enjoy your new reads :)

    1. Thanks a lot, hoping I like them all. Thanks for checking out the blog =D

  12. I LOVE the Iron Fey series! Enjoy! Here's my StS this week!

    Sana @ Step Into Fiction

    1. I hope I enjoy them, they are not what I usually read. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Oh I love the Kagawa's books! they're so fun. happy reading!

  14. I still have to read the sequels to The Iron King! Raven Boys was really good too! Enjoy =)

  15. It's awesome when you find a series on sale that you've been wanting to get! That happened to me with The Mortal Instruments, $4 each :D

    1. Yeah it feels really good and also helps me to pick up a series that I want but aren't really sure if it's for me - which was how I felt about the Iron Fey series. I'm hoping I love it.

  16. Yay for The Iron Fey! Love that series so much. And The Raven Boys is amazing too :) Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  17. You've got some great books in your stacks! I hope you enjoy them all! Thanks for stopping by my STS, too. :)

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

  18. How pretty are those Iron Fey series? That's another one I need to read too. I just ordered The Raven Boys on BD after receiving a copy of The Dream Thieves for review. Thanks for stopping by my STS. Happy reading!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    1. I've heard great things about The Raven Boys, but it's not the sort of book I usually read. Hopefully we both love it! The covers on them are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for checking out my haul!

  19. Bridge to Terabithia! My teacher read that to the class when I was about 10 and she got very emotional!
    Great haul! I really enjoyed the Iron Fey series so I hope you do to... and if you don't at least the covers are gorgeous! :P

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my StS

    1. I hope I love them, if not I've got four of them! The covers are absolutely incredible though! =D

  20. Wow!! You picked up a ton of books this week. I've read The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves and I have really enjoyed the series so far.

    I can't believe people have been spoiling Allegiant on twitter. I didn't think they were giving out any advanced copies. I wonder how that happened? Thanks for the heads up so I don't have the book spoiled for me as well.

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books and thanks for stopping by my STS!!

    1. Some preordered copies got shipped out a week early by mistake! Veronica Roth did beg people not to read them or post spoilers.

      I'm really hoping that I enjoy them both! =D

  21. Awesome haul! I recently read The Iron King and tomorrow I'm actually about to start The Iron Daughter; I hope you enjoy the series like I am!

    Thanks for dropping by my StS! :D

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

    1. I am hoping that I really love the series! Everyone else seemed to really enjoy it. Thanks for checking out my haul =D

  22. I loved The Raven Boys, and I've just started The Dream Thieves. I've heard so many great things about the Iron Fey series, so I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by :)

    1. I am hoping to love both as everyone is telling me great things! Thanks for checking out my haul =D

  23. Looks like you've got some great books this week! I really want to start the Julie Kagawa series, but I should really finish some series first!

    1. I have heard really great things, I only bought it because it was such an amazing deal! Hopefully I love them.

  24. I need to watch the movie for Bridge to Terabithia, my mom told me it'd make me cry. Maybe I should read the book first. I need to check out the Iron Fey series as well. Great haul this week!

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

    1. It really did make me cry, hopefully I won't cry at the book but the odds are not in my favour!!

  25. Wow, great haul! :) I hauled The Iron King not too long ago and I'm super excited to read it!!

    1. I'm hoping to get to it soon, but my TBR list is endless so it may take a while!

  26. Far From You, so jealous! I loved The Raven Boys, hope you enjoy them! :)

  27. I loved the Raven Boys. I still need to read the sequel though. Far From You looks really interesting. Great haul this week! I hope you love them all!

    1. Thanks, me too! I've heard great things about The Raven Boys so I'm hoping I really enjoy it.

  28. I've been meaning to read The Duff for a long time. I've heard a lot of people say it's really good. I want to read Bridge to Terabithia as well. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks! Bridge to Terabithia is really tiny so should be a quick read, even if it does make me cry. Thanks for stopping by =D

  29. I've got the Julie Kagawa books on my shelves at home and I've read the first one, which I liked. I'll catch up eventually! Nice haul!

    1. Glad you liked it, I'm not completely sold on them, I've never really read a faery book but hopefully I enjoy them.

  30. Oh I've been wanting to read the Raven Boys for a while now, I loved Maggie's other books so I'm pretty sure this series will be just as good. Happy reading! :)

    1. I hope I really enjoy it, I've heard some great things. Thanks for stopping by =D

  31. That's a super good deal on the Iron Fey series! A lot of the other books I've been seeing around as well and am looking forward to your thoughts!

    1. I know, I couldn't say no to that deal! Thanks, I'm hoping to get to some of them too but so many books, so little time.

  32. Enjoy your haul! I've heard a lot about the Iron Fey series :)
    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  33. The Iron Fey books are really good! I finished my copy of Iron Legends (3 novellas in a book) last weekend, so now I'm ready for the spin-off series :)
    I also need to borrow Raven Boys from a friend of mine. Friends with good taste in books are invaluable ^^
    Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by!

    1. I really wish I had one, none of my friends really enjoy reading - which kind of pains me! That's why working at a library is so amazing for me. Thanks for checking my haul out!

  34. Great books! I love the Iron Fey series and I love the Breathing series by Rebecca Donovan. You're in for some great reading!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Thanks, I'm really excited for both! Thanks for taking the time to come check mine out too.

  35. Oh yay! A lot of Julia Kagawa books and there's the Raven boys too. I seriously need to start reading Julie's works. Been hearing a lot of good stuff for the Iron Fey Series.

    Hey have fun reading all your books. I wish I could also work part time in a library. xD

    Thanks for stopping by Thoughts and Pens.

    1. So have I, so since it was such a great deal I thought I would give it a try. Hopefully I love it!!! Thanks for stopping by =D

  36. The Iron Fey series looks so beautiful together! <3
    So does The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves. I love the way their book spines match. You'll enjoy reading The Raven Boys by the way. ;D
    Enjoy all your lovely books & thanks for stopping by my STS! (:
    Sorry for the late reply - been so busy this week.

    1. That's fine, I completely understand; sometimes it's hard to find the time to blog! Thanks so much for checking out my post. I'm quite excited to real The Raven Boys - everyone else seemed to love it,


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.