Waiting On Wednesday: Maybe Someday

'Waiting On Wednesday' is a weekly meme that is hosted over at Breaking The Spine, and is a way to show off a book that you are eagerly anticipating.

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance—and the enchanting music that inspires one young woman to put her life back together.
Maybe Someday
At twenty-two years old, aspiring musician Sydney Blake has a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her good friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers Hunter cheating on her with Tori—and she is left trying to decide what to do next.
Sydney becomes captivated by her mysterious neighbor, Ridge Lawson. She can’t take her eyes off him or stop listening to the daily guitar playing he does out on his balcony. She can feel the harmony and vibrations in his music. And there’s something about Sydney that Ridge can’t ignore, either: He seems to have finally found his muse. When their inevitable encounter happens, they soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one…
From the author of the New York Times bestsellers Slammed, Point of Retreat, Hopeless, This Girl, and Losing Hope, Maybe Someday is destined to become another bestseller and long-lasting fan favorite.

It's thanks to this weeks Top Ten Tuesday that I even know this is coming out. I really enjoyed Colleen Hoovers Slammed series, I thought Slammed was one of the best romance novels that I had read. That's high praise coming from me as I am not the biggest fan of purely romance storylines. I have heard amazing things about her other series Hopeless and have bought both on the Kindle to read. I am very excited that she now has a new book coming out, especially with a cover that I really love. 


This is from ShouldBeReading and is simple to take part in. All you need to do is answer the following three questions:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finished reading?
  • What do you think you'll read next?

Currently Reading:

Champion (Legend, #3)Champion by Marie Lu (Legend #3)

I reread the first two books before getting to this because I was scared to read it. Now I am halfway through and absolutely loving it. It feels very different from the first two books, but in the best possible way. I also really love that so many questions that were just left completely unanswered or weren't acknowledged in the first two book are finally being answered and in great, amazing detail. Can't wait to have time to sit down and finish it. 

Recently Finished:

Prodigy (Legend, #2)

Prodigy by Marie Lu (Legend #2)

I reread this before I started Champion and I really enjoyed it. I actually enjoyed Prodigy more than Legend, it had all the fast-paced action of the first but gave more time to character development and let you get to know the characters better. You can find my review here.

What I Plan To Read Next:

Control (Control, #1)

Control by Lydia Kang

I need to get to this because I have the arc and it's coming out soon so I want to get the review up on the blog. I was really excited when I got accepted for this one as it sounds really great. Hopefully it's an enjoyable read, the summary for it suggested it was like Uglies - a series I really enjoyed. 


I have donated a prize for Book Fever's two year blogoversary. My prize is for a book of your choice up to £15 from Book Depository. She has also had a ton of prizes donated from other bloggers, as well as authors and publishers. So be show to go check that out here.

On The Blog

Crash Into You by Katie McGarry: Review
Legend by Marie Lu: Review
My Weekly Book Haul
My Feature and Follow Friday
My Sunday Post
Prodigy by Marie Lu: Review
The Host: Movie Review


  1. I haven't read any of Hoover's books, but I've heard great things! This one sounds really good so YAY for TTT! I love how you added more info to your WoW :)

  2. I am glad TTT helped you out! :)

  3. I liked the Slammed books too -- going to check this one out!

    1. Slammed was such a great series! I hope this is just as good.

  4. I haven't read Colleen's books yet but I really need to since everyone raves about them! And I'm really excited for this one too, maybe I'll start with it and then move on to her previous books.
    Great pick :)

    My WoW

    1. Thanks! Slammed was a really great series and I've heard great things about her other series, Hopeless. =D

  5. I once tried to read Hopeless by Colleen Hoover but couldn't get into it. I do like the sound of Maybe Someday though. It sounds like a great read.

    I used to participate in WWW too. I stopped because together with WOW it got to be too much. But I still like to see others' WWW posts. It's great! :)

    my WOW!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

    1. Thanks, I am finding all of these a bit much too - lots to keep up with!

  6. Seeing a lot of Colleen's books around lately! Hope you enjoy this one!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I enjoyed Hopeless and Slammed so I'm sure I'll read this one. Great pick! ~Pam

  8. I love Colleen's books, they are amazing! This one is already on my to-read list.

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW

  9. I've heard so many amazing things about Colleen's books, so amazing pick! I love your blog :)

  10. Great pick! This is on my TBR pile.Thanks for sharing and stopping by :)
    Nahomi @ Books & Swoons

  11. Hoover is on my automatic-to-read list. She's amazing!! Thanks for stopping by my WoW :)

  12. Great minds think alike! Thanks for sharing and stopping by :)

  13. Not really my type of read but I hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks for stopping by My WoW earlier and sharing!

    1. Thanks, me too. I don't usually like these kinds of books either but Colleen Hoover's Slammed really blew me away, so I'll give anything of hers a try now.

  14. Great pick! I´m also looking forward to read Maybe Someday because I´ve read and loved Slammed trilogy and Hopeless duology.

    Thanks for visiting My WOW

    1. I loved Slammed and really need to get to Hopeless soon! =D

  15. I'm excited for this one too!

    And I'm glad to see you are enjoying Champion. :)

  16. I've not read something like this before but I want to try out a NA so I might need to put this on my list. Thanks for the share!

    1. I don't really read them either, or NA, but as I really ended up loving Slammed by her I am willing to give it a go!

  17. YES! Such a great pick -- this was my WoW a few weeks ago and I cannot wait to read it!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Eva @ All Books Considered

  18. Nice picks! I can't wait to read Slammed - practically everybody loves the series :) Thanks for stopping by!

    Zareena @ Books and Books

    1. I loved Slammed, such a great book! =D Favourite of the series for me.

  19. I still haven't read any of her books yet, but they are on my TBR pile :)
    Thanks for stopping by at my WoW

    1. I loved Slammed, would really recommend if you like romances - although I usually don't and I still ended up loving it! =D

  20. I came across this book earlier today and thought it sounded interesting. I hope you enjoy it!!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW!!

  21. i'm so excited for maybe someday too. thanks for stopping by my WoW post :)

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  22. I've seen Maybe Someday a lot on WoW posts and I had to add it. Great pick!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

  23. I like the look of that Legend series. Here's my link http://wp.me/p32hC2-td

  24. YEAHHHH love CoHo's books. Great pick.

  25. I have been really wanting to read Colleen Hoover's books , great choice.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  26. I haven't read any of Colleen's books yet but she is all the rage right now. I plan on reading her soon. Great pick!

    Xoxo. Alexis @ Lexi Swoons

    P.S. thanks for stopping by my WoW

    New follower :)

  27. I can't wait for this! I love anything by Colleen Hoover:)

    Thanks for stopping by my TT!
    Katie @ The Quiet Girl Talks

  28. Oh this was my WOW pick last week!!! I am so excited more CH!!!

  29. I actually still haven't tried Colleen Hoover's books, and I own a few of them, but I never seem to get to them.

    And I still need to try the Legend trilogy.

    Happy reading!

    1. I feel like that about a lot of books, have had some for years and still haven't got to them!

  30. I haven't read her Slammed series but I did read Hopeless and really liked it so i'll be checking this out when it comes out :)

  31. Maybe Someday seems a popular choice, and though I haven't read any of hers before, I never get tired of seeing that cover! Great pick and thanks for stopping by mine earlier. :)

  32. I haven't read any of Hoover's books. This one sounds really good. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for stopping by My WoW.

  33. Oooo, anything by Colleen Hoover! I hope you love that book! And I see you're planning on reading CONTROL next - I actually just reviewed CONTROL. I really enjoyed it :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  34. OOh I love the cover of that one! Great pick!

  35. I'm terribly excited for this one! I've only read Slammed and Finding Cinderella of Colleen's but I loved them both! I've got copies of both Point of Retreat and Hopeless waiting to be read. I love her. ;) Great pick!!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  36. Man, I reaaaally need to read Colleen Hoover soon! Ooh, hot neighbour, I like the sounds of that! Awesome pick, I like the cover too! Thanks for sharing & stopping by Bookmunchies (:

  37. I haven't read any Colleen Hoover books but my sister loved Hopeless! I definitely need to change this!! Thanks for stopping by my WoW!

    1. Thanks, you too! Slammed was great, am hoping to get to Hopeless soon :)

  38. . . . O_O Where have I been hiding? I had no idea there was a new Colleen Hoover book was coming out! I have to read this. I absolutely loved Hopeless!

  39. Great pick. I haven't read any NA yet, but this one sounds like a book I'd enjoy. Happy reading :)

  40. I haven't read any titles from Colleen Hoover yet, but I've heard good things about her books. Hope you enjoy reading it!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  41. I'm sad to say that I haven't read any of Colleen Hoover's books yet; maybe I'll start with this one. Great pick!

    Thanks for dropping by my WoW post :D

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

    1. Sounds like a good one! Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  42. Colleen Hoover and musicians? YES PLEASE! And now, thank you very much.

    - Deb @ Deb's Crazy Obsession
    My WoW

  43. I have never read a Colleen Hoover book, and to be honest, I don't plan to. I hope you'll love this though!! Thanks for stopping by :)

    1. I know, I don't really enjoy any NA but I ended up really enjoying Slammed, so will definitely give Hoover's book a go.

  44. Great minds think alike! We have the same pick and i'm so excited for Maybe Someday. Lovely pick!

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my post earlier. Happy reading!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Heehee I know, looks awesome! Thanks for checking out mine too :)

  45. Great pick! I really need to start Colleen Hoover's books soon, I've heard nothing but great things about them. Thanks for stopping by my WoW!

  46. Hello,
    Just stopping by to tell you that I nominated you for a Liebster Award. You can get the rest of your info at my blog

    1. Thanks so much! Not sure if I have the time for this but will definitely check it out :)

  47. You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by mine too =D

  48. Yes!! I want Maybe Someday too... Colleen hoover is soooo good!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    1. You're welcome and thanks for coming to check mine out! I know, I adored her Slammed series! :)

  49. I still haven't read anything by Colleen Hoover >.< I own Hopeless though and I hope I can get to it soon! I really like the sound of Maybe Someday as well! there are just more awesome books than I have time for *sigh*
    Thanks for stopping by my WoW earlier!

    1. You're welcome, I love finding new books and it's a great way to find awesome blogs :) I've owned Hopeless for so long now, definitely need to get to it soon tool; have heard it's as good as Slammed :) I know, so many books but so little time!

  50. I adore the sound of Maybe Someday! I haven't read any of Colleen Hoovers books yet, but that one sounds brilliant!
    Great pick! :D

    1. Her Slammed series was really amazing, hopefully this is just as good! :)

  51. Love love love Colleen Hoover! thanks for sharing & stopping by my blog!

  52. That sounds like a great book! Thanks for stopping by Ink Spots and Roses!

  53. Awesome pick :D I have yet to read anything by Colleen, but hopefully one day. <3 And I think Control looks awesome!
    Thank you so much for commenting on my blog ages ago. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

    1. That's okay, thanks for coming here to comment back :) Control became a DNF for me unfortunately :(


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.