Feature & Follow Friday: Meet the Pets!

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Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, each of whom feature a chosen blog of the week. It is a way for blogs to gain exposure but also so you can check out and follow other blogs

I haven't taken part in Feature & Follow for so long, but this week is all about pets! I love animals so I can't wait to go see everybody's pets and show off my own. 

The Sephy

This is my wonderful cat Sephy, full name Persephone, and she is named after a character from the Noughts and Crosses series by Malorie Blackman. She used to be the baby cat, but my other cat Sasha had kidney failure and had to be put down. Now Sephy is queen of the house, which she seems to hate and love in equal measure. She has always been super needy. When we got her she slept in bed with me every night and would cry at the door if I didn't let her in. When I moved in with my boyfriend it really made me upset, because our flat doesn't allow pets and she had to stay with my parents. For weeks she would sit at the door after I would leave and cry for hours. But, she now stalks my sister instead and dribbles on her during the night. I adore this kitty, she is hilarious.

The Wilson

Named after Wilson from House, he is the only pet I can have in my flat and even then that is just because I snuck him in lol. I can't bear living without a pet so I snuck hamsters in when we started living in the flat. He is our third hamster and he's adorable. He is currently 2 1/2 and shows no signs of slowing down soon. 

My Caterpillars

These are a very new addition and will soon be gone! They will be butterflies within the next two weeks and I will be releasing them. They come from this amazing website that send them and a habitat straight to your house. Then you keep them until they emerge as butterflies, feed the butterflies for a few days/week and then let them go. It's such a wonderful idea and I will be getting more after this lot. We recently had nine emerge from our set at work and it was incredible to watch.

So come share your adorable pets with me! 

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 850 Bloglovin' followers!

Storm by Brigid Kemmerer: DNF Review
Nantucket Blue by Leila Howland: 4/5 Review 
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: The Bling Ring
Five Friday Favourites: Books I Received As Gifts


  1. What adorable pets! The caterpillar idea is super cool. My daughter would LOVE that. She is obsessed with The Very Hunger Caterpillar and when we're outside she is always on the hunt for some caterpillars. Whatever we catch, I release b/c I don't know what it needs to survive until it turns into a butterfly. And the caterpillars we catch are probably moths, so yea, I love your idea. I'm going to look into that!
    Thanks for sharing! Come by and check out our furry friend :)
    xoxo Michelle @Book Hangovers

    1. Thanks so much! It's a lot of fun and so easy to do. I use InsectLore.co.uk but I believe they ship internationally, maybe. They come in a pot with all their food and you're not required to do anything until they are in the cocoon.

  2. Cats can be such traitors sometimes lol but I bet he loves it when his mommy comes to visit. I was bit by a hamster when I was a kid, so now they totally freak me out! Lol I'm a wimp I know.
    Monique @ Mo_Books

    1. She clearly still loves me the best, or food ;) Not a wimp at all, I am not a fan of things that might bite me. Luckily, in 2 1/2 years he hasn't even tried once, but they say male hamsters are a lot more easy going and female hamsters bite more.

  3. I've never seen anyone with a caterpillar as a pet. So interesting! Thanks for stopping by my F&F. Following back via Bloglovin'.

    1. I've never seen this either! What's the web site? It would be fun thing to send my nieces and nephews when they are a bit older.

      Thanks for stopping by Second Run Reviews yesterday!

    2. The website is www.insectlore.co.uk, but they might ship to other places. It's a lot of fun and easy to do :)

  4. Just followed you every way I could. I love your layout, so beautiful. Your pets are so cute. I'm glad Sephy got over her separation anxiety. Benny does that when I leave. I love to go to concerts and take day trips and Benny has abandonment issues. I actually call home to check on him. And make my mom let him hear my voice. When I got him his purple collar with a nametag on it he was sooo proud.

    Anyways thank you so much for visiting my blog and I'll see you around in the future.

    Rebecca of Vicariously!

    1. Thanks so much! :) I know, it's sad when they cry when you leave. It took a long time but I go home every week. Thanks for checking mine out too :)

  5. Love the caterpillars. We kept caterpillars as pets one summer. My son was disappointed when they turned into moths and not butterflies. Thanks for stopping by My FF! New GFC follower

    1. Heehee, thankfully these are guaranteed to be Painted Lady Butterflies... or I would be very disappointed too.

  6. Sephy and Wilson are adorable! :) I've been seeing other bloggers having cats in their house so it makes me want to buy one now! And amazing how you have caterpillars too! I would want to see them turn into a butterfly! :)
    Followed back in bloglovin. :)

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

    1. Cats are adorable and don't need as much attention as dogs. They're cuddly but they also like to do their own thing. And they don't mind being indoors by themselves. I am very excited to see them become butterflies! =D

  7. Adorable kids! I haven't seen a caterpillar in a long time. Thank you for stopping by. :)
    New Bloglovin follower and Link follower

  8. Love The Wilson haha! I have never known anyone to have pet caterpillars. Very unique! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am an old follower :)

    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog

  9. your blog is gorgeous for one thing, and I love your pets! They're so cute! I think I had caterpillars once! I followed back on bloglovin (:

  10. I'm sorry to hear about Sasha. That's the hard thing about having pets; they become a member of the family, so anything that happens to them is hard to deal with. I love how Sephy curls into a ball to sleep - cats are ridiculously cute when they do that! So cool you have a hamster and caterpillars! Our library has caterpillars right now. I'm taking the kids in next week to see them. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my FF! Old follower :)

    1. I know, she also tries to fit inside things that are ridiculously small and don't look comfortable to sleep in - like out fruit bowl. Our library ones just became butterflies, a lot quicker than we were expecting too.

  11. Adorable pets! Sephy is super cute! That is really cool & interesting that you have caterpillars to release when they're butterflies! I have never heard of such a thing...
    Stopping by to say hi and have a great weekend!
    new follow from @Miss Behavior Book Blog

    1. I can't wait for them to become butterflies! :) Thanks for following.

  12. Your cat is so gorgeous!! New GFC follower
    My FF
    Hannah @ The Book Landslide

  13. Hopping thru. Awesome pets. Old follower.

  14. Your cat is adorable. :) I think that is cool you have caterpillars.. I want to have some now :)

    Have a good weekend
    My F&F
    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  15. Your cat is so cute and looks so similair to mine! Caterpillars are awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

  16. I hate whenever you cannot bring pets with you whenever you move. My poor Abi would never be able to last through that. If I go to town for a couple hours, I can hear her meowing whenever I pull onto the carport because she missed me. Wilson is absolutely adorable! I love, love, love little creatures. The butterflies are a really cool idea! I may have to do that! Thanks for stopping by my FF! Old follower.

    1. They have just gone into chrysalids so I will have butterflies within the week, can't wait! I know, it sucks but luckily my family are at home and they spoil her.


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