Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma: The Review

Tabitha Suzuma

Title: Forbidden
Publisher: Definitions
Buy This Book: Amazon

Maya and Lochan have always seemed much more than brother and sister. After their father left five years earlier and their mother began drinking, they have taken on the parental roles and responsibilities. They depend on each other, rely on each other and need each other to ensure that the family is kept together, that Social Services do not realise that their mother is absent. Lochan's life is being controlled by his crippling social anxiety and panic attacks, he can't connect to anyone but his family, can't look people in the eye or speak to them. Maya notices Lochan's struggles and wishes she could help but she hopes it's something he will get over in time, as a straight A student he is headed towards great things.They need each other but as their relationship begins to develop beyond that of brother and sister they know what they are doing is wrong. But they can't stop themselves from loving each other. 

I know, I know; you're probably thinking 'Incest, ewwww!'. But please, please, please, please, please do not let that put you off this book. I also had a lot of reservations but I had seen such unbelievably amazing reviews for this book that I put that aside and reserved a copy at work. By the time it arrived I had to read it, had to know what about this book could make people fall so in love with it despite the taboo subject it covers. And now I know.

“At what point do you give up - decide enough is enough? There is only one answer really. Never.” 

I guess I feel like I should note that I don't have any brothers, I don't know if this would have been harder to read if I had. I was intrigued to know if anyone with brothers had still read and enjoyed this book and yes I found people who loved and adored this just as much as I did. After completing this book, I immediately went online and bought my own copy. This was a new favourite and it was going on my 'Pride of Place' shelf on my bedroom bookcase.

This book had me, it just had me from the word go and it would not let me go. It had me absolutely sobbing, it had me so angry, shocked and hurt that I wanted to throw it across my room. But I couldn't hate this book, I loved this book and nothing it did to upset me seemed to change that. I loved it more because it upset me, because it made me feel so much, it made me care so much. Lochan and Maya will always have a special place in my heart, I don't think I will ever forget this book.

“You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.” 

This book is not about incest, it isn't proclaiming that we should all go and fall in love with our siblings. . This book is about how hard it is to control who you fall in love with. I mean, the oldest saying is you can't help who you fall in love with. Knowing that what your doing is wrong doesn't make it any easier to stop, emotions aren't taps that you can switch off at will.

 In a world that seems obsessed with forbidden love stories this one is my favourite. We've had Romeo & Juliet of duelling houses, Bella & Edward vampire meets human, and even City of Bones suggested an incestuous relationship for quite a while and everyone seems to love that. So please, I beg you to give this a try. If you need anymore convincing just check out some of the other 3,027 5 star reviews on Goodreads!

I don't even know what to write in this review, all I know is that I would urge anyone to give it a try. Then if you absolutely hated it, I would absolutely love to know why, discuss it. I think it's one of those books that could lead to some amazing discussions.

5/5 Stars


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm so happy to finally find someone else who loves this book as much as I do! Forbidden seriously bawl my eyes out.
    Can't wait for more!
    New follower :)

    ~ Shayenne

    1. I am so happy to find someone who loved this book as much as I did. I try and convince everyone I know to read it! It's one of those books that had me absolutely sobbing too! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my review =D

  2. Hmm...definitely interesting subject matter. And talk about the ultimate taboo, forbidden relationship. I may have to try this (and I don't have any brothers so that will probably help). ~Pam

    1. I would really recommend, I was not expecting to love it as much as I did. It really is a truly amazing book! Thanks for checking out my review!

  3. Man your review makes this sound so intriguing, but.... I just don't know if I can read about a brother and sister hooking up! It freaks me out a little (or a lot) and I'm an only child. I gotta think on it.

    1. I'm pretty sure everyone who picks this up has the exact same reservations, but this book is so much more than that. I can't really recommend it more, I was really unsure and now it's one of my favourite books! It's really worth a read and even if you hate it I would still love to read your review to see why.

  4. This book has been sitting prettily on my shelf for months now. But I'm kinda scared to read it because a lot of reviews I've read said that it will really broke your heart into pieces and shatter it into pieces and I'm just not ready to feel those emotions yet. But I will read this book ... as soon as my heart will be ready.

    1. It really does, especially when you are not prepared for it - I really wasn't. But yes, when you're ready I would really recommend it. I'm thinking of doing a giveaway soon for a copy of this book so you can always enter for that. I'm not sure if anyone would enter but I love the book so much I want to share it!

  5. I can feel how the book has deeply affected you through your review itself.I still haven't started this book,but I really want to.But at the same time,there's something that's keeping me from starting it.I hope that obstacle will die away soon:)
    I think I'll understand your feelings for the book,after I've read it.From what I gather,it must have been really heartbreaking,huh?

    1. Heartbreaking doesn't even begin to describe it. It was one of those books that I started reading with a lot of reservations and sure I wouldn't really like it. It ended up blowing me away, Tabitha Suzuma wrote a brilliant book. I definitely recommend it, it's a really extraordinary book :)

  6. I agree that at first sight I was put off by the incest storyline, but I decided to give it a chance. It was honestly the most heartbreaking thing I had ever read. The world isn't all happiness and roses, incest does occur in society and I feel like this book really provided an amazing representation of how people would feel if they had feelings for someone they shouldn't. This book taught me to be open minded when choosing books and not to avoid reading them if I feel disgusted with the concept.

    1. Definitely how I felt too and got me to give other books a try that I usually wouldn't. It was a very honest look at a taboo subject. Such a heartbreaking book, broke my heart!


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