Into The Still Blue by Veronica Rossi (Under The Never Sky #3): Review

Into the Still Blue (Under the Never Sky, #3)Title: Into The Still Blue (Under the Never Sky #3)
Author: Veronica Rossi
Publisher: Atom
Buy This Book: Book Depository Amazon

Their love and their leadership have been tested. Now it's time for Perry and Aria to unite the Dwellers and the Outsiders in one last desperate attempt to bring balance to their world.
The race to the Still Blue has reached a stalemate. Aria and Perry are determined to find this last safe-haven from the Aether storms before Sable and Hess do-and they are just as determined to stay together.
Meanwhile, time is running out to rescue Cinder, who was abducted by Hess and Sable for his unique abilities. And when Roar returns to camp, he is so furious with Perry that he won't even look at him, and Perry begins to feel like they have already lost.
Out of options, Perry and Aria assemble a team to mount an impossible rescue mission - because Cinder isn't just the key to unlocking the Still Blue and their only hope for survival, he's also their friend. And in a dying world, the bonds between people are what matter most.
In this final book in her stunning Under the Never Sky trilogy, Veronica Rossi raises the stakes to their absolute limit and brings her epic love story to an unforgettable close.

I really want to do this book justice by giving it an amazing review that adequately describes exactly what it did to me as a reader and how incredible a book it is. But two days after finishing it and I still can't seem to get together one coherent thought on it. It's kind of more of me drooling over it, whilst also wanting to grab random strangers and scream at them unintelligibly about how they MUST READ THIS BOOK!!! 

One of the things I love most about Rossi's books is that I can't seem to predict what's going to happen in them or what they are going to be about. Book two didn't start how I thought it would and book three did not go how I thought it would at all. She always manages to take me by surprise in the best way.

Every character in this book is so perfect that I can't fault any one of them. The main characters are everything I could possibly need, and the characters I am supposed to hate definitely bring out that reaction in me. Perry is as adorable as ever, but also tugged at my heartstrings because of how hard he found it to come to terms with his sisters death, whilst trying to hold himself together for his Tribe. Aria. I am not sure where to start with Aria in this book. I thought this showed her at her absolute best. She's strong and determined and gets stuck into the fighting and action as much as the guys do. There is also one scene where she kicks the crap out of one character that had me cheering with happiness. Go Aria, go Aria, go!

I can't really think of many secondary characters, or main character best friends that are more brilliant than Roar. Who doesn't love that guy? He's so heartbroken in this that it made me sad just to read about it. That was probably the moment I knew that I was way too emotionally invested in these characters - just the way I like it! When he first shows up at camp he is furious with Perry, he can't understand why he isn't a crying mess over Liv's death. He just wants Perry to act like he cares, but he doesn't realise that Perry just needs to hold himself together in order to take care of the tribe. This book definitely shows the struggles between characters, as their loyalties and friendships are put to the test. I have really come to love these characters, it made finishing the series very bittersweet.

The story kept me guessing the whole time, I couldn't predict what was going to happen from one page to the next. This book has a good deal of shock plot points and revelations and I was gripped the whole time I was reading it. It had me laughing at times, and other times had me on the brink of becoming a sobbing mess on public transport.

My favourite part was probably the last third of the book. I was utterly sucked into the story by then and wouldn't have put it down for anything. I was a little scared at times, but I trusted Rossi that she was going to give me a series ender to absolutely love, not one I would want to launch across the room. I can't make up my mind whether this is my favourite or not, it's got stiff competition from Under The Never Sky. It honestly is one of the best series enders I have ever read.

I feel it is only fair to mention something I disliked about a book, but I honestly can't think of anything. There was only one thing that had me crying and wishing it had turned out differently, but it wouldn't have been realistic to the story. It made sense in the story and showed just how much these characters love each other. Other than that there was only one thing that got to me, which was Perry using the expression 'He loved her - down to his soul', which I know is sweet but it still makes me cringe like crazy.

5/5 Stars

I can't fault the book in any way. Rossi provides us with one of the most perfect and phenomenal series enders that I have ever had the pleasure to read. It put me on a little bit of an emotional roller coaster and had me on the verge of tears whilst on buses but it was perfect. This may actually be my favourite book of the whole series. I am so blown away by it that I can't get my thoughts and feelings down into coherent sentences. Just trust me and read this book! 

*I received a copy of this novel from the author/publisher/publicist via Edelweiss in exchange for a free and honest review and received no monetary compensation for this review.


  1. I heard that this series is so amazing! Great review, sounds like I need to read the books :P Okay i didn't know there was a cinder in this on o.0

  2. Great review! I adored this book, it was the perfect ending to the series. I loved that we got to see another side of Roar, it was so different from his usual funny self. I was glad the book had a happy end, not sad with some other trilogies..

    Eveline's Books

  3. Oh I really must read this series!! I love strong heroines and it's even better when they can kick butt too! It's great that the books weren't predictable and kept you guessing - that always makes for great series!

  4. I just peeked at your review, because I still need to read this series. I'm happy to see that you loved it though.


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