Top Ten Tuesday: 2014 Series I Am Dying To Read


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

I am having a hard time with this one as a lot of 2014 releases that I want to read I now have as ARCs and not sure if they still count. So instead I want to do the top ten series I want to read in 2014, all ones that have new releases coming in 2014.

Top Ten Series I Am Dying To Read In 2014

1. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

I have the first two sitting on my bookshelf right now but still haven't got to them. I really want to read them as I have heard nothing but good things about them. But the fact that I know after the third one I would still need to wait till 2015 for the fourth... well I am the most impatient person ever. May wait until the third is out before I start.

2. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Another series I have been dying to start for so long now because of all the wonderful things I have been told about it. The first two are sitting on my bookshelf and I really need to make an effort to get to them soon!

3. The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Have heard great things and have had these recommended to me a few times. Do want to give them a try but am going to borrow not buy. Those covers, my god, those covers are hideous!

4. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

This is definitely on my Christmas wishlist this year, so hopefully the boyfriend has been paying attention. It looks really great, I've been dying to read it for ages now and I keep seeing amazing reviews. Hopefully I enjoy it as much as everyone else seems to.

5. Razorland by Ann Aguirre

Although these are all technically out, the third book is only out in hardback and the first two I ordered for myself are paperback. So I still have to wait till 2014 for that one as my set needs to match, yes I'm one of those people!

6. Ashfall by Mike Mullin

I have seen this series around and it looks really interesting. Although the covers look more like they are for some historical fiction to do with Rome in my opinion.

7. The Program by Suzanne Young

I am really excited to start this series. I have the first in hardback that just arrived this week and I also have the second as an ARC so won't have to wait. Very excited for this one.

8. The Grisha by Leigh Bardugo

Another series I have been meaning to read for a while now. Have almost bought the first one on more than one occasion but am waiting for the second to be available in paperback too. I know most people prefer hardback, they last longer but when you have to carry it to work everyday to read it's just impractical.

9. Pivot Point by Kasie West

Have seen some really great reviews and so I am quite excited to get my hands on this one. I am beginning to realise just how many books are on this list and the time it will take me to read the, but oh well!

10. The Archived by Victoria Schwab

The first book is most definitely on my Christmas wishlist this year! This series looks really great and I am quite excited to start it, plus the sequel is released soon so I won't have a long wait!

So there you have it, ten series I really need to hurry up and start. 29 books, way too many pages and who knows how many hours of reading. I look forward to it!

Leave a link to your own Top Ten post so I can come check it out.
If you have read any of these series, which one would you recommend for me to start with? Or what was your favourite?

On The Blog

Crash Into You by Katie McGarry: Review
Legend by Marie Lu: Review
My Weekly Book Haul
My Feature and Follow Friday
My Sunday Post
Prodigy by Marie Lu: Review
The Host: Movie Review

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  1. A seriously great line up of books. I loved the Lunar Chronicles and the Lux series, they were so awesome. I've been meaning to read Shatter me for some time now :-)
    Here's my picks

    1. I keep hearing so many great things about all of these, will definitely need to make an effort to get to them all by the end of 2014!

  2. You've got so many awesome series on your list. I need to start the Smoke and Bone series as well. I'm aiming to do that this month!

    1. I'm hoping to start all these series and read any that are out by the end of 2014... if not I will be really disappointed with myself. They all look amazing!

  3. You picked some great books. At least half of these series are on my TBR list!

    1. I can't wait to start them all, hope I get through them all by the end of 2014!

  4. Love the Lux series (have to agree with you about the covers and that's one of the reasons I love my Kindle, don't have to see them!). Lunar Chronicles so great...can't wait for Cress to come out this year. Pivot Point was so good, excited to read Split Second. And Shatter good! Can't wait for Ignite Me. So many great series you've chosen!! ~Pam

    1. I was tempted to get them on Kindle but luckily we just ordered the whole set in at work so I get to borrow them for nothing! I don't even know where to start but I definitely need to read these all by the end of 2014!

  5. Great top ten! You should totally read the Lunar Chronicles. The first two books blew me away. The same for the Lux series. Amazing books. Especially Origin, which I read recently. And oh my gosh, Shatter Me. So beautiful! :D

    Also thanks again for donating books to my giveaway and for sharing it on your blog. You rock! :D

    My Top Ten!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

    1. Heehee I am excited for them all, I hope I make time for all these series in 2014! The Program will probably be first because I actually have both books now and won't have to wait.

      You're very welcome, I'm happy to take part and congrats again on the two year blogoversary!

  6. You are going to love the Razorland Saga, it's one of the best series I've read.

    1. I'm really looking forward to that one! Have heard so many great things =D

  7. Lunar Chronicles, The Grisha Trilogy, Pivot Point are all amazing!
    I know I'm in the minority here, but wasn't a fan of Shatter Me. Hopefully you have better luck there.
    I'm going to read The Archived this month. I was waiting until the second book was released, but I can't wait any longer. :)
    Great list!

    Here's mine:

    1. I'm not to sure about Shatter Me but have heard so many wonderful things that I want to give it a try. I'm dying to read The Archived as well, it looks so good! =D

  8. Good idea! There are so many series I haven't got to yet that this would be a good one for me to do too. The Lunar Chronicles would be at the top of my list too.

    1. I am really excited to get to that; have heard nothing but good things =D

  9. YES a thousand times to Opposition! August 2014 cannot get here soon enough! So sad that I am wishing that year away for this book!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Heehee I have heard so many wonderful things about that series, can't wait to read all these series! =D

  10. Ahhhh, you have some great series on here. The Archived, Shadow & Bone, Shatter Me, Lunar Chronicles... I also love the Lux series but I am SO behind on those books!! I'm gonna have to reread the first couple and then catch up. =S

    1. I am so excited to start them all, they all look amazing and I have no clue where to start!!!

  11. How could I have forgotten the Grishna series? And of course Dreams of Gods and Monsters is one I'm also anxious to read.

    1. Both series look great! No idea how to pick between these ten!

  12. I hope you love the Lunar Chronicles!!! I need to start the Lux series too, I've heard all these great things about the books. :) Thanks for stopping by my TTT list!

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

    1. I hope I love it too, have heard only amazing things about this =D The Lux series is supposed to be great too. No idea where to start now.

  13. There are so many amazing series that you have to look forward to next year, Laini Taylor, Tahereh Mafi and Leigh Bardugo's books are definitely ones which I enjoyed, so I really hope you end up enjoying them too! Thanks for stopping by! :)

    1. Me too! I have heard so many wonderful things about each series that I am so confused as to where to actually begin! Definitely determined to get them all done in 2014!

  14. I've got a lot of series that I need to start as well! I've read Shatter Me and the Lux series from your list and I quite enjoyed those! Thanks for stopping by =D

  15. OMG, your list is awesome! It is full of books that I love, plus series that I need to start ASAP, that I'm really looking forward to! Of the books on your list, I've only read the Lunar Chronicles series and the Daughter of Smoke & Bone series, but they're both fantastic! And I'm dying to read all those other series! Great list!

    1. I think I might start with the Lunar series as I have heard so many wonderful things! Although, the same can be said for all of them! I'm really excited for them all. Thanks for checking my post out =D

  16. Oh, man! You're in for some AMAZING reading this upcoming year!! Some of my favorite series are on here!

    1. Thanks, I'm really excited! 2014 will be a great reading year for me =D

  17. How could I forget Opposition?! haha and I still need to read book two of Scarlet, Daughter of S&B, and Shadow and Bone. I'm not sure why it's taken me this long to get to them. Great list!

  18. I loved the way that you formatted your list. I love how you have the entire series image. There are just so many books that I want. I can't wait for the cover of Ruin and Rising and a chance to get my hands on the available ARCs.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

    1. I know, I haven't started any of them yet so I thought I'd include all of the book covers. 2014 is going to be a great book year for me! =D

  19. I think it's kind of awesome that you get to read all those series after most of the books are already out. I tend to lose momentum after I've read the first book and have to wait a year or more for the next one. Except with the Lunar Chronicles. Those books are amazing.

    1. I can't wait! I'm going to enjoy being able to read most of the series in their entirety without having to wait =D

  20. Shadow and Bone is a great book and I want to continue with the series as well. I can't wait to read Shatter Me as well-definitely a book I want to read in 2014. Thanks for visiting my list.

  21. Great list! I´m also looking forward to read Sunrise, Cress, Dreams of Gods & Monsters and Split Second.

    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  22. I LOVE Lux, Shatter Me, Lunar Chronicles, and The Grisha. Great choices. I haven't started Daughter of Smoke and Bone yet, either, but it's on my TBR.

    1. I'm excited to start all these series; 2014 will be such a great reading year for me! =D

  23. Love how you turned this into a top ten series! You gave me some wonderful ideas for new things to read!

  24. The Lux series is the only series I've read on that list & I LOVE it! Hopefully you'll get to read it!

  25. The Ashfall series is so good, new covers are terrible though. Also Pivot Point is one of my favorite books EVER so I hope you enjoy!

    1. I'm not a fan of the Ashfall series covers, look like Rome historical fiction covers. I'm looking forward to Pivot Point, looks amazing =D

  26. I'm reading Pivot Point right now and I absolutely love it! These are all some great series. Happy reading!

  27. We have so many series in common!! I forgot about The Program... def anxious for book 2! Love that you snuck the Razorland series on here. ;) I loved the first 2... have my copy of Horde, but need to read it. Was debating on rereading beforehand!

    1. I am really excited to start all of them next year! =D The Program is one I am especially excited for.

  28. Oh gosh get your hands on Daughter of Smoke and Bone as soon as possible! I absolutely loved it. Laini Taylor is amazing. The Lunar Chronicles and The Grisha are also great ones; I loved them. I haven't read any of the other series on your list but some of them are to be read ones. Eventually!

    Happy reading :)
    Sydney @

    1. I am excited for Daughter of Smoke and Bone - have the first two and just need to get to them! I'm really looking forward to all of these, have heard great things about them all. =D

  29. Right there with you when it comes to the Lunar Chronicles!

  30. So many good series. You need to read the Razorland series. I finished Horde recently and you will not be disappointed with the series.

    1. Thanks, have just bought myself the first two and they look great =D

  31. Cool idea for a list! I hope to read The Lux series and Lunar Chronicles in 2014 also. I've had Obsidian since last Christmas, so I gotta get to it soon!! I totally recommend Ashfall. It was intense and awesome!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

    1. Thanks, will definitely be getting my hands on Ashfall soon =D

  32. I like your list! The Lux series and The Razorland trilogy are some of my favorite series, and I really recommend Pivot Point and The Program..some of the best books I've read this year. :) I hope you get to enjoy all of the books on your list. :)
    And thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. I hope I get to read them all too! Will definitely be making a point of reading The Program and Pivot Point sooner rather than later! =D

  33. A lot of great series :) I want to read The Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Shatter Me, The Program, Pivot Point and The Grisha.
    Have a good day ^^

  34. You will LOVE Shatter Me & The Treatment - both of among my favourite Dystopians!

    1. I love dystopian, so I am very excited for both of those! =D

  35. Great List!! The Lux series, Pivot Point, and Lunar Chronicles series are all on my TBR list still. Once I complete a few of the series I am currently working on I am definitely starting those.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!!

    1. Thanks, will definitely make time for all of these next year!

  36. I really want to read The Lunar Chronicles, The Grisha, Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Shatter Me!! Loved The Program and Shatter Me. I wasn't that crazy about the first Lux book, but was really enjoying the series by the third book. Haven't heard much about the other ones on your list, but I'm definitely intrigued! Thanks for visiting my TTT!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thanks! I keep hearing such great things about them all that I am determined to read them all next year! =D

  37. The lunar chronicles series is sooo good! Really want to read pivot point too!

  38. OMG I am the exact same with the first three series on your list! I have the first two Lunar books sitting, SIGNED, on my shelf untouched. And I so need to check out Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Great list!

    1. Thanks! I know, I keep looking at them but haven't had the time to get to them yet; hopefully will soon =D

  39. Thanks for visiting and commenting on Jorie’s Read’s by Starry Night Elf. I broke my vow of not reading a trilogy/quartet/quintet until all were available when I read The Selection - lol!

    1. I know, I try to avoid it to because I hate the waiting - but I also did that with The Selection; can't wait for The One.

  40. Love the way you did this! Honestly there are so many series that I still need to read the 2nd one before I can read the 3rd one that comes out next year, I could have done this as well.

    1. I know, I feel like I am sooooo behind on so many series atm!

  41. This is an amazing list! I've started & loved the Lunar Chronicles, Ashfall & The Archived, and I can't wait for the sequels. Both Cress & The Unbound are on my TTT, Sunrise didn't made it only because I still haven't read Ashen Winter, but I'm looking forward to it since it will be the final book, and I can't wait.
    As for the rest, I want to try all of them, but still haven't, hopefully I'll get to them in 2014 :)

    1. I'm glad that I keep hearing so many great things about this series - will definitely be getting to all of them next year.... hopefully =D

  42. I love that you did series! I've read a few but most recently read Pivot Point and I'm SO excited for the second one. It's going to be really cool!

    1. I'm definitely going to start that series next year, have heard so many wonderful things!

  43. ooh great twist on this week's theme! There are SO many series that I want to start as well! I LOVE Shatter Me.. so I hope you enjoy it :)

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!


    1. I hope I love Shatter Me too! I feel like I am so behind on so many wonderful series, but I know I'll get to them all soon.

  44. Great list! Lol, I agree the Lux series has really ugly covers :D I loved The Lunar Chronicles and Daughter of Smoke & Bone. Lux series and Shatter Me totally disappointed me. I can't wait to start Grisha, The Archived and Razorland!
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. I've heard good things about all and hopefully I enjoy them all... hopefully! Especially excited for Lunar Chronicles and Daughter of Smoke & Bone - they look amazing! =D

  45. I have heard so many wonderful things about these series that I now have no idea where to start!!! So many books! =D

  46. Great list.I haven't read The Lunar Chronicles and The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series yet,though I really want to.You should go for Shatter Me and The Grisha series.They're must reads.
    Thanks for stopping by:)

    1. Ooooh thanks for the advice, I always struggle with where to start when I have a huge pile to get through. Will definitely make sure I get myself those two then :)

  47. Cinder is so good! You need to read it. Daughter of Smoke and Bone is EPIC. Beautiful. Same with Shadow and Bone! It seems like all the series are ending next year lol.

    1. I will definitely be checking all of those out! Glad that I keep hearing great things about them all :)

  48. Okay, the first 4 series you listed are ones I'm dying to start reading, and most of the rest are ones I really want to read! I have so much reading to do!

    Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten!

  49. I see several that I already started and I'm just waiting to see them completed. And then there are those that I haven't started and I'm waiting for the last book to be out so I can start them and not die from the cliffhangers lol. Great list!

    1. I'm waiting as well, I hate getting in to a series and then having to spend months waiting for the next book! These all look like such great series, I'm excited for them all :)

  50. Yay to the Lunar Chronicles, DOSB and The Grisha Trilogy. I've just read Cinder and Scarlet the other week and I can only say one thing, THEY're really superb. :3 I didn't quite enjoy DOSB and The Grisha Series though. They're okay but not really mindblowing like the Lunar Chronicles.

    I hope you will enjoy all of them though. And advance Merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks, you too! I hope I enjoy them all, but I am especially excited for the Lunar Chronicles :)

  51. I just started Cinder and it's really good so far!! The Archived sounds really good, too.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!


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