Roar and Liv by Veronica Rossi (Under the Never Sky #0.5): Review

Roar and Liv (Under the Never Sky, #0.5)Title: Roar and Liv (Under the Never Sky #0.5)
Author: Veronica Rossi
Publisher: Atom
Buy This Book: Amazon

Before Perry and Aria, there was Roar and Liv.
After a childhood spent wandering the borderlands, Roar finally feels like he has a home with the Tides. His best friend Perry is like a brother to him, and Perry's sister, Liv, is the love of his life. But Perry and Liv's unpredictable older brother, Vale, is the Blood Lord of the Tides, and he has never looked kindly on Roar and Liv's union. Normally, Roar couldn't care less about Vale's opinion. But with food running low and conditions worsening every day, Vale's leadership is more vital—and more brutal—than ever. Desperate to protect his tribe, Vale makes a decision that will shatter the life Roar knew and change the fate of the Tides forever.(Goodreads Summary)

*This will be a short review as it is only 68 page novella and it also contains spoilers for Under The Never Sky and Through The Ever Night.*

To me, it seems like Veronica Rossi can do no wrong. Sometimes a novella just doesn't feel like enough, especially when you're used to reading 300+ page books. But, for me, this was perfect and gave me a chance to get inside Roar's head.

I absolutely love Roar as a character, in Under the Never Sky he was one of my favourites and continues to be throughout the other books. The chance to read a story from his point of view, and find out more about Liv and him, was just too good to miss. I read this after Through the Ever Night but realise now that I should have read it before.

The novella is set in the time where Vale makes his deal with the Horns; he sells his sister Liv in exchange for food. This novella was a good reminder of why I absolutely hate Vale, in fact this made me hate him so much more. It allowed me to see how Perry and Roar reacted to the news and really, really made me hurt for them.

I didn't realise it was actually possibly, but this made me adore Roar even more, I just about fell in love with him. The book made me hate Liv in a way, and all the decisions she makes but she's right. Every decision is made with her family and Roar in mind, if she doesn't go to Sable and the Horns she knows her family and her tribe will be made to suffer. But Roar's love for her is so strong and obvious that you just want her to pick him. It was also beautiful to see how much Roar loves Perry and Liv, to him they are family and he would do anything for them.

I have to say that I'm quite glad I read this after Through the Ever Night because, if I had read it before, I know that Liv's death would have devastated me a million times more. I saved myself from severe emotional pain by putting it off till after that event!

5/5 Stars


  1. Oh, I LOVED the Under the Never Sky series, but I haven't read this novella. I think I just love Roar and Liv too much, it would just make their story all the sadder to read it from Roar's perspective. I hope Rossi writes another series! I love her writing. :)

  2. This is a series that I need to read. I'm glad you loved the novellas. Sometimes authors can write great books but not so great novellas.


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