Waiting on Wednesday: The Winner's Curse

The Winners Curse by Marie Rutkoski

Winning what you want may cost you everything you love 
As a general’s daughter in a vast empire that revels in war and enslaves those it conquers, seventeen-year-old Kestrel has two choices: she can join the military or get married. But Kestrel has other intentions. 
One day, she is startled to find a kindred spirit in a young slave up for auction. Arin’s eyes seem to defy everything and everyone. Following her instinct, Kestrel buys him—with unexpected consequences. It’s not long before she has to hide her growing love for Arin. 
But he, too, has a secret, and Kestrel quickly learns that the price she paid for a fellow human is much higher than she ever could have imagined. 
Set in a richly imagined new world, The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski is a story of deadly games where everything is at stake, and the gamble is whether you will keep your head or lose your heart.(Goodreads Summary)

Why I'm Waiting: Have you seen the gorgeous cover? Have you read the amazing summary? If the answer to those two questions is yes, then you probably know why I am waiting for this one. I have seen it on so many other blogs and have had my eye on it for so long now. The closer it gets to release day, the more I want it. 

The Wait Is Over: 4th March 2014

'Waiting On Wednesday' is a weekly meme that is hosted over at Breaking The Spine, and is a way to show off a book that you are eagerly anticipating.

300 Bloglovin Followers INT Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oooohh, AWESOME Pick! I've had my eye on this for a while now! I just traded for an ARC of The Winner's Curse and received it in the mail yesterday! OMG, the cover is even MORE GORGEOUS in person! I can WAIT to add it into my reading pile! I hope you enjoy it when you read it! Its been getting amazing reviews!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW @ Addicted Readers! ;)

    1. I am super jealous, I really want to get my hands on that book myself :) It looks so good.

  2. I had an ARC of it, and what I read was really good. But 30 pages (all of which were the climax) were missing, so I'm really looking forward to getting my finished copy.

    1. That sucks, I would have hated that. I really can't wait to get my hands on this :)

  3. The description sounds really great but what I love the most is that cover. I shouldn't judge books by that but still... =D

    Thanks for stopping by!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

    1. I know I shouldn't judge books by the covers either, but I so do!! :)

  4. I think this is the 4th time I saw this book in a WOW :D I really like the cover and a friend of mine loved it so I am... intrigued :D

  5. Been hearing a lot about this one lately! Loving the cover!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. OMG! That book sounds amazing! Thank you for shearing it, have to add it on my TBR list ^^

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I've seen this book EVERYWHERE. I'm definitely interested in it now! thanks for sharing!

  9. (I deleted the previous comment because of typos. Lol.)

    Oh, this is BEAUTIFUL!! What an AWESOME choice!! Never heard of this book before, but that synopsis......just the type of thing I LOVE to read!! Thanks for sharing this, which I will now add to my TBR shelves on Goodreads, and my Amazon wish list!!!!

    Also, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my WOW post!! : )

    1. You're welcome! I've been seeing it EVERYWHERE so I can't wait to finally be able to get to it :)

  10. Agreed, this book really is everywhere, it looks like we all want it desperately! :) Great pick!
    Thank you so much for sharing and stopping by my blog!

  11. Awesome cover! Hope you enjoy it...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  12. Love your description of why you're waiting, I have my eyes on this one as well. (I also adore the cover) thanks for sharing!

  13. I am excited for this one too.
    Thanks for visiting My WOW

  14. Great pick! I haven't heard about it before (I have been out of the blogging world for a couple of weeks!) but wow! Look at that cover! ^_^
    It sounds really good! :D

    Joana @ Joana In The Sky With Books

    1. I know, the cover got my attention and the premise sold it to me. I can't wait :)

  15. I've heard of this. I'm going to order it for my library!! Great pick. Thanks for stopping by my page. Now following you via GFC.

  16. That sounds like an interesting story and the cover is phenomenal!
    New bloglovin' follower.

    - Elizabeth @ Redhead Reader.

  17. I'm not lying even the tiniest when I say The Winners Curse is. Amazing. Seriously, I loved it It's pretty much perfect. Thanks for stopping by mine. :)

  18. Love that cover! And the synopsis sounds awesome. I hope you enjoy reading this one.
    My WoW

  19. I have been hearing a lot about this book. I'll have to check it out! Thank you for stopping by my blog. :)

  20. I'M DYING FOR THIS ONEEEEEEEEEEE! It's less than a month now, though, so that's almost comforting! Except for those 30 days or so that we have to wait. :) Great pick!!

    1. Thanks for checking mine out :) I can't wait either, it looks so good!

  21. I was kind of unsure of this one but I saw a couple really amazing reviews from people that are not easy to please and so that really made me want to read it! Plus sounds like a great forbidden romance and I love those! The cover is so pretty too! Thanks for stopping by!

  22. Oooh... I love the cover! Sounds great too!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  23. This sounds so good! Great pick! Thanks for stopping by today!
    Waiting on Weds @Libby Blog

  24. Great one! I absolutely adore this cover and that synopsis is fantastic. Thanks for stopping by :)


  25. Totally agree, this is a must read. The cover, the synopsis, everything! I've read some great reviews already too, so I'm very excited. Thanks so much for visiting my WOW!

  26. YESSSS! I'm so excited to read this! And to have a copy sitting on my shelf, because damn the cover is gorgeous! I hope we both love it Awesome pick!
    Thanks for sharing & stopping by Book Munchies (:

  27. Nice pick! I've heard tbis one is really good. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Great Pick! I've been seeing this book around lately, it sounds really good and the cover is just gorgeous!
    Thanks for stopping by my WOW yesterday :)

  29. That cover is stunning!! Love the sound of this one, too. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by! Happy Reading :)

  30. Wheee, I absolutely loved this book! My review will be posted on Sunday (ish). I can't remember exactly. But it's so amazing! You'll love it :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  31. Great pick! I am a sucker for an awesome cover and this one is just gorgeous. Story sound interesting, as well. Nice pick. Thanks for checking out my WoW.

  32. Definitely looking forward to this one, as well. That cover is so stunning and it's getting some pretty good early buzz. Great pick!

  33. I want to read this one, too!

  34. This does sound amazing! The tagline and cover both immediately grab my attention. Great pick :)

  35. I also can't wait for this one :) Great pick and thanks for stopping by!

    Zareena @ Books and Books

  36. Yes, I'm tooootally waiting on this book. COVER LOVE. Also, I'm a huge fan of how you put the rafflecopter widget up on different posts. It reminds me to be constantly tweeting about your awesome blog. ^.^

    1. Thanks, I thought maybe the widget would bug people. It's just always made more sense to me, I hate having to try and hunt down the giveaways I have entered.

  37. I have seen this book around a bit and lots of people have given it great reviews, I may have to check it out once it's finally released

    thanks for stopping by my blog
    88dreamers @ Seriesly Reading

  38. I want to read this one badly. That cover is simply beautiful. I love it :) I truly hope you'll get to read it soon. Great pick :)

  39. Such a lovely cover! I'm also waiting for this one, sounds like a great read :)

  40. Great pick! I am so bummed I didn't get this one from NetGalley - it's on my TBR list! THanks fo stopping by my hWoW

    1. I didn't even see it on NG or I would have requested it in a heartbeat!

  41. Great pick! I can't wait to read it. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my WoW! :)

  42. OMGosh... I had this on my WoW a few weeks ago and then got permission from NetGalley to read it (a few days later.)


    I hope you love it. Great pick!

    Misty @ KindleObsessed

  43. I've seen this book around a lot in the past few months, and it looks really neat. I especially love the cover - it's gorgeous! Great pick and thanks for stopping by my WOW :D

  44. I read one of her other novels, The Shadow Society, and it was pretty good. This one sounds like it might be even better! Thanks for stopping by my WOW!

  45. Awesome pick! This is also one of mine this week ;D

    Thanks for dropping by my WoW! :D

  46. This book sounds great and I love that cover! Great pick! Thanks for stopping by and sharing :)

    Xoxo. Alexis @ Lexi Swooms

  47. I want this book so so bad. I read the first five sample chapters online and fell completely in love with it. Now it's such a torture to wait till March.
    Thanks for stopping by my WOW.

  48. I've read some amazing reviews on this book. I can't wait to read it myself. Great pick!
    Thanks for stopping by my WoW.

    Johanna @ Challenging Reads

  49. Great pick! I am really looking forward to reading this as well. The cover is gorgeous!

  50. I am wanting to read this one too, hope you get a chance soon

  51. I do love this cover! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by my WOW as well!

  52. Best pick. <3 This book is AMAZING. I really hope you will love it :)
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  53. This one is new to me but I'm really intruiged by it. And I love the cover! Great pick and thanks for stopping by earlier!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  54. This was my WoW the other day! Totally psyched for it.

  55. I'm super excited about this book. I can't wait to for to come out. Great pick!
    Thanks for stopping by my post!
    Jenn @ Books and Swoons

  56. That is indeed a very gorgeous cover and this is the second time I'm seeing it as a pick. I hope you love it and the interesting sound of it has me intrigued too. Lovely pick!

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my post earlier. Happy reading!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  57. I was like... what? But I just go it ;) Good luck for the giveaway!

  58. Omg this is scheduled as my next WoW! I'm so so excited for this book, especially now that all the amazing reviews are pouring in.
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  59. Seen this on a lot of blogs for last week's WoW so I'll definitely be looking out for it when it's released! Great pick :)

    Laura @ What's Hot?

  60. This one sounds very good, I am definitely going to read it!
    Thanks for sharing and dropping by my WoW!

  61. Seen this a lot this week - I adore the cover! Not really my thing, but I hope you enjoy.

    Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my WoW!

  62. I want this book so bad!!!!! Thank god the wait is almost over. :)

  63. I was lucky enough to get this for review, and I can't wait to start it. Great pick!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog last week :)

  64. This looks fascinating! Thank you for sharing and stopping by our WOW.


  65. I featured this book I think 2 or 3 weeks ago. So excited! Great pick!

    Thanks for stoppin by!

    Michelle, The Escapist.

  66. Yes! Great pick. I'm so excited for The Winners Curse. The world-building and romance sound perfect in it. The reviews have been wonderful and I'm right there with you...waiting :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.