Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Divergent

This is a weekly meme that I am hosting here at Reviews from a Bookworm. All you have to do is share a movie review once a week and link back to here.

This week I have been at London Book Fair, and I have one more day to go. It is absolutely huge and completely intimidating, especially when you go by yourself and have no clue what you are doing. I have got the hang of things finally and can't wait till tomorrow. There is an author talk with Malorie Blackman and then a discussion on YA later in the day, I am very excited.

This weeks movie review will be for: Divergent

Confession: I took a friends advice and didn't reread the book the day before going to see it, which is what I usually do with all adaptations. This is something that I actually recommend because, my friend was right, it allowed me to enjoy the movie more and not constantly get worked up about every little thing they left out. And there was a lot. 

I honestly believe that I wouldn't have enjoyed this as much if I reread the book just before going to see it. I would have noticed the things that they left out a lot more and it would have really gotten to me. But, as my memory is pretty bad and I forget the little details sometimes, the things they left out didn't seem like such a big deal for me - for the most part at least. 

I actually ended up absolutely loving this movie, it was a really good film. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that it was a great adaptation of the book but it was a great film. I felt disappointed by the second book in this series and hated the third, so I must say that I didn't care if the movie disappointed me. I kind of wanted it to suck because I know what will be coming after it, and I don't really want to fall in love with a film series only to be let down at the end of it. But Divergent was an amazing movie and now my hopes are super high for the next instalment. 

Before seeing the movie, I wasn't the greatest fan of the casting. I love Shailene Woodley as an actress, but she didn't exactly seem like the perfect fit for Tris Prior. For one thing she is pretty tall and Tris is supposed to be absolutely tiny. It was nice to have a strong female heroine who was also short, but then they go and ruin it by casting a tall person. Theo James was someone that I questioned as well, I had never heard of him before and didn't see the appeal. I just loved Four as a character and he became an instant book boyfriend, and then they cast a guy that I find in no way attractive; so of course I was disappointed. My opinions on both casting choices completely changed once I watched the film.

Yup, my thoughts exactly! 
Shailene was an amazing Tris, to me she was better than book Tris. She had all the kick-ass aspects that I loved about Tris and absolutely none of the constant internal whining, PERFECTION! She totally took on the role and I absolutely loved her portrayal of Tris. Theo James made a rather amazing Four too, the minute I saw him in character it just clicked for me, and then he suddenly became irresistible. I am not joking, I felt bad for my boyfriend as he had to sit next to me and witness my less than subtle ogling when he started removing clothing. 

Let's get to the things that were left out, because I know lovers of the books will care. actually compiled a great list so feel free to go read that. I wasn't really all that bothered by most of what was left out because in terms of the movie, they didn't really matter or need to be there. I didn't completely get why they left out Edward's eye being knifed by Peter, but it was probably to do with keeping the 12A rating. I really hope Uriah makes an appearance in Allegiant, I was sad they missed him out. But, to be honest, this movie was all about Tris and a lot about Four, and then not at all about the friends Tris makes or their relationships. Four's utterly adorable 'I might be in love with you' was left out, which I thought would bum me out as it's such a great line from the book, but it didn't. It doesn't really go with the Four that we see in the film, it might make more sense if he says it in movie two, but at the moment it doesn't. 

This had action and the pacing was perfect. This movie is over two hours long but it really didn't feel it. I was never once bored or tempted to check the time to see how much was left. It worked very well and they brought the book to screen and managed to actually pull it off. I finally managed to accept that an adaptation is not going to follow the book point by point, and if it did it probably wouldn't work as well. This worked for me. Harry Potter left A TON out, stuff that I loved and really wanted kept in and yet I still enjoyed the films. That was exactly how I felt about Divergent, they kept the important stuff and made a good film.

This movie centres on Tris and it's more about her development as a character than anything else. It also concentrates on the growing attraction between her and Four and doesn't rush straight into that one, very much like the book. It does mean that we don't really get to see much from the other characters, especially Christina and Peter; I really wanted him to come across as a lot more evil than he did. All in all, it was a really great movie and I left the cinema satisfied, I just wish I didn't know what a train wreck the third book was because I am not looking forward to that movie.

As a film

This had action, romance and a fast-moving plot. I wasn't bored once and my boyfriend said he really enjoyed it, more than the first Hunger Games film. He hasn't read the book and he is really fussy when it comes to movies, so this is always a good sign. 

As an adaptation.
They missed things out, I didn't completely understand why certain parts weren't included. I really enjoyed Tris and Four and the actors portrayals were brilliant, but I was sad that all other characters weren't that well developed. 

I have been meaning to take part in both of the following memes for a while now, so it's nice to finally be able to get them done. I will be taking part in Reading is Fun Again's Thoughtful Thursday Feature & Okay, Let's Read's Thursday Thoughts feature. 

So  today's topics:

This is the topic over at Okay, Let's Read. If you know a book is sad does it make you want to read it, deter you from reading it or not effect you at all? Do you enjoy sad books? Are you someone who cries easily at books? What books have you read that made you cry?

I love a happy ending so of course I hate it when a book ends badly or an author kills off a character that I love. But, I love sad books. I love a book that can actually get to me so much that I cry. Some of my all time favourite books are ones that left me in floods of hideous, ugly tears.

Some of the books that made me cry:
Deathly Hallows, My Sister's Keeper, Forbidden, The Time Traveller's Wife & Noughts & Crosses

All these books did this to me: 

And now for Reading is Fun Again's topic:

What do you do with the books that you have read? Do you keep them? Donate them? Gift them? Return them to the library? Throw them away? Make them into arts & crafts projects? Has this changed during the years? Have you noticed a change in your perspective regarding read books?

I usually keep them, unless I really hated them. But, this is becoming a problem now because I am running out of space. I have over 500 books, probably a ton of which I will never read again. I am considering going through and getting rid of some. I probably have about 100-200 I will never read again, I want to get rid of them but it's just working out what to do with them all. I will probably give them away or take them to work and put them into stock. I've changed my attitude towards read books now that I've started blogging, I'm buying more books now and reading less of the ones I own. It's really time to get rid of the ones I am not going to ever get to or ever going to reread.

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 850 Bloglovin' followers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Films for Thoughts on Thursday - Captain America: The Winter Soldier
After the End by Amy Plum: 3/5 Review
Five Friday Favourites: Best Books I've Read So Far In 2014
Far From You by Tess Sharpe: 4.5/5 Review
Top Ten Tuesday: Most Unique Books I've Read
Ashfall by Mike Mullin: 2.5/5 Review


  1. Really? I felt like the movie went along with the book pretty well. I'm not that upset about all the things that were left out, but I did feel like something was missing. A little. Great review! :)

    Cindy @ In This World of Books..

    1. It left a few things out, from what I could remember, but it didn't really bother me. I just thought I'd make note of it for people.

  2. I used to try and re-read books before the movie but now I agree and think it's much better to go in with a foggy memory! I'll be seeing it tomorrow night and I'm pretty excited!

    And I am such a crier, I cry during SO many books, and that's ok with me, I like a story that can bring out emotions so strongly :)

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

    1. It definitely is, I don't pick at the movie anywhere near as much. I am a real crier too, but I love that in a book.

  3. I didn't reread the book before seeing it, and I'm so glad. It allowed me to overlook some things and it made me enjoy the movie :)

  4. I really loved the movie. I did wonder about the eye incident but you're probably right, it's to do with the age rating of the movie.

    1. Yeah, don't think it would go over too well with parents who take younger children. The same way there was very limited violence really shown in The Hunger Games.

  5. Dude, how am I supposed to comment on all the awesome things in this post? Gah. I'm going to forget something. But anyway.
    Divergent movie: I'M GOING TO SEE IT FREAKING FINALLY ON TUESDAY. I am SO angry with Australia for getting it like 3 weeks late. It's unfair. I'd pout, but I'm waaay too excited. XD XD I'm happy that I've seen people loving it, although I haven't read all the reviews (I read just a little bit of yours, because you know, I'm saving myself). But, hehe...I'm SO glad they're already going to make Insurgent!

    I'm still ugly crying over Code Name Verity. And The Perks of Being a Wallflower. AND THE FAULT IN OUR STARS. Okay. I'm drowning. Someone hand me a mope.

    I don't have a lot of books yet, soooo I haven't even thought about whether I want to keep them or not. I have plenty I don't want to hold onto. But what do I do? Postage sucks for expensive-ness. And I don't have any bookish friends. I suppose I'll just bury myself in them.

    1. I am so happy you will get to go see Divergent, I hope you end up loving it. We got it later here than the US too, BOOOOOOO!!!

      I have to admit to not crying over Code Name Verity, I did not like that book - it bugged me!

  6. I love that Thursdays are so busy for you hun! Always a lot of content to read. First, the film. I haven't read Divergent, probably need to get on that as soon as possible, but I'm glad you enjoyed the film. I would never read the book just before the film anyway, to me that's taking being a critic too far. For your sad books, definitely Forbidden, cannot get enough of that book I swear down, and I'd also have to say The Fault in Our Stars and Thirteen Reasons Why, they made me weep buckets! For the book keeping, I used to keep them and horde them, but recently I've started to run out of space, so I'm starting to give away the books I don't think I'll ever re-read, or books I didn't much enjoy; I need space god dammit! Great Thursday content Charnell! :D

    1. Yes, I am enjoying having busy Thursday posts. I might have a movie binge soon so I can plan ahead on some. Next one is going to be Spiderman 2, seeing that on Wednesday and I am very excited.

      Forbidden is soul destroying, and yet it is so beautiful. I need to giveaway some but I am trying to think of how to do it. It's so expensive to ship them anywhere, very tempted just to take them to a local charity shop.

  7. Really liked this post! I haven't seen the movie yet, hope to this weekend, and I'm not rereading the book yet either, I don't want to sweat the small stuff. I shed a tear at most of the same books as you, I think we have quite similar tastes?? A brill tearjerker I read was Jodi Picoult's Handle With Care. I blubbed like a baby and it was one of the first books I read by her that really stayed with me. I generally only keep books I love and that I know I'll read again, or a series I'm collecting/want to keep. I used to give books away to friends and charity shops, or sell them if they were worth a few quid to fund new purchases, but I try to only buy physical copies of books I know I'm gonna like, unless they're on sale... I've outgrown my storage too #geekproblems! R x

    1. I know, you don't judge the movie as much when you don't reread. I hope you ended up enjoying the movie.

      Jodi Picoult writes so many amazing books, Handle With Care was definitely a very emotional read. That ending made me so sad! I am buying two new bookshelves this weekend, so hopefully I will organise things a bit better after that.

  8. I actually want to see this now I've read your review. I didn't really like Insurgent either, and HATED Allegiant. But there are some movies I actually like more than the books, so maybe I'll give it a go. Plus, Shailene Woodley!!

    1. I HATED Allegiant too, it was a big, fat, pile of poop. I really hope they change that one for the movie, and make it even slightly exciting. ;)

  9. I went to see Divergent yesterday and I loved it. I agree with you about not reading or re-reading the book before seeing the movie. I also agree with about the casting of Tris and Tobias and being very pleasantly surprised.

    Are you going to write a post about your experience at YALC? I really wanted to go but alas, I did not have the funds.

    I love the layout and colours of your blog, it is so eye catching and very visually pleasing.

    Congrats on your followers and thanks for the giveaway

    1. I was definitely surprised, they did well with the casting. Even if she wasn't the right look for Tris, she was the perfect person to play her. I even liked her more in the movie than in the book.

      LBF I will posting about, it was a lot of fun. YALC is in July, I am very excited for it and I can't wait.

      Thanks so much, glad you like it and good luck for the giveaway. :)

  10. I have not read the books but saw the movie and loved it. Thought it was great and I will probably read the books now at some point- to get the whole story, even though I've heard lots of stuff about book 3. I liked Shailene and Theo in their roles a lot and I also never got bored even though it's two hours plus. That's the sign of a good movie.

    1. It was definitely a great film, and it was a great adaptation as well. I think it was better for me than the first Hunger Games film, I came out of that one disappointed.

  11. I am looking forward to Reading A Game of Thrones!

  12. I hadn't read Divergent in a loooong time so I wouldn't have been the best judge on if they left out something or not and I LIKED that. I liked just enjoying the movie and not constantly comparing. I questioned Four's casting as well, but it really did all fall into place!

    As for sad books, books don't really make me cry, they just tear me up emotionally on the inside. Except for The Fault in Our Stars and Mockingjay. Those two. WOW. And those gifs are perfect :)

    1. I really loved that I was able to just enjoy the film, instead of questioning every little thing. Thanks, I cry really easily at books but didn't cry at TFIOS, which really surprised me.

  13. Divergent...loved the movie and thought the actors who played Tris and Four did such a good job. I didn't mind what was deleted and changed from the book because it's understandable given time constraints (although I do think Peter stabbing Edward in the eye was an important part of the film, he doesn't seem too horrible in the movie compared to the book). But oh well.

    Regarding the books you listed...Time Traveler's Wife! Love that book, it is so sad.

    And I buy most of my books on Kindle, but if I really love a book, I'll buy it in hardback.

    Great post! ~Pam

    1. I know, me too. I ended up loving both of them, they were both brilliant in the roles and really brought the characters to life. I did hope they would make Peter as evil as he was in the book, but never mind. Time Traveller's Wife destroys me every time!

  14. Love your review for Divergent. I didn't reread the book before going either, and I am glad. You are definitely right, I would have been focusing on all the details instead of just enjoying the movie! I really liked it. And I LOVE Theo as Four. He did a great job.
    And I definitely know what you mean about having so many books. I have so many, and a good portion of them, I haven't read yet.

    1. Thanks! I definitely would have jumped on every little thing they changed or got wrong if I had reread it, so happy that I didn't. Theo did an amazing job, I fell for movie Four almost instantly.
      Me too. I need to hurry up and read my own books.

  15. Great review of Divergent!! I'm obsessed with the movie and once I saw it, I immediately read the books. I'm very happy with how Allegiant and the whole series ended! I'm bummed their splitting the final book into two movies a la Hunger Games. I hate when they do that! Also, Four is a jerk in the books so movie Four is MUCH BETTER.

    1. I am happy that seeing the film made you want to read the books, I really enjoyed the first one. I know a lot of people loved Allegiant, but I just hated it all. It was far too boring for me. The ending was probably the only exciting part for me, but it felt like a cop out. I HATE THAT TOO! They need to just make ONE film, instead of just trying to make as much money as possible.


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