Easy by Tammara Webber: Review

Easy (Contours of the Heart, #1)Title: Easy
Author: Tammara Webber
Publisher: Razorbill
Buy This Book: Amazon / Book Depository

I took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly before turning around. It was Lucas who stood there. His gaze was penetrating, not wavering for a moment, and my pulse hammered under his silent scrutiny. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been so full of pure, unqualified desire.
Lucas is the stranger who saved Jacqueline from an attack by a fellow student - she'd never noticed him before then, and now he's everywhere. But can Jacqueline trust him - or will the secrets he's hiding come between them?

I hate to go against my own word, but with Easy I am afraid that I have to. Very early on in the book I posted a Goodreads status update saying that if a certain event went the way I thought it would then I would have to 0 star this. It did happen and I really wanted to 0 star it in anger but I can't.... I kinda loved it. Damn you, book!

I won't ruin the revelation in case you don't figure it out, but I did IMMEDIATELY and it angered me. If I figure it out straight away but the main character doesn't then I start to think she's ridiculously stupid and I hate stupid characters. I believe you will guess pretty much instantly because every sign points to it and Jacqueline just sits there, completely oblivious. It was also really cliché and obvious, something else that I really hate. But then this stupid book made me go and love it anyway, what does it think it's doing? 

I remember seeing a few reviews for this a long time ago, back when it first started appearing in book shops, and I distinctly remember them criticising the way it handled the subject of rape. In some ways I can understand that because rape plays a big part in this story to the point where it seems a bit over the top. Like it's just being used as a plot point so our main character can be saved by the big, strong male character and not to actually draw attention to a serious issue.But then it had moments where it was scarily accurate on how some really dumbass people view rape, you know, the types of people you want to throat punch really hard.

But, like I mentioned before, I kind of fell in love with this. I totally shouldn't because it has all of the things I usually HATE in New Adult, but I loved it. It was really easy to read, no pun intended, and I found myself devouring it really quickly. It did cover serious subjects but not in a way that had me feeling all the feels that I think others got from this. This had gushy romance that was a little too insta-love/stalkerish at times, it had melodrama and so much more and yet I loved it. What is happening to me?

Lucas. I shouldn't swoon over that boy but, god help me, I do. Hard. He's tattooed, I hate tattoos. He goes all cold and distant at times, I hate cold and distant. But I could not stop myself, Lucas made me swoon something fierce and I was slightly disgusted with myself... but in the best possible way. I was pretty much falling for the guy right along with Jacqueline but he's absolutely perfect "Fuck it" moment on page 220 basically sealed the deal for me. He is incredibly attractive, of course because this is fiction and there are no ugly people.... apparently. But he's also kind and caring and teaches self-defence classes to women in his spare time.

Jacqueline was a character I liked but didn't really fall in love with. She didn't do anything that I can really think of to explain it, but I didn't connect to her as much as I wanted to. I still enjoyed her as a character but some of her decision making skills had my eyes rolling and she was dense at times. Come on Jacqueline, I saw it, everybody saw it.... HOW DID YOU NOT SEE IT?!? Can you tell I despise when a character is really stupid? Bed intruder understands me.

The basic thing to take away from this review, which I find really hard to write because I am conflicted in my head. I LOVED it, but my brain is telling me that this has all the elements I usually hate in a book. But, quite honestly, I fell in love with the book, the story, the romance, Lucas, everything. I am happy that I finally caved and decided to start reading the books I kept getting recommended to me. It was worth it and I am actually really disappointed that I didn't get to it sooner. I will definitely be rereading this in the future and eagerly awaiting the second book! GIVE IT TO ME, NOW!!!

5/5 Stars

Although it contains most of the things I usually hate in New Adult, I loved this book and know I'll reread it in the future. It has a romance that I actually thoroughly enjoyed and a 'bad boy' who's so not a bad boy. I definitely recommend it because I am wary of most new adult romances and I loved this, faults and all. 


  1. I felt the same way, it was the typical NA story (damaged characters, etc) with all of the cliches, but I absolutely fell in love with Lucas. By the way, Breakable, which is Easy from Lucas's POV (and it starts before Easy does so we learn more about Lucas, I think) comes out May 6th. I will be reading it, although I hope it doesn't ruin Lucas for me like Allegiant ruined Four. Great review! ~Pam

    1. Definitely the typical story but she does it in such a way that I don't seem to care! I am looking forward to reading Breakable too, I can't wait, although I totally get what you mean about Four in Allegiant and I have my fingers crossed this won't ruin him.

  2. Love the review. I think that this book does have all the ear marks for a typical NA romance, but I think that Tammara Webber can pull them off better than most other writers out there. She has a way of making my swoon over all of her male main characters, although of all her books, Lucas is still my favorite. I have read other NA romance and some are even basically the same exact story as this, but were not as well executed. I find myself in love with NA romance and simultaneously despising it. When one is well written, like Easy was, I love this genre.

    1. She really can, I will definitely be reading more of her work now. Ha, you completely described exactly how I feel about NA - I'm in love with it and despise it at the same time. It definitely takes a wonderfully well written one for me to like it.

  3. This is the first New Adult novel I've read. I love this book. Swoon worthy Lucas. <3 Nice review by the way. :)

    1. Thanks! I have read a few New Adult but this is definitely one of my favourites.

  4. Ha! I hate and love when this happens to me. I guess it is a good thing when an author can write the things that make us crazy but do it in a way that makes us love it anyway! I know I shouldn't like it but I do anyway! I haven't read much New Adult but I think I would like to. I might have to pick this one up!

    1. I definitely have a love it/hate it attitude when it comes to New Adult. It takes an author who can really do it in a more unique way because a lot of the time the stories all sound the same. I definitely recommend this if you're starting out in the genre, my top choice would be Slammed though, by Colleen Hoover :)

  5. This was the first NA book I'd ever read and I loved it. Looking back, if I read it today, I'd probably have thought it a bit boring. It fits that NA mold, but at the time, it was new a fresh to me. I have to agree with you though... I saw it the second it reared it's ugly head. I thought, "how does she not make that connection?!" So, you were not alone.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. Haha, well I am pleased I wasn't the only one who saw it straight away. I don't read many NA so I haven't got sick of them yet. This was pretty good and I will definitely read more of the authors books :)

  6. I am always impressed when I fall in love with a book even though it has everything that I normally hate in a book.

    1. I know! It makes me certain that I will read that author again, they are clearly a genius!


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