Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Overall Series

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

Five Favourite Overall Series

Love the topic! LOVE IT! I adore series, I am a series whore. I do enjoy a good standalone, but I am a total sucker for series. I love being able to become attached to characters and watch them grow and change over several books. I fall in love with characters and so I enjoy being able to continue a journey with them onto another book.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)
1. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

It was always going to be number one! This is the ultimate series for me and it always will be. Nothing will ever compete with the magic that is Harry Potter. It wasn't just a series of books, it was a childhood, it's memories and moments and it played such a huge role in my life. I fell in love with the characters and I laughed with them, hurt with them and cried right along with them. No series has ever captured me the way Harry Potter did and I will love it forever, until I am old and grey.

Northern Lights (His Dark Materials, #1) The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials, #2) The Amber Spyglass (His Dark Materials, #3)
2. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

Lyra Belacqua and Pantalaimon stole my heart almost as much as Harry Potter did. This series is perfection and I would recommend it to absolutely anyone. I love Lyra so much as a character and trust me, if I ever have a daughter I will be fighting with my boyfriend to name her Lyra. This series made me want to go to their world, to have my own daemon, my own Pan. I adore this series and writing this makes me want to reread it again because it has been too long.

Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses, #1) Knife Edge (Noughts & Crosses, #2) Checkmate (Noughts & Crosses, #3) Double Cross (Noughts & Crosses, #4)
3. Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman

This book series should be read by EVERYONE! It's such a wonderful book series and I adore every single book. The author hinted to me when I met her that she is working no a fifth book and I can't wait! I want that fifth book so badly it actually hurts. If you haven't read this, why not & go buy it now!

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1) Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2) Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)
4. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

This had to make my list, I love it. It got me into the dystopian genre and for that I will always be eternally grateful. It gave me so many wonderful characters - Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, Johanna; the list is endless.

Under The Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1) Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, #2) Into the Still Blue (Under the Never Sky, #3)
5. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

This was one that I recently read but I fell in love with the series straight away. It became an instant favourite and I wanted to reread it all straight after finishing. I definitely recommend this one!

Honourable Mention

The Sight (The Sight, #1) Fell (The Sight, #2)
The Sight by David Clement-Davies

Childhood favourite. It's truly unique and a brilliant piece of work. Don't be sceptical, go give it a go!


  1. Oooo, this is such a good list! Of course Harry Potter and I know you're a fan of the Noughts and Crosses series, but I own His Dark Materials and seem to keep putting it off, I don't know why, but I series need to get on that series, because it sounds fantastic, same goes for Under the Never Sky, so many people have loved it! Thank you once again for participating, it means a lot to me! :D

    1. Harry Potter makes pretty much every list I do ;) I really loved His Dark Materials, it's really unique. I haven't reread it in years but I definitely want to go back and reread it after doing this list. I hope you get to Under the Never Sky at some point, I really loved that one.

      You're welcome, I love this meme lol! :)

  2. Great list! I love Harry Potter so much as well. :)

  3. I loved Northern Lights but try as I might I cannot finish The Subtle Knife. I'm going to try again this year if I find my copies. I really want to finish the series.

    ★ Under The Mountain ★

    1. I adore His Dark Materials but Northern Lights is definitely my favourite :)

  4. Awesome choices, I might need to start following and participating in this meme

  5. Great choices! I love Harry Potter and Hunger Games as well! Both are my favorites! I haven't read Noughts & Crosses yet, but I plan to soon! :)

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas

  6. I LOVE Harry Potter of course, but I didn't like his dark materials... I read only the first book! I haven't read the other books, but they're all on my tbr!

    1. I love them but I haven't reread them in years. Harry Potter makes it onto most of my lists :)

  7. Oh, so much awesome!! I'm already mostly in love with Harry Potter and I'm only reading it for the first time this year. :) OH and The Hunger Games will always be a huge favourite for me. It got me addicted on all things dystopian...and even YA. I didn't read that much until after THG. (Wow. What was life back then?) But I need to read something by Philip Pullman...I feel like my reading experience isn't complete without trying his stuff!

    1. The first time this year!?! WHAT!?! It's amazing and I hope you finish soon ;) The Hunger Games got me addicted to all things dystopian as well. Definitely hunt down His Dark Materials and read them, they are amazing!

  8. I completely agree with HP and Hunger Games being on the top list of favourites! Noughts & Crosses is new to me, I might go check it out now. Lovely picks here!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  9. Awesome list. Harry Potter was what got me into reading in the first place, so I would have definitely made it #1 on my list as well! :D

    1. Thanks! I adore Harry Potter, it always finds a way to sneak onto my lists ;)

  10. I hadn't heard of Noughts & Crosses but it sounds so good, I think I'm going to have to add it to my TBR list. So thanks! ~Pam

    1. I 100% recommend Noughts & Crosses. It's a really amazing book series and I love every single book :)

  11. Fantastic list! I too love this topic and am also a bit of a series whore. :) Harry Potter and The Hunger Games made my list as well, (of course), but I also want to read the Noughts & Crosses and Under The Never Sky series, so I'm glad to see them on your list!

    1. Series are just great, you can fall in love with a world and characters and don't have to leave it after one book. They are really, really great and I definitely recommend them :)


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