Exile by Kevin Emerson: Review

Exile (Exile, #1)Title: Exile
Author: Kevin Emerson
Publisher: Katherine Tegan Books
Buy This Book: Book Depository / Amazon

Catherine Summer Carlson knows how to manage bands like a professional—she’s a student at the PopArts Academy at Mount Hope High, where rock legends Allegiance to North got their start. Summer knows that falling for the lead singer of her latest band is the least professional thing a manager can do. But Caleb Daniels isn’t an ordinary band boy—he’s a hot, dreamy, sweet-singing, exiled-from-his-old-band, possibly-with-a-deep-dark-side band boy. And he can do that thing. That thing when someone sings a song and it inhabits you, possesses you, and moves you like a marionette to its will.
Summer also finds herself at the center of a mystery she never saw coming. When Caleb reveals a secret about his long-lost father, one band’s past becomes another’s present, and Summer finds it harder and harder to be both band manager and girlfriend. She knows what the well-mannered Catherine side of her would do, but she also knows what her heart is telling her. Maybe it’s time to accept who she really is, even if it means becoming an exile herself. . . .

The blurb is one of those vague ones that doesn't really tell you what the book is about. From that alone, I had assumed this would be a contemporary that was about Summer falling for Caleb. Not an amazingly unique or exciting storyline, but an easy, enjoyable read. But, it was actually about a lot more than that and is part one of a series apparently. I can't give too much away when it comes to the book because I don't want to spoil anything. It's probably why the blurb is so vague, because they don't want to ruin any of the surprises that are coming your way. It did deliver on being an easy enough read, and it was quite enjoyable but it wasn't much else. I wasn't excited by it or moved by it. I just read it, finished it and that was it.

Summer is one of those characters who is just not very likeable. She's not a horrible person, but she's just very irritating. She took being a band manager too far, she couldn't separate herself from that role even when trying to be a girlfriend to Caleb. She was pretty much always a manager first and a girlfriend second. Even when he was opening up to her about important stuff in his life, she would solely focus in on how it could benefit the band. It was frustrating and I did wonder why Caleb wanted to be with her. She also gets very jealous about other girls, even though he has given her no reason not to trust him.

Caleb was quite a nice character; he plays guitar and writes his own music. He was the typical brooding lead singer of a rock band, which I actually liked about him. This did make me miss Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover though. This song contains a lot of lyrics and I can never imagine the songs, I would have loved a soundtrack to go along with it so I could listen to them.

The romance in this book develops ridiculously quickly, it's one of the quickest I have seen in a while. Within the first day of meeting each other he asks her out, they go on a date, tells her a huge secret about himself and then they kiss. It was all too fast for me and not very realistic. I feel like you would at least want to get to know someone a little better before you tell them this life changing secret about yourself the way Caleb does.

I liked the scavenger hunt that you find in this book, but there wasn't enough of it. I had no idea this was a series and I can't understand why it is. It feels like it should be one standalone contemporary and nothing else. The hunts were stretched out a bit too much so that we could have another book, but I don't see why we need it. The end was unbelievably frustrating because it wasn't an end, it felt like your copy cuts off halfway through the book. It was only then that I realised I had started another series that is unnecessarily a series. This could have been wrapped up within one book.

2.5/5 Butterflies

It's not that I didn't enjoy the book, it was just that it didn't excite me all that much. It started out quite well and was probably a solid three star read, but then the end ruined it. It was far too abrupt and feels like your copy cuts off, not like you have come to the end of the first book in a series. The storyline doesn't justify the need for more than one book. I believe this whole story could be told within one book. It hasn't made me want to continue the series, but it was an enjoyable enough read.

*I received a copy of this novel from the author/publisher/publicist via Edelweiss in exchange for a free and honest review and received no monetary compensation for this review.


  1. This one sounds cute but it didn't interest me all that much. I passed on this one and I think I made the right choice. Sorry this one didn't wow you.

    1. It was an okay read, and that was it. I have no idea why it needs to be a series though, this story could have been told within one book.

  2. Eh, yes, that romance does sound super fast. I always get worried in those kind of ZING romances, because when the book ends, like, are they seriously staying together? WHO DO I TRUST HERE.

    Also: the blog is blue! I LOVE blue!! Huzzah!!

    1. It was really fast, they meet one second and want to go out officially moments later. It was strange to me. I don't see that one lasting ;) I am happy you like the blue, the light pink was bugging me.

  3. I get the asking out right away and kissing, but telling someone your secret right away? That's too trusting. And I would probably strangle Summer! Btw, love the new color scheme of your blog. So easy on the eyes :D

    1. Thank you, happy people like the new colour. It's a lot brighter and nicer than the old one.

  4. Yeah, I'll have to pass on this one. I hate instant romances and although I'm a bit intrigued to know what it's really about, there are just way too many other books that people are raving about. Thanks for the honest review! ~Pam

    1. What it's really about isn't all that exciting. And it doesn't really need to be a sequel, so the story feels dragged out.

  5. Hmm, this one sounds like it could have been good, but now I'm thinking I might skip it. I don't like super abrupt endings.

    1. It was super abrupt, I won't be continuing the series after reading this one.

  6. I don't think I will be reading this book. I agree with you - the fast moving romance does sound very unrealistic. The jealousy issue would bug me and make me not enjoy this read even more. PS I also love your new layout.

    1. Yup, do not read it Milan... it was rubbish. I have a whole number of other, much more awesome books to recommend to you ;) YAY! Happy you like it, I love the new colour :)

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