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Top Ten Tuesday: Why I Love Being A Reader & A Book Blogger


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

1. I can escape the world around me, even if it's only for five minutes on my journey home or for hours at a time. Sometimes, during the hardest times you can go through, getting sucked into a story can make you feel okay the whole time you're reading it. It transports you somewhere else entirely and I absolutely love that.

2. I seem to easily form bonds and relationships to fictional characters and it's wonderful. I find myself loving these characters as if they were real people and caring so much about them. Whether it's a character for you to love, hate, root for, cry over or eagerly anticipate their death, books can make me feel more emotions in a couple of hours of reading than I will feel going about my daily life for two weeks.

3. Book Boyfriends - we all have them, we all love them. Books are such amazing things but they are also terrible at the same time. The reason I say that is because they definitely give you very high expectations of what to expect from men. And most men can't live up to the guys we find in our books.

4. Sharing is caring - One of the main things I love about being a reader is sharing books with other people. When you find a book you absolutely love it makes you want to shout about it as much as you can and try to force as many other people as you can find to read it to. If they love it then I get the joy of gushing about it with them and if they hate it then I get the joy of an in depth discussion as to why. Some of my favourite books are ones that have been recommended/shoved at me by other people and I am so thankful for that.

I'm the one in the dress who looks far too happy!
5. It provided me with the most amazing childhood - I have read for as long as I can remember, but I was pretty much the perfect age for Harry Potter and was able to grow up reading it. That really made my childhood fantastic. The books coming out at midnight and being able to stay up to go get them. Having a reading marathon till the early hours of the morning to beat my sister to the end of each book. ALL THE EMOTIONS! The crying, shouting and the wanting to hurt J.K.Rowling for all she did in book seven. There was no better way to grow up!

1. The WOW factor - I love the amazing feeling that blogging has given me. And how each and every little milestone gives me such an amazing feeling. I still remember getting my first ever follower and thinking, Wow, just WOW! And that hasn't stopped yet, with each new comment or follower or word of support I get more little wows! And that's why I don't see myself ever giving this up.

2. The people - Blogging can be time consuming and so much harder than I ever imagined at times but the people make it worth it. I'm really shy in my day to day life (seriously, I am socially inept!), a job working with the public has helped but not much! So it's blown me away just how much easier it is to talk to people through the blog. I think it's the fact we all share the same interests and can get all giddy and excited about books together. I have to get over my shyness on Twitter though, I see great tweets but never comment back - this must change!

Henry Miller quote on writing3. Discovering new books - I got 25 books this year for Christmas and about 20 of those were books that I had only heard about because of blogging. I have started reading books that I normally wouldn't pick up because of peoples recommendations and I've enjoyed most of them. I'm finding books that are out in different countries but you don't really hear about here. My TBR list is now too long to even think about, but I couldn't be happier.

4. I always have something to do - I think other bloggers will understand just how much time, energy and effort goes into blogging. I am never bored any more because I can always update the blog or go discover new blogs. I can read peoples reviews or their recommendations, I can go comment on some incredible discussions. It is also an escape from the world around you, I can get caught up in writing a post or checking out other blogs and I love that. Last year was a really awful and emotional year, I can't imagine having a worse year. But through it all, blogging was something I could always look forward to and I am so grateful for that.

5. I don't feel crazy - I will explain. In my life I know very few people who have a love of books. I work in a library so that is saying a lot. I can't stop myself buying books, even though I own hundreds already that I haven't gotten to read yet. I can get lost in a book for hours and not want to put it down for anything. I can sob hysterically at a book and my boyfriend will look at me like I am actually going insane. But, thanks to blogging, I don't feel like a crazy person any more... I'm just a book lover! And finding so many people who feel the same way makes me feel like a sane, completely rational human being... maybe!

Leave me a link to your own TTT post! 


  1. First of, thank you for dropping by my blog! Secondly, I could not agree more with your list! It makes me want to go back and change mine. I especially enjoyed the part about Book Boyfriends. God, if you only knew how dead pin that was!

    1. Thanks! Book boyfriends definitely give us high expectations because they are perfect ;) Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  2. Love your list. I love your comment on not feeling crazy. There are people in my life that always look at me weird for how much I read. I get accused of being lazy. So blogging is great because I get to see that there are other people just like me.

    1. I know, people around me don't seem to understand my love of reading. But the blogosphere gets me! :)

  3. I agree with a lot of what you said. I think my blog is something I'm so proud of, and that matters a lot to me. You're also right when you said it stops you from being bored. I complain a lot about how little time I have, but I know that I'm the type of person that loves having stuff to do. And every little accomplishment feels so amazing :)

    Great post!

    -P.E. @ The Sirenic Codex

    1. It really does keep me entertained, I barely have a spare moment anymore. The blog really does provide me with some amazing feelings :)

  4. I especially enjoy your last reason for blogging! I did feel crazy myself all throughout high school when my friends teased me for liking the paranormal books! And this was before we even had an official Paranormal YA! So glad to feel a kind of normal with the blogging world!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I am glad I'm not the only person who needed blogging to show me that I wasn't completely mental!

  5. I completley agree with number two! Forming relationship and connections with fiction characters is so easy that it's scary. I honestly spend more time with fictional characters than real people, which may (or may not) be a really bad thing. This combines one and two, but it's so easy to find a character and a world that I love and just escape into said world for a short or long period of time and forget about all the stress that's really going on in my life.

    And book boyfriends—let me just—
    I love them so much. ♥ I have so many book boyfriends! I'd love to list them all, but there are simply too many. One of my recent book boyfriends is Levi from Better Off Friends. He is simply the best.

    Ahh, I love sharing my books if the other person actually reads the book and doesn't ruin it. I cannot count how many times a person has borrow a book from me and ruined it and/or not even read it. It's so frustrating. I mean, at least try to read it. Don't just borrow it from me and decide that you're not into it anymore. :l So frustrating.

    And I agree with the WOW factor of blogging. Getting a new follower and a new comment makes me so happy. I'm not big in the blogosphere right now, and it feels amazing to get a new comment and to realize that someone is reading my posts and (hopefully) appreciating them.

    I haven't met a lot of people, but the people that I have met are amazing! I met this girl from Germany via her blog, and we've been coresponding via email for a few weeks now, and it's amazing to have a person that I can have such in depth conversations with.

    And gawd, this is probably my favorite. I used to buy books beause I thought they looked great, but now I buy books because of glowing reviews and bloggers that rave about their favorite books. I love discovering new books and adding them to my TBR, although I admit that I need to go through my TBR and decide which books I really want to read and which books I only added because I thought they seemed interesting at the time.

    Exactly! I'm never bored anymore (as long as there's internet connection!). I love reading discussion posts; I don't know why. They're sometimes informational, and I feel like I have the most to say when it comes to discussion posts rather than review posts. When it comes to review posts, I feel like I only read reviews for books that I've never heard of before and somewhat interest me or books I've read. I don't usually read reviews for books that I own and/or have been eyeing for a while. I like to form my own conclusions while reading the book.

    Tori @ YA Book Queens

    1. Getting lost in a book and forming bonds with characters is far too easy. I usually prefer the company of fictional characters ;) Also, so happy to hear Levi makes your list of book boyfriends as I have that and am now super excited to read it! Is it bad I don't lend out books? I can't stand the thought of someone ruining them or cracking the spine. *cries* Yeah, I am that crazy.

      I know, I'm definitely a small blip on the huge blogosphere radar, so every comment brings a smile to my face! I haven't really met many people that I talk to, but I have lots of blogs that I visit and comment on and them me. I definitely should go through my TBR list and take the books off that I only put on because I was tempted by them at the time.

      I really want to start writing more discussion posts but I'm nervous it will just be me writing and no one will care or discuss lol. But at least I'll have fun whilst I write it.

      Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the AMAZING comment! :)

    2. No problem! The thing that really bothers me with Blogspot based blogs is that I don't get notified when a person replies. The only reason I saw this was because I was coming here to see if I already commented, which apparently I did! I vaguely remember writing this. xD I just comment on so many blogs; it's hard to keep track!

      Sometimes the little 'notify me' checkbox doesn't show up, so I don't get emailed when I get a reply. :l That's why I try not to ask questions in comments xD

      And no problem! I really enjoy reading your blog <3

  6. Yes yes to the childhood memories-- how did I forget this! So much of my childhood was shaped by reading!

  7. This is such a great post! I can't believe I forgot childhood memories! And book boyfriends! And relationships with fictional characters! And the WOW factor...I surprisingly had trouble with my post...

    1. I did too at first, I actually had to think real hard about this one!

  8. I love your #4 of the blogging section. There's always a blog to read, or comment on, or discovering new ones, or adding books to a TBR based on other blogger recommendations. Great point!

  9. I love all the pictures you chose to go along with this! I totally agree with you about basically everything, but especially your fifth one about blogging - it's easy to think you're a bit crazy when you're a huge book lover surrounded by non-book lovers or people who claim to be (and probably are, just in a different way) book lovers but barely read anything because they're too busy! It's great to hear about loads of other people who would much rather spend the weekend reading than going out, and who think having a goal of 100 books a year isn't too crazy!

    1. EXACTLY! It has made me feel like I'm normal... although when I see people who have read over 300 books a year too I wonder how the hell they manage it... do they ever sleep/work/talk/walk. They might be crazy ;)

  10. #4 in blogging. I agree... always something to do. It is so fun and I am never bored. Sometimes.. I want to skip doing other things and just blog away.

    1. Me too... I want work to end ten times faster so that I can get home and type away on my laptop! :)

  11. Reading has always been a great escape to me as well.

  12. Oh my gosh...I absolutely adore your list. I'm with you on, like, ALL of them! Particularly the being socially inept one. ;) I have serious trouble talking to people. I'm an introvert extreme. A few years ago, I could count my friends on one hand. Now that I've been blogging for a while, I've met SO many wonderful bloggers and book lovers and...I just love talking and chatting to them all. Everyone is so awesome! I love how blogging connects weirdly obsessed people. ;) And it's so easy for a super introvert like me to make friends. (I also still get the WOW factor every time someone follows my blog. People are so nice. XD) Here's my TTT!!

    1. I am sooo happy to find other people who are as socially inept as I am! It's soooo amazingly easy to talk to people through the blog and I absolutely love it.

  13. Great list! I forgot about books making my childhood great and that I get to discover new books! Thanks for stopping by our Top Ten!

  14. #1 is perfect, l love just curling up and escaping into a book. I have never seen the Alan RIckman quote, it is truly fantastic :) I do love always having something to do, I feel like those 10-20 minutes of random downtime waiting in line or waiting to pick someone up I can just read my kindle and not even notice that I am waiting!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

    1. I love that quote, even though I am pretty sure that Alan Rickman never said it but it still makes me smile and describes exactly how I feel about Harry Potter. Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  15. I love the escape, I love the books and I love the interactions with some wonderful people who feel the same! Great list.

  16. Blogging has defiantly increased my books to read list. I'm not sure if I will ever work through the list now!!
    Rachel @

    1. I definitely won't make it through mine... maybe if I live to be 1,000,000,000 :)

  17. Yes yes yes! to all your points. Except maybe that for me, it's not so much that blogging doesn't make me feel crazy but that it's highlighted that I'm not alone in being a raving loon ;p

    ps. Thanks for dropping by my blog!

    1. Haha that is definitely true and probably how I feel too ;)

  18. I love discovering new books too, and don´t start with my long list of book boyfriends xD
    Great list, and thanks for stopping by my blog =)

  19. Great list! I like the one about not being crazy because you love books and how blogging opens a new world with new friends :)

  20. Great reasons! I love reading a book and escaping too! I love your comment about not feeling crazy anymore, your just a book lover! Thanks for sharing :)

  21. I like that you included the keep calm and blog on pic :) Yes, all great points. This is such a fun addiction.. err.. hobby.

  22. Wow, great answer. And I love the gifs. Blogging does incite you to read more.
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  23. I agree with you on so many points in your list! I love the way you set yours up as well. :) Book lovers unite! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Shelly @ Raindrops and Pages

    1. Thanks for checking out mine too :) Book lovers unite!!! I love that :)

  24. I love this point -- "getting sucked into a story can make you feel okay the whole time you're reading it." That's one reason I love reading, too. No matter what's going on in real life, books are ALWAYS there, and they can give an overly-stressed mind a much-needed break from life -- even when they're emotionally crippling, lol. ;)

    1. Thanks so much, there are few feelings better than escaping into a good book. The emotionally crippling books are some of the best :)

  25. Relationships is one of the very best parts of blogging. I never imagined I would make friends doing this and it has been so great! Thanks for a great list and for stopping by my blog!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree

    1. Thanks for checking mine out too :) I have only been blogging a little while but I'm hoping to meet more amazing people as I go along

  26. Great list! Sharing books is something I love to do too! I wish I had this on my list! Also, book boyfriends. Could not agree more! :-)

    1. Sharing books is definitely amazing, especially when they end up loving the book too :)

  27. Excellent list! Yes, I agree: I'm glad I'm not crazy either. :) I love that we have this whole book blogging community to reassure us of our sanity.

    1. I know... although the fact we need reassurance is probably a bad sign ;)

  28. You have so many cute graphics in this post! I love them!!! Sharing books was a great one that I didn't have on my list. I love introducing books to people and hearing how much they loved them! I also agree with blogging resulting in always having something to do. Blogging could really be a full-time job on its own!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier :)
    Lauren @ Wordy Hughes

    1. Thanks! I really feel like blogging is a full time job at times... which is really hard to manage when you have a job lol. But I love it and it's so rewarding :)

  29. Yes, it is so nice to be among people who love words and stories.

  30. And what a lovely blog you have! New follower!

  31. First and foremost, thanks for stopping by my blog! I can definitely see where you're coming from with the "WOW factors." As a guy who just started blogging, I'm definitely feeling all the feels when I hit those milestones as you suggest.

    joey via. anotherafterthought.

  32. Reading is the perfect escape! I love being able to relax after a long day!

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

  33. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I see a few of the items on my list up there! I really love that I can escape to different places just by reading AND I love interacting with other readers in the blogosphere!

    1. Me too, there's few feelings better than getting lost in a great book :)

  34. I need to go back and add book boyfriends and childhood memories to my list too, and that quote about reading is dreaming with your eyes open, I LOVE THAT!!!! Also, the part about knowing you're not crazy? Amen to that!

    1. I feel the fact we need the blogosphere to make us realise that we aren't crazy is probably a bad sign :P

  35. Great list! I especially the people. I, too, can be so socially awkward (I'm a total introvert), so my blog has helped me work on that. Great list!

    1. It's really helping me too, although it's far easier to talk to people through this! :)

  36. Awesome list! I agree on so many. Book boyfriends! Yes please. And I agree on escaping, sharing books and meeting new people in this awesome community. :)
    Happy reading!

  37. Love your list! The people really are the best and book boyfriends are great too!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  38. Me too, Harry Potter was the best way to grow up :)

  39. I totally agree with every single thing! I mean how can I not? I love the blogging community, the recommendatios, the friends, the followers. And what you said about milestones, I am totally with you on that one :)

    Great picks and thanks for stopping by! :)

    1. Thanks for checking mine out too. The community blows me away everyday and the recommendations make my TBR list so huge but I wouldn't have it any other way.

  40. I was already in college by the time Harry Potter came out and started getting popular, so I missed out on it being a part of my childhood. It sounds like it would have been so much fun to enjoy that way.

    1. It was one of the most enjoyable and memorable parts of my childhood! :)

  41. I have been HORRIBLY behind on my commenting, but I wanted to say that I LOVE your list. Bookish boyfriends for the win! I don't know what I would do without all my swooning :) And it definitely helps that this community makes me feel less crazy!

    1. That's fine... as you can tell from the late reply, I am horribly, horribly behind on my commenting! I love a good swoon :)

  42. Great list. love the last one about not feeling crazy. So very true. Sorry for the late visit.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.