Five Friday Favourites: Favourites Things About Being A Blogger

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

This weeks topic is your favourite things about being a blogger! There are so many reasons I love being a blogger so this should be a fun one! Plus, I did a similar TTT post a few months ago and already picked five.

I think if you ask any blogger what they love most about blogging and this would be their first answer. The blogging community is just amazing. I went into blogging with no clue what I was doing and I didn't know what to expect. What I found was that bloggers are some of the most supportive, helpful and amazing people you will be lucky to talk to. I love finding new blogs and commenting on peoples post, especially since I know from experience just how much time goes into them. One perfect example of the amazing blogging community, Amanda at Book Badger (who hosts this meme in fact) helped design my new layout. She did it without me even asking, she did an amazing job and she did it all just because she could, to help out another blogger. Now that is pretty amazing. 

I will explain what I mean by the wows. I mean all those moments that make you have to go 'wow', and in blogging you will get a ton of them. That first time someone comments, your first ever follower or the first time you get approved for an ARC copy of a book. Every milestone you reach gives you the most incredible feeling. I can't describe how incredibly accomplished I felt after I had installed all the design changes me and Amanda had made for the blog. 

This one is fairly obvious. Without books there would be no book review blog. I love books, I live for books. I am sad that even if I live to be a hundred, I will never be able to read all the books that I want to read. Blogging has led me to finding so many amazing books that I otherwise wouldn't have heard of. It's led me to finding some of my favourite books of all time. Books are the perfect escape from anything and everything that is going on in your life. Blogging has made my TBR list a million times longer, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

I love weekly memes! I think it's mainly that I have an obsession with making lists. But memes are great because they get you visiting other blogs, discovering new books and meeting other bloggers. I really love being able to visit as many blogs as possible and leave comments. I have added hundreds of books to my TBR lists thanks to memes. They are so much fun to take part in and I adore them. More memes!!! 

When you tell someone you own over five hundred physical books and over three hundred on your Kindle and you are still borrowing a ton from your library, they look at you like you are mental. But, if you say the same thing to a book blogger they will probably say 'Oh my god, me too! I have a problem.'. Maybe that just makes us all crazy, but there's no better way to feel sane than by being surrounded by other crazy people. So yes, we all have a book buying problem but so what! Talking to so many others who feel the same way makes me feel like a sane, rational human being... most of the time. 

And my giveaway to celebrate reaching 850 Bloglovin' followers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

After the End by Amy Plum: 3/5 Review
Five Friday Favourites: Best Books I've Read So Far In 2014
Far From You by Tess Sharpe: 4.5/5 Review
Top Ten Tuesday: Most Unique Books I've Read
Ashfall by Mike Mullin: 2.5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Divergent


  1. Great choices this week hun! I have to say, the wow feelings you get are fantastic, especially when you've accomplished something. The memes and the books is also fantastic, getting to know other bloggers and find new worlds, it's all so fun! :D

    1. I know, I love blogging. There are so many amazing things about it, it was hard to choose :)

  2. Love your list - I haven't had a huge amount of interaction with the community just yet, but what I have experienced has been immense! I've already talked with a few bloggers who have either inspired me or made me feel super welcome (Amanda being one of them, hey there!). I totally get the wows too, the first time I was approved for an ARC was a pretty good feeling! I'm looking forward to more of these! And I definitely agree with the feeling sane part, before I wasn't surrounded by many big readers, and when I pick up a few new books I usually hear, "More??", "What do you need those for?!" or "You should get out more", it's nice to not be judged for buying books!! Though I have to say, finding people who make my "addiction" ok, has seriously had a negative impact too, my TBR list is ridic! R x

    1. Oh god, yes! I still remember the first ARC I got accepted for, it's a truly amazing feeling. OH I KNOW!!! My TBR list is ridiculous too and I buy so many more books now because the blogosphere has made it seem totally acceptable and normal. :)

  3. It's true, about the WOW. Getting all those firsts are awesome! Congrats on getting loads of followers and for the giveaway! (I don't know what book I want yet, though.)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.