Feature & Follow Friday: 07/02/2014

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Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each of whom feature a chosen blog of the week. It is a way for blogs to gain exposure but also so you can check out and follow other blogs

If you want to take part you must follow both hosts and both featured bloggers. Then add your own link and go visit and follow some bloggers. If someone follows you, you follow back. Simple.

This weeks question:
If you could read a book for the "first time" again, which book would it be? Why?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)
There are a lot of books that I think I would love the read again for the first time. Just to be able to experience the awesomeness all over again. I thought about the first Noughts & Crosses, The Hunger Games and a few more; but ultimately there is only one that can win. The Harry Potter series from beginning to end. If it were possible to go back in time and experience them all over again, I would.

I want the whole growing up with Harry Potter experience back because it was so much fun. The getting to go down to get it at midnight, and seeing all the people in costume. The year HP came out on my 14th birthday and my family surprised me with tickets to see my favourite band live - even though they had told me for months I was too young to go. That was the best birthday ever! The staying up until ridiculous o'clock in the morning, attempting to finish. Having to read at a super fast speed to beat my older sister, who had a habit of trying to ruin character deaths! 

Then I would also have the joy of discovering Harry Potter all over again. Who wouldn't want to be able to do that all over again? 

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  1. Have a feeling this will be a popular answer today! It was half of mine as well!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know, I saw it on so many posts and I wasn't surprised. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Very popular answer! Can't go wrong with HP!! Every one loves HP and the gang! Makes me happy to have kids that I will one day read them the series :)
    check out my FF http://bookhangoversbb.blogspot.com/

    1. I know, when I have kids I will definitely be reading Harry Potter with them. Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I agree completely. These books changed reading habits for a lot of people -- including me! my FF

    1. I was so happy to see Harry Potter as so many peoples choice this week :) Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Nice choice! I swear almost everyone is picking Harry Potter. Hehe.

    Old follower

    my FF!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  5. Harry Potter is a very popular answer! I almost chose it myself!

    Follower via GFC! :)

    My FF: Isabelle's Book Reviews

    1. I've seen it on so many posts today, such an amazing series :)

  6. Definitely agree with you on this one :) Seeing this a lot!

    Old Follower
    My FF .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

    1. I know, I've seen it on so many lists. Thanks for stopping by :)

  7. Another Harry Potter! It is very popular. Have a great week.

    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz
    My FF

  8. HP is such a popular choice! It came in as my second.

    New follower on BlogLovin'. My first FF!

    1. Thanks for following :) I love HP, I'd love to get the chance to read it for the first time all over again as a kid.

  9. The popular choice today! Thanks for stopping by our blog!

  10. Great choice! Thanks for stopping by and following. Following you on bloglovin. Happy Friday!

    ~Pam @ Moonlight Reader

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog, following back via GFC and bloglovin' hope you have a fab day! :)

  12. Same as my choice! Thanks for visiting my FF! I'm now following you via GFC (was already following via Bloglovin').

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  13. A lot of people picked HP. Good choice.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF
    Old GFC follower

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  14. For sure the most popular pick today and I have yet to read it!
    Old follower :)
    Here is our FF!

  15. so many people picked HP. I've not finished the series yet, I just can't continue when I know Harry and Hermione didn't end up together =(
    Thanks for stopping by and I'm following back.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I've seen a lot of that but I never saw Harry & Hermione ended up together, it was always Ron & Hermione to me. I'd still recommend continuing, it's a great series :)

  16. Oh yes!! Harry Potter! Sometimes I even wish that I could experience the movies for the first time again too!!

    Angela's Anxious Life

  17. Totally agree, it was an amazing experience to grow up with Harry Potter (it was my choice as well) and you stated it so well. Thank you for stopping by earlier. I have followed back and am a new follower on bloglovin' and GFC

    Happy Friday!

  18. This one is so famous! Everyone loves it!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    New follower.

  19. Harry Potter was another one I would have had on my list of books! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am an old follower.
    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog

  20. I'd love to reread HP too!! Great pick, and thanks for stopping by the blog earlier!! :)

    xo, Becca

  21. I think I'm the only person in the world who hasn't read it. Thanks for stopping by following back via GFC

  22. Ahhhh to read Harry Potter again without knowing what will happen. THAT would be a dream come true. I adored this series ;) Happy Friday. Bloglovin follower

  23. I would love to reread the Harry Potter series too! I wish I could have grown up with Harry Potter. :)

    1. It was a really amazing way to grow up, I'd love to do it all over again :)

  24. Yeah this would really be great. I don't really remember my first impression of book 1, other than I kept reading. I'd love to go back and re-read this for the first time. Great pick! Now following via bloglovin'. Have a great weekend!

    My FF

  25. I've heard HP so many times! :D But for me I'd rather watch it :)) The book is cool though and really I love it all :))

    Thanks for visiting my blog Home of a Book Lover

  26. Hi there,
    Harry Potter is such an awesome pick :). I'd definitely want to read it again for the 1st time!
    New follower,
    Ninja Girl

  27. Harry Potter is a great choice.I've re-read the series many times.
    Thanks for stopping by the Harem. Following back via Bloglovin'
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I've reread it so many times, but I'd really love to be able to go back and experience it for the first time all over again! :)

  28. I've never read Harry Potter, followed you back on GFC! :)

    My FF: hhttp://www.tashbrilliantbookblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/ff-1.html

  29. HP is a great pick to read again for the first time. Such a wonderful series. Thank you for stopping by my blog and following! I followed you back on GFC and BL.

  30. Harry Potter is such a good choice. I can't believe I didn't think of it. Thanks for stopping by my FF! Old GFC follower :)

  31. Thanks for stopping by my blog
    following back :)

  32. The Harry Potter series was truly magical (pun definitely intended!) ^__^. It made my list too!

    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by My FF post :)

    1. I know, really wish I could read it all over again for the first time :)

  33. I've seen several Harry Potter picks. I haven't read the books except for the first one. I love the movies. I have all the books so I need to kick it into gear and read them! New follower via GFC!

    1. Thanks for following. I definitely recommend reading all of the books, they're amazing! :)

  34. I'd love to read Harry Potter again for the first time! How cool would that be? :D
    Old follower by GFC and Bloglovin' :)
    My FF @ Donnie Darko Girl

  35. I also love Harry Potter!

    New Bloglovin follower.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Shounak @ Life with Books & Movies

  36. Thanks so much for checking out the blog and following :)

  37. Sorry I'm so late to comment, but I so agree! No one can get tired of Hogwarts! <33

    Followed back (:


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