Five Friday Favourites: Books I Received As Gifts

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

I kind of struggled with this one because it was hard to think of the books I had been bought as gifts. I managed to think of some in the end though. I cheated a little as well, because I wasn't too sure if ARCs will count as 'gifts' or not. They feel like gifts, so I included some of my favourites at the end. 

Harry Potter is probably the greatest gift anyone has ever bought me, EVER!!! I was about 8 or 9 when I received this and I had no idea what I was in for. I was visiting my nan and she had bought this from a bookshelf on a whim, the spine had jumped out at her she said because it was very colourful and had a picture at the top. I began reading it straight away and read it on the car road home until it was so dark in the car that I couldn't read any more if I tried. That began my love of Harry Potter, a  love that will definitely last a lifetime. 
Noughts and Crosses, Northern Lights and The Sight are all books that were bought for me by my parents when I was younger. They are still some of my all time favourite books and I love every single one. I look up at my bookshelf and they are all right there on my favourites shelf. I recommend every single one.
My Life Next Door is one that the boyfriend bought me as a gift. It became an instant favourite when I read it last year. It's such an easy read but a brilliant romance and amazing story. 

I'm not sure if review copies count as gifts, but I am counting them! 
These four are all amazing and I loved each one of them for different reasons. Far From You was a book that I thought was going to be a predictable thriller, but turned out to be so much more than that. It earned a five star review from me and blew me away. These Broken Stars started like Titanic, if Titanic was on a spaceship. Alienated was a brilliant, funny and unique romance story of a girl who gets a hot alien come visit as part of an exchange program. Into the Still Blue concluded one of my new favourite series and Maybe Someday combined my two favourite things, books and music! 

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 850 Bloglovin' followers!

Storm by Brigid Kemmerer: DNF Review
Nantucket Blue by Leila Howland: 4/5 Review 
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: The Bling Ring


  1. Ohh I have My Life Next Door on my kindle. I'm so excited to read it! I also have These Broken Stars and Alienated on my shelf. So excited to read them. I loveeee the covers!

    Amber @ bookish wonders

    1. I hope you get to them all soon, they are all pretty incredible! :)

  2. I want to read Alienated SO BAD! I think I won a copy...(sometimes the mail gobbles them) so that might count as a gift too!! x) Mime gave me Paper Towns for Christmas, though, and omg, that book is amazing!! XD

    1. I own Paper Towns, maybe I should track that down on my new bookshelf and read it. Alienated was a fun read, recommend that one. :)

  3. I can't wait to read Far From You... and My Life Next Door is an awesome gift to get (or give!!). I need to remember that next time I'm buying for my cousins or someone who would enjoy it :)

    1. Definitely, I loved My Life Next Door and definitely something I would gift someone else. Far From You was amazing, highly recommend :)

  4. ARC's definitely count, although I hadn't thought of them until after the event. Northern Lights is now a gift from you, so that could be a future favourite of mine, and I'm finally starting Under the never Sky this month, wahey! :D Fantastic list hunny, gifts always make me happy, and I thought a difficult subject was good this time :)

    1. Well we shall see when you read it! I hope you love Under the Never Sky, I adore that series. This was a good one, it got me thinking :)

  5. Other than ARCs, I don't really get books as gifts. I get gift cards and then buy what I want. So maybe I would count books I bought with a gift card? Loved My Life Next Door, These Broken Stars, Alienated, Into the Still Blue, and Maybe Someday. I have Far From You on my kindle, but I haven't read it yet. Hopefully soon! ~Pam

    1. I hope you get to it soon, it's a really, really, really brilliant book! I highly recommend it :)


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