Musing Mondays #4

This is a weekly meme hosted by shouldbereading, which is where you can post your musings of the week. This can be describing a reading habit, what books you've bought, what books you want, what you're reading or any rant you can think of book related.

I'm rather sick right now with one of those colds that make you look, feel and act like one of the walking dead. I'm pretty much like this right now:
Everything Hurts and Im Dying Parks and Recreation Leslie Knope Saying Everything Hurts...
 This means that I am home under my blankets with a book in my hand whenever I don't have to go to work. So today I shall share a reading habit, that I'm sure a lot of you have as well. I love to find the time to lay back and relax in a bath with a good book. Although it's made so much less relaxing by the fact I try to keep my books in pristine condition for as long as physically possible. So it's me laying back, my arms up in the air so the book is far away from water and my hands like a vice on it. And don't even get me started on how ridiculous I look when I read my Kindle in the bath, arms outstretched so the Kindle isn't over the water! I feel like I'm coming off a little crazy right now!

Last week on the blog:

I reviewed:
These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
The Sight by David Clement-Davies
Alienated by Melissa Landers
And I posted my W... W... W..., my weekly book haul and my first ever Follow & Feature post.

I am currently reading Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma. I wanted to redo the review I did for this, as it was one of the first I wrote for the blog and I did not say everything I wished to say about this. So I am redoing it but in doing so I made myself want to read it again. So for the first time in what feels like forever, I actually stopped reading a book in order to read something else. The review will be up tomorrow most likely, it will definitely be 5 stars so check back!

Tales From The Library

This week I have decided not to tell another crazy library story; I'm worried I may put you off going in one ever again. I will instead tell you one of the few things I don't like about my job. That is people who can't use computers coming in to use the computers. I do not wish to add up the hours of my life wasted on this. 

I get people coming up to me constantly and informing me that the computers are broken. When you enquire further they say that it's just not working. My usual response is to ask if they have switched it on, they say they have and that it is most definitely broken. I then walk all the way to the I.T suite, press the on button and as if by some strange Harry Potter magic I have fixed the broken computer. I wish to start a general computer use rule, if you don't know what a power button is you are obviously too stupid to use them. Why these people don't sign up to any of our free computer courses, I will never know.

Leave a link to your own MM and I will check them out!


  1. Trying to keep my books in pristine condition the way you've described is why I've given up reading in the bath. I had way too many mishaps :(

    And I completely understand your frustrations with people and computers. I too seem to have Harry Potter magic way more often than I would like. Well, I would like it if my Harry Potter magic could be used for more than helping others with their so-called computer problems.

    1. I have luckily got much better at this, and never really drop them in or get them wet. I'm just overly, ridiculously cautious!

      I know! I wish I had some real Harry Potter magic, not simple the ability to make a 'broken' PC work by the power of my finger and a power button. If only my Hogwarts letter had arrived!

  2. There are actually little tray-like things that you can buy to put across the bathtub to rest your book on so it doesn't get wet! I don't have one but I've seen them in catalogs. :-)

    1. Ha I would kind of love that, then I could write my notes as well! Ah that's kind of sad but oh well.

  3. Enjoy your week...hope you feel better.

    I like the tray to put across the bathtub.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  4. I always thought it would be great to have one of those bath could then rest the book on it. But I have never found one....thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. I don't know how you manage to read in the bath. I mean, water and books do not mix, IMO.

    1. I have had years of practice, my books come out with not a drop of water on them. I have to read in the bath, it's so relaxing!

  6. I haven't done that in awhile but I love reading in the bath too. Here is my post:

  7. I'd never read books while in a bath... well, because I'm so clumsy and I can't imagine destroying my precious books. I think I would faint.

    1. If I dropped one of my books in the bath I would faint too! I am ridiculously careful with my books, but it's just so relaxing I can't help myself!

  8. Its a long time since Ive read in the bath .. I just cant seem to get comfortable doing it for any length of time. Heres what Im reading:

    1. I read everytime I'm in there now, I'm getting quite good at finding a comfy spot =)

  9. You can try putting your kindle in a ziploc bag to keep it waterproof!

    I'd love to read a book in a bath, but I'm sharing a bathroom with 9 people right now so that's not really an option. :P One day, I tell you. One day.

    Ellen @ Glamorous Book Lounge


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.