Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Things I'd Like To Own


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

Great topic this week! I have an endless list of bookish things that I would like to own.

Number one on my list, and the one I will actually be getting this weekend, is new bookcases. I have two atm, but they are both full. I have around 20 storage boxes filled with books, so I really need some more. I should be getting two new, large bookcases this weekend and I can't wait, I've have a lot of fun organising my books.

A house that is pretty much just made of bookcases. It would be my mission in life to fill them all up. I would want every room in my house to have bookshelves in it. Except for the bathroom, because steam and books just don't go! I want them floor to ceiling, I want to have to climb ridiculously tall ladders to reach the top. I don't want a library, one room dedicated to reading, I want the whole has to be filled with books.
I want this in my house, slightly bigger room. Wall to wall books. And that little sitting area?  Im thinking larger with loads of pillows and comfy matress...  Maybe in the floor if the window comes to the floor.  !!!!Keyifli saatlerA reading spot like this one by the window. For when I want to read with the sun warming me and looking out at a beautiful view.A hideaway reading spot, for when I want to lounge about and read all day. For when I just want to get lost in my book and don't want anyone to disturb me.
To go back to Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour. I live in London so this one is easy. I will be going back in July with my sisters, and as it will be my birthday around that time, I will treat myself to loads of Harry Potter merchandise. You could get lost in the gift shop there.
A Kindle Paperwhite. I have the original Kindle, and I love it, but I think it would be handy to have one with a light on. Just so I can read in the car late at night, or indoors without having the main light on.
I want a lamp, because I am definitely a late night reader. With work, blogging and everything else, it's really hard to find time to read during the day. So most of my reading now gets done between half 10 and 2am. I read in bed and so it drives the boyfriend crazy that I have the light on every night. He would be most appreciative if I bought a lamp, and just had the light on on my side.
  I want a lounge chair, like one my parents had in our house when I was younger. It was amazing, had good bounce, and me and the cat would fight for this chair. It was the perfect reading chair, I was so upset when they got rid of it. Definitely want my own one now.
I want more bookish shirts. I have a few, but there are so many that I want. I have hundreds of HP ones I want, HG ones and so many more.
Thanks to Notebook Sisters, I now want a ton of bookish shoes as well. They look amazing, how could you not want them.
I kind of want to own all things books and book related. I want to just post hundreds of pictures of all the cool bookish things that I want. But I will refrain. I am a sucker for tshirts, shoes, jewellery and anything else book related. I also love book versions of Board Games. HP monopoly, I want you!

There are so many more, but I am too lazy to name them all. Very excited to see everyone's answers this week, and to add new additions to my list.

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 850 Bloglovin' followers!

Ashfall by Mike Mullin: 2.5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Divergent
Exile by Kevin Emerson: 2.5/5 Review


  1. I have to agree on the room full of books and a little nook area to read, that's what I want in the future, a little place to call my own, but I want it hidden behind a bookcase door, so I can have my favourites on the front and others in a room behind. What a dream that is! Fantastic list hunny! :D

    1. I really want one, first I need to go buy a house and get out of my tiny flat. I would want my one hidden behind a bookcase door, that would be AMAZING!!!

  2. I love the idea of bookish shoes! A little reading nook sounds perfect, a must have for every reader! Great list :)

    1. Bookish shoes would be so cool, I want some. I wouldn't want to ruin them though lol.

  3. Me too! House with all the walls as bookshelves. Wouldn't that be something!!
    Great List! Thanks for sharing xoxox
    Come by and check out my top ten list!
    Michelle ~ Book Hangovers Blabs Books

    1. I would love that, I am sure I could fill them all. So far I have to stack my books on the shelf, not standing up. That really bugs me, so I definitely need a hundred more bookshelves so that they can all stand up.

  4. I totally forgot the cozy reading place on my list. Gaaah. But yes that's a need! I agree with bookshelf too and actually everything in here (except the hp related things because I haven't read it sad but true :() Great list!

    1. I know, everyone should have their own cosy reading place indoors. I think all book bloggers need new bookshelves lol, we can never have too many. Read HP!!!! :P

  5. I didn't know there was an HP monopoly! How cool!

  6. Bookcases!!!! Wouldn't that be awesome if we all could have a massive room dedicated to nothing but shelf after shelf of books?!? If I were doing a TTT post this week, bookcases would definitely be on it.

    1. I think book bloggers can never have too many bookcases. I definitely want a whole room in my house just dedicated to books. That would be AMAZING!

  7. I love both of the book nooks you highlighted in the list! So many great bookish things to buy!!

  8. Oh yes, a house full of bookcases, that I definitely need. I'm in great need of more places to store my books. The more creative the better! Great list!

    1. I think most book bloggers would love a house filled with bookcases, we kind of NEED them too.

  9. I love this list!! I am in complete agreement with the Hideaway reading spot. It would be perfect if I had a little nook of bookcases where no one would disturb me when I was reading.
    I am also in love with the Hunger Games Shoes!! Although, if I ever got bookish shoes I don't know if I would wear them or not; I think I would be to afraid of damaging them.
    My TTT

    1. Thank you! I would love a beautiful hideaway reading spot like that. I know, The Hunger Games shoes are awesome. I don't think I would wear them either, who'd want to ruin those? ;)

  10. OOh love the color change of your blog! The blue is so fresh! Love it! Loving the Harry Potter items too! And of course the bookshelves and walls made of bookshelves!

    I goofed and looked at the wrong topic this week. So next week I'll be showcasing the bookish non-book items I want!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thanks so much, glad you like it. I need more and more Harry Potter items in my life :)

  11. Love this list! I'm hoping to get to the HP studios for the first time this year, fingers crossed! R x

  12. I love all you HP items!!!

  13. That shirt made me so happy! I need to add that one to my list! We all need more book cases and shelves. It is a never ending struggle to have all these books that we want to display beautifully! Thanks for stopping by my TTT! Enjoy your week!

    1. know, book bloggers can never have enough bookshelves. :)

  14. A house made of bookshelves? What a crazy but fun idea! ;)

  15. Um, yes to the house made of bookshelves. That would be simply amazing.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. I love all of those pictures of bookshelves. And I agree, I love a library room but I want my whole house to have books all over it. And I've always wanted a two-story room with bookshelves that you need a ladder. And I love my Kindle paperwhite, I have to say. The backlight is great, you don't have to worry about sitting right under a lamp. Great list! ~Pam

    1. I can't wait to get a Paperwhite, it is going on my birthday wishlist! :)

  17. I see a lot of similar things on your list! That means you have great taste!

    Here's My TTT

  18. I definitely NEED the Harry Potter Monopoly!

  19. I would love to visit Harry Potter world! And, having just bought a new paperwhite because my original kindle finally broke, I have to say the backlight is nice. I always forgot to bring a mini light for the car with the old one, and now I don't have to bug my hubby with the overhead light while we drive at night!

    1. IT IS AMAZIN G!!! Can't wait to get a Paperwhite, will definitely be adding it to my birthday wishlist. I am excited to get

  20. This is a great list! A house made of books takes great vision! I didn't even think of that but your idea is really cool. I want everything on your list and mine!

    Thanks for stopping by Disappear Into Reading!

  21. I was going to put that exact window seat picture on my list, too but decided not to! Great list! I haven't read HP but I've seen some of the movies and I'm digging the fact that there's a HP Monopoly! Thanks for stopping by :)

  22. I might be going to England at the end of this year, so attending the studio tour is on my list as well! It looks amazing :)

  23. I love the reading area with the book shelves all around it. That looks awesome. I also love the Harry Potter monopoly, I want that too!

    My Top Ten Tuesday
    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  24. There's also Bookopoly! You get to build bookstores and libraries instead of hotels and houses.

  25. I have an older Kindle, too, although I don't think it's the original one, and I often lust after the Paperwhite. Those lights just seem so cool.

    1. Me too, definitely adding it to the birthday wish list. :)

  26. I have heard really great things about the Paperwhite. I hope you can get it! And I love that Harry Potter Monopoly! Someone needs to make a Hunger Games one, STAT.

  27. Love those shoes! And HP Monopoly sounds like so much more fun than normal monopoly. Great list!! :)

  28. These are all wonderful choices. I particularly covet the reading nooks.

  29. "A house that is pretty much just made of bookcases." <--- THIS THOUGH. Um, HECK YEAH. I seriously could handle that. But I wouldn't just put books on my shelves because I'd need places to stack my nerdy mugs and bookish shoes. MWAHAHA! I have converted you to the dark side of needing ALL THE SHOES. Welcome. There are so many to long for. XD

    1. I KNOW!!! Every bookworm needs a house like that. I would need to put all my nerdy stuff on it too, it would be brilliant. ALL THE SHOES!!! YES! I need them too, but I would be scared to wear them. They are so beautiful and I wouldn't want to ruin them.

  30. HP Monopoly! My sister and I could play that for hours on end! :) And yes to all the bookcases! I'll never have enough, lol.

  31. I want more bookshelves, too! I adore the ones I have, but my read bookshelf is too small (my boyfriend would argue that I need to get rid of some books!)

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

  32. Me too! I just need a large amount of money to make a house like that now :)

  33. That hideaway reading spot with the bookshelves looks absolutely amazing. Major want!

    Obsessive Compulsive Reader

  34. SO many great things on your list! How awesome would it be to have a house with built-in bookshelves in like every room?!?!? I also want some more bookish T-shirts. And I really HAVE to go to the Harry Potter Studio Tour one day, and also to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! One day I will go!! Great list!

    1. I really want to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but it's just soooo much money. I need a house that has bookshelves in practically every room. I could spend my life trying to fill them all.


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