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300 Bloglovin Followers INT Giveaway: 3x£10 Amazon GC

300 Bloglovin Followers

The above GIF is to display how excited I am to reach 300 followers, but also because I love Jim Carrey. I wasn't sure what to do for my giveaway but have decided on 3 Amazon gift certificates, because who doesn't love Amazon and the wonderful one click button! 
Thanks so much for everyone who has followed my blog, you guys are truly the greatest. I only started the blog last September and I am blown away by the support I've gotten. This is my way of saying thanks :) 

*** I am editing this, as I just reached 400 BL followers and feel I should add an extra prize to celebrate! So I have added a fourth prize, which will be a book of choice, up to £10, from Book Depository! This will go to the fourth winner drawn from the Rafflecopter. Thank you all so much for following.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on reaching 300 followers and thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway!

  2. There are so many I want right now! Maybe the sequel to Legend.

  3. Congrats on the 300 Bloglovin followers!

    There are SO many books I want but I think the one I want most at the moment is Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi.

    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

    1. I still have to read the first two in that series. Thanks & good luck :)

  4. Oh my that's a toughie! I guess it depends on where I'm at in the month! But possible The Soul Screamers Volume 4 by Rachel Vincent!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. There are so many books on my wish list right now! Not a Drop to Drink and Red Rising are both pretty high on my list though!

    1. I really want to read both of those too! Good luck for the giveaway :)

  6. Congratulations! This is a pretty big milestone for a blogger (:

  7. Congrats on getting to 300 followers! That is awesome. I want to get The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer.

  8. The book I want the most right now is Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan

  9. Congrats on 300 followers!

    Hmm...I'd probably choose The Vow by Jessica Martinez or There You'll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones because our library system doesn't have them, and I don't like to buy physical copies if I don't know I like them or will love them.

  10. The book I want most right now is a pre-order: Blur by Steven James. Thanks for the giveaway. Congrats on reaching 300 followers! :D

  11. Congrats!! :D

    The book most want is The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan :)

  12. Congratulations on reaching 300 followers!

  13. CONGRATS ON 300!! That's amazing and wonderful! I can't remember how many you had when I started following, but it was only an itty bitty number. So this just shows your awesomeness. :)

  14. Congratulations! :D I got past 10 and was over the moon, 300 must seem crazy! :D

    1. I still remember when I got my first one and almost died from shock! :)

  15. Congratulations on 300!
    Awesome giveaway, there's so many books I don't even know which I'd grab! haha

  16. the name of the wind by patrick rothfuss :3

  17. Right now, I'm eyeing Joanne Harris' The Gospel of Loki, for a start...

  18. Congratulations on reaching 300 followers! I'm hoping to reach 100 soon, fingers crossed.

    I must say I'm very drawn to The Gospel Of Loki too!

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

    1. Thanks! Good luck for the giveaway and I hope you reach 100 soon :)

  19. That is so awesome that you have reached such a high number of followers. Congratulations. I am hoping to read The Never Never Sisters by Alison Heller next. Just have so many good books ahead and makes it so difficult to choose. :)
    Thank you for the contest.

    1. I know, I always find it hard to think of one book! Good luck :)

  20. I really can't think of any because I just one clicked about 10 books.

  21. Congrats on reaching 300 followers

    so hard to pick just one - either the Afterlife of Lizze Monroe by Kelly Martin or Fae of Lee by C.L. Champlain

  22. I commented on a blog earlier that there was not enough fantasy book about Norse Gods, then I look through your comments and find The Gospel of Loki - the power of the blogophere strikes again!! Have added that to my goodreads x

    1. The blogosphere means that I will never have an empty TBR list, and I love that! :)

  23. Congrats on reaching 300 followers . I would like to preorder Child of Mine
    by Beverly Lewis.Thank you for the opportunity to win.Have a wonderful week.

  24. I really want to one-click Transcendence by Shay Savage.
    Thank you so much for the giveaway! :)

  25. oh my goodness I love that gif haha makes me laugh! I would love either altered by Jennifer rush or the unbecoming of mara dyer by michelle Hodkin. Congratulations btw! :DD

  26. I don't really like ebooks to be honest...but as for books in general I'd love to have Such Sweet Sorrow.

    Congrats opn 400 followers!

  27. I'd love to get Cress my Marissa Meyer!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  28. Congrats on the milestone! I'm dying to get my hands on The Retribution of Mara Dyer, which hasn't even come out yet, but one I've been waiting for for ages!

  29. Congrats on the milestone :)
    Hm,I don't know :D,maybe Scream for me by Karen Rose :)
    Thanks for the chance :)

  30. Ten tiny breaths :D thanks for this and congrats! :D


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