My Weekly Book Haul: 22/02/2014

Friday Finds is something that was started over on ShouldBeReading and Stacking the Shelves over at TyngaReviews, I am in love with all of these as I love finding other blogs to follow and books to read through these! So check them all out and see what you find, Stacking the Shelves has a lot of participants as well which is great. This is basically a way for me to show what books I have received, borrowed or bought each week. All book covers and their summary come from back of book or Goodreads.
My Week
I'd really like to be able to say that I had an eventful, fun-filled week but I would most definitely be lying. I worked, worked and than when I got bored of that, I worked some more! It left little time for reading and even less time for blogging.

All I can say... What is it with blogger and absolutely hating photos?!?! They never go where I want and it is infuriating me when trying to do these posts. They used to go to the side and I could out text next to it and now it's being fussy about it. Damn you Blogger!!!

The Physical Haul

I Bought:

A copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them resides on almost every wizarding household in the country. Now, for a limited period only, Muggles too have the chance to discover where the Quintaped lives, what the Puffskein eats, and why it is best not to leave milk out for a Knarl.
Proceeds from the sale of this book will go to improving and saving the lives of children around the world, which means that the dollars and Galleons you exchange for it will do magic beyond the powers of any wizard. If you feel that this is insufficient reason to part with your money, I can only hope most sincerely that passing wizards feel more charitable if they ever see you being attacked by a Manticore. -Albus Dumbledore

Fallen Too Far (Too Far, #1) Never Too Far (Too Far, #2) Forever Too Far (Too Far, #3)

When Blaire Wynn's mother passed away, Blaire's life changed in an instant. Having cared for her sick mother for the last three years, suddenly Blaire has to leave the small farmhouse in Alabama they shared, to move in with her father and his new wife in their sprawling beach house along the Florida gulf coast. But what she isn't prepared for is the lifestyle change that comes with the move, and she knows she'll never fit into the new world of luxury and extravagance that suddenly surrounds her. 
Even worse, her father has run off to Paris for the summer with his wife, leaving her stranded with Rush, her new stepbrother, who's irritating, arrogant and… seriously sexy. Rush is as spoiled as he is gorgeous; his famous father's guilt money, his mother's desperation to win his love, and his charm are the three reasons he has never been told no. Blaire knows he is anything but good for her, but somehow she can't fight the attraction she's feeling, especially when she starts to think the attraction might be mutual… Rush is jaded and has secrets Blaire knows she may never uncover but even knowing all of that Blaire just may have fallen too far.

I hate the covers for these, the original covers weren't that great either but they are definitely preferable to this. But for 3 for £5, I won't complain too much. 

I Borrowed:

Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1) Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, #2) Cress (Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Cinder, Scarlet & Cress by Marissa Meyer

Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . . 
Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

This is it blogosphere. I have once again borrowed these books, this time with the third one included, and I am DETERMINED to get to them... soon!!!! Wish me luck! 

The Almost Girl by Amalie Howard
The Almost GirlSeventeen-year-old Riven is as tough as they come. But coming from a world ravaged by a devastating android war, she has to be. There’s no room for softness, no room for emotion, no room for mistakes. A Legion General, she is the right hand of the young Prince of Neospes, a parallel universe to Earth. In Neospes, she has everything: rank, responsibility and respect. But when Prince Cale sends her away to find his long-lost brother, Caden, who has been spirited back to modern day Earth, Riven finds herself in uncharted territory.
Thrown out of her comfort zone but with the mindset of a soldier, Riven has to learn how to be a girl in a realm that is the opposite of what she knows.  Will Riven be able to find the strength to defy her very nature? Or will she become the monstrous soldier she was designed to be?

The Wrong Boy by Suzy Zail

The Wrong BoyHanna Mendel was going to be a famous pianist. But the Nazis had another plan. Thrown into Auschwitz , she plays piano for a camp commandant and wears a dead girl's dress pinned with a yellow star.
And she is falling in love - with the wrong boy.
The Name On Your Wrist by Helen Hiorns
The Name On Your WristIn Corin's world, your carpinomen - the name of your soul mate, marked indelibly on your wrist from the age of two or three - is everything. It's your most preciously guarded secret; a piece of knowledge that can give another person ultimate power over you. People spend years, even decades, searching for the one they're supposed to be with.
But what if you never find that person? Or you do, but you just don't love them? What if you fall for someone else - someone other than the name on your wrist?
And what if - like Corin - the last thing in the world you want is to be found?
I Received For Review:

Boys Like You by Juliana Stone
Boys Like YouOne mistake.
And everything changes.
For Monroe Blackwell, one small mistake has torn her family apart –leaving her empty and broken. There’s a hole in her heart that nothing can fill. That no one can fill. And a summer in Louisiana with her Grandma isn’t going to change that…
Nathan Everets knows heartache first-hand when a car accident leaves his best friend in a coma. And it’s his fault. He should be the one lying in the hospital. The one who will never play guitar again. He doesn’t deserve forgiveness, and a court-appointed job at the Blackwell B&B isn’t going to change that…
Captivating and hopeful, this achingly poignant novel brings together two lost souls struggling with grief and guilt – looking for acceptance, so they can find forgiveness.
Released: 1st May 2014

On The Blog

Under The Never Sky by Veronica Rossi: Review
Through The Ever Night by Veronica Rossi: Review
Roar and Liv by Veronica Rossie: Novella Review


I am doing a 300 Bloglovin followers giveaway. Enter for your chance to win either a £10 or $15 Amazon Gift Certificate.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am also taking part in the Valentines Day giveaway for a Kindle Fire HDX.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am going to start Scarlet soon. The Lunar Chronicles is a fun series. :)

  2. Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress! May I freak out? I love this series! Cress was just so amazing, so I can't wait for you to read it. (:

    I don't think I've ever read Abbi Glines, but I'm definitely interested in her books, because she's everywhere. I might try them out. Can't wait to see what you think of them. (;

    Great haul! :D

    Tori @ YA Book Queens

    1. I am really, really, REALLY excited to finally get to Cinder and the rest of the series. I think I got the Glines books because I had been seeing her everywhere too, I really hope I like them :)

  3. Ooh nice haul! I couldn't get into Cinder myself. Wanted to like the series soooo much, but Cinder just didn't do anything for me. Hope you have better luck with the series. And that you enjoy your other reads too of course!

    My STS will be up on Sunday, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. It has such a big hype that I am scared to start it.... I have a habit of being 'that guy' who doesn't like it. Let's hope not! :)

  4. Awesome haul this week :) I have Scarlet but I haven't started it yet. I have so many series I'm reading right now, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.
    My StS

    1. I know, I have so many series to finish and I don't even know where to start.

  5. Wow, great haul! I've only heard of the Cinder series there but I hope you enjoy all your books.

    My StS .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  6. Oh, dude, you NEED to read The Lunar Chronicles asap. Cinder was amazing and then Scarlet and, God, Cress was just perfect! You'll love, honestly!

  7. Wooow you got some great books! I want to read the Lunar Chronicles as well.
    I think and hope they are great :D Hope you enjoy reading them.

    My STS

    1. Thanks so much, I hope you love 'em too when you get to them! :)

  8. Cinder, Scarlet, and will love them! I really enjoyed The Almost Girl, hope you do too. Have fun reading! ~Pam

  9. I haven't read any of these but happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  10. I'm trying to look out for The Lunar Chronicles series in my library, I really want to try them myself, and I feel your pain with Blogger, I've been having fights with my photo's some days too, jeez, sometimes I've wanted to destroy the whole thing, but most of the time I win, so it's all good. *take that silly blogger* Great haul! :D

    1. I feel very happy when I win against Blogger when it comes to photos! It's a definite celebration worthy moment :)

  11. I read The Name On Your Wrist last year and really enjoyed it :)

    1. Happy to hear that, had not seen any reviews for that yet :)

  12. I think you're going to love The Lunar Chronicles! They are soooo good!
    My STS

  13. Nice haul. I read the Too Far series a short while back and thought it was great. Hope you enjoy it... and the rest of your books.

    My StS @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  14. that's great, I hope we'll both enjoy Cinder! Happy reading!

  15. Nice haul! Enjoy your books and thanks for stopping by earlier. :)

  16. Wow, Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress. You are going to have some fun!

  17. I really need to read the Cinder series! And Boys Like You looks interesting, too. I hope you'll enjoy all your books!
    Thanks for stopping by earlier :)

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Well I am happy I am not the only one who still hasn't read it! :)

  18. That is a big book haul this week! Congrats! Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy your books.

  19. The Lunar Chronicles is a great series, and I really need to read Under the Never Sky soon. And I love Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them! Thanks for stopping by. :)

    1. Thanks for checking mine out and you definitely need to read Under the Never Sky ;)

  20. I bought Cinder this week! So can't wait to see what all the fuss is about. Happy reading! :)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  21. my sister LOVE marissa meyers series and she's been urging to read. i have yet to pick it up though because i just can't find the time. sigh. awesome haul! happy reading :)

    hope you can stop by my StS Post.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

    1. That's the exact same reason I haven't gotten to mine yet! :)

  22. Can I just commiserate you with a second with Blogger? I have the same problem! I've finally figured out how to finagle everything to how I want it, but gosh it's a pain. I should probably switch to WP and self-host... Anyways! BOOKS! You always have such massive, killer hauls! :D I'm really excited for the Too Far books by Abbi Glines- I've had them forever but haven't started! And I've only read Cinder, so I need to catch up on that series too! Happy reading!

    1. Thanks so much! TEACH ME YOUR SECRETS! Blogger seems to HATE me most of the time and it makes me so angry.

  23. Ooo, the Lunar Chronicles are very, very, very good. I just went out and purchased all three in hardcover because ARCs just don't do justice! I hope you enjoy all your books :)

    Stop by my haul

  24. Really great haul! I read Cinder quite a while back and just haven't made it a priority to pick up Scarlet; I really should, along with Cress. Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by!

  25. Absolutely love The Lunar Chronicles series. It gets better and better with each book. I also loved The Almost Girl. I am a huge Howard fan! Enjoy your haul! Thanks for stopping by!

  26. I agree about photos and blogger. Nice haul. I finished all three of The Lunar Chronicles now have to wait for the next one.

    1. I am excited for those! Happy to hear I am not the only one Blogger hates ;)

  27. I really need to read the Lunar Chronicles, I've heard such amazing things about that series :)

  28. Awesome haul this week. I still want to read the Lunar Chronicles. I haven't started that series yet, but I've heard it is great. I met Abbi Glines at the RT convention last year and picked up The Vincent Boys, but I still have to read it. Her other books are on my TBR list as well.

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books!!

  29. I love the Lunar Chronicles, and the covers of those Abbi Glines books! Enjoy them all. My STS

  30. Thanks for stopping by my STS! Great haul! I still have to read Fallen Too Far, but it's high up on my TBR list.

  31. Hope you have much better luck then I did with The Almost Girl. Awesome new picks for the others :)

  32. I dislike these covers as well, but who can argue with that price, eh?! Also, THE LUNAR CHRONICLES. YAYYY!!! I so hope you enjoy all of these books:) Happy reading!

    1. I am happy I am not the only one who doesn't like them! Far too Fifty Shades for me. Thanks =D

  33. OMG the Suzy Zail one is FANTASTIC! I absolutely loved it and it was really sad and a bit happy all at once. Totally 5-stars there. And yes, damn blogger. -_- It makes me so angry sometimes!! I have such a hard time getting my pictures where I want the right size. GAH. Sometimes I envy the wordpress people...but then I realise I'm too lazy to ever switch over so I'd better stop whining to myself. xD But I'm totally with you on blogger's tantrums!!!

    1. Happy to hear something about the Suzy Zail one... I hadn't even seen a review so wasn't too sure. I am lazy too and that's why I don't switch either. Damn Blogger! =/

  34. I LOVED Cinder! I haven't had a chance to read the rest of the series, but I really hope they're just as good! Enjoy reading them! I'm a new follower! Please follow me back if you haven't already!

    Alexis @ Stay at Home Reader

    1. Thanks! I followed back but it was really hard to find lol :)

  35. Yay, Cinder! It's definitely worth the read. I personally really enjoyed it. I hope you like it too! :D

  36. Cinder, Scarlett, and Cress look so good! I was mad when my library didn't have them the other day! Hope you enjoy your new books! Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  37. I can't wait for you to read The Lunar Chronicles. They are amazing!!!

  38. Oh holy smokes those are some awesome books!!! I think I'm in love with your stack this week. I haven't read any of these but can't wait for your reviews! Thank you for stopping by!

  39. Wow, you got A LOT of great books! I've been DYING to start CINDER! I hope you enjoy all your great books this week!

    Thanks for stopping by my STS @ Addicted Readers! :)


  40. Love The Lunar Chronicles! I hope you enjoy all of your books this week!

  41. Great haul. I love the covers of the Abbi Glines books. Never seen them before. I have Scarlet too! Yayy!! Happy reading. Thanks for stopping by my stS. :)

    1. I'm not a fan of the covers.. I thought they were a little too Fifty Shades.

  42. YES, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them! You've heard they're making it into a movie, right? I can't even express how OVERJOYED I was when I heard! I'm such a Potterhead:)

    I haven't seen those covers for the Abbi Glines books, I have the old ones. In any case, I love me some Abbi Glines!

    And the Lunar Chronicles? I just read Cinder and Scarlet last month and fell in instaLOVE with them, they are INCREDIBLE! I haven't managed to make it to Cress yet, but I WILL! You want to hear a sad story about Cress? Soooo I saw all the launch party fun live on twitter and thought to myself, "MAN I wish I could be there!" Two days later I wanted to see where Marissa Meyer would be touring, and saw that the launch party had been in TACOMA, WASHINGTON which would have taken me JUST AN HOUR to drive to--I was DEVASTATED!!!! I had the opportunity and I let it slip through my fingers!


    At any rate, I really do love your haul, it looks like a fun one! Happy Reading;)

    1. ME TOO!!!

      I can't wait to start the Lunar Chronicles!!!! I hate when that happens... but rarely any good book signings or launches are near me so I don't miss out often. Next time you'll get there ;)

    2. May the book gods smile upon you and bring author lovelies to your door!

  43. Awesome haul! I really need to start reading the Lunar Chronicles.

    Thanks for dropping by my STS! :D

  44. I recently read cinder and I just loved it!need to pick up scarlet and cress pronto!!thabks for stopping by my StS

  45. Love the Cinder books! Hope you do too. Thanks for visiting Annette's Book Spot. Hope you enjoy all your books.

  46. Enjoy the books! I love the Lunar Chronicles so much...I hope you love them too. Have a great week!

  47. Those look amazing, hope you enjoy them all! Thanks for stopping by my post earlier :)

  48. I always struggle with blogger when it comes to actual pictures, too. I really need to pick up The Lunar Chronicles. Everybody I know LOVES them. Great haul! Happy reading!

  49. Yes! blogger pisses me off so much. Whether it's the pictures or links. And than when you review the post it's all screwed up. Grrr....
    Anyhow, great haul! The Lunar Chronicles! YAY! I'm meeting Meyer tonight and I'm so excited! :D
    Happy reading!

    1. I KNOW! DAMN YOU BLOGGER =P It seems to really hate me atm... commenting has become bad too.

  50. Ugh can relate on the blogger picture issue. Looks like you picked up some great reads - I love the Lunar Chronicles - hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by mine :)

  51. I've read other Abbi Glines books, but not this series. I really must read the Lunar Chronicles series, it seems like everyone loves them :)

    Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!

  52. Hope you like the Marissa Meyer books. That is a series I look forward to getting myself. Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions .

  53. I haven't read any Abbi Glines books but I've heard they are really good! I've also heard The Lunar Chronicles is super good! Thank you for stopping by my post, I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. Happy Reading! :) Here's my current STS:


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.