2014 Series Challenge: Sign Up & Current Progress

his is a challenge that is being hosted over at Read, Sleep, Repeat, and it focuses on finishing series, you have to actually get to the end of the series. This is the perfect challenge for me as I have so many series waiting to be read. Here are the rules:
    Series Challenge Button take2
  • You have to FINISH the series
  • If the series isn't complete yet, or will not be completed before 1st December 2014, read up to the most current book in the series.
  • Novellas count but are optional.
  • Have FUN
  • If you decide to break up with a series after book one, it doesn't count.
  • You don't have to START the series in 2014, you just have to FINISH in 2014.
  • The series has to have at least 2 books out pripr to 1st December 2014.
  • Proof that you finished the book is required, by full review, mini review or a rating with a few lines.
  • DNF's do not count. 
There is also a rating system and I will be aiming for the Gold Badge, which is completing 7-11 series this year. I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT!

So, as I am only just signing up, I want to see how I am doing so far. So here's all the series I have FINISHED in 2014.

4 Series Finished

1. The Program & The Treatment by Suzanne Young
3. Starters & Enders by Lissa Price
 4. Nantucket Blue & Nantucket Red by Leila Howland

Not only did I finish 4 series, but I successfully read EVERY book in all of those four series in 2014. That makes me very proud, that's 9 books and 1 novella all within 4 months. Hopefully I can finish this challenge and read 7-11 series by then. 


  1. It's great to see you're participating! I am also, I didn't exactly set myself a goal - I am planning on just seeing what I can accomplish without planning to...if that makes sense? Sorry, I seem to be all over the place today! So far, I've finished 3 series. You've done great so far, good luck with the rest of the year!

    1. Yes, I probably shouldn't have set myself a goal because I am really liked to just fail at keeping it! I hope I do great with the rest of the year, but a lot of the series I want to read are incomplete.

  2. So glad you put this up - I found out about this challenge through your post and decided to join in!!! I'm aiming high for the Platinum - which is probably super ambitious of me, but that's the point of a challenge, right? Looking forward to sharing progress updates! :)

    1. Aiming high can be good, you'll get through a ton of series that way even if you don't manage to complete it. I am excited for this, will make more of an effort to start series now.

  3. Good job! I need to do a progress update too. I think I've completed this challenge already but I haven't been keeping track lol

    1. Haha, that sounds about right! I will probably forget to keep track too.

  4. Yay and good luck! I am SO hopeless with series it's not even funny. x) For some reason my brain registers one book and then flits off to something else...buuut I do usually manage trilogies! It's the quartets and beyond I usually collapse over. ;) Still. This is a pretty awesome challenge. Looking forward to seeing updates!

    1. It's long series that I fail at too, not sure why but I just do. I also fail when I have to wait a huge amount of time between each series.

  5. Well done on finishing 4 series this year! Although I think you might have missed an Under The Never Sky novella as there is a #2.5 - Brooke.

    1. Novellas count but you don't have to read them, but I had no idea about that one! I am going on Amazon right now!!! THANKS =D

  6. I considered this earlier on in the year but never did, now I wonder if I should with my committing to series, I'll have to consider it more I think. However, well done on how well you're doing already, 4 is great and you should so achieve at least 7 in the year, so good luck hunny! :D

    1. I think you should, you're getting through quite a few series and even if you only aim for a low goal I am pretty sure you will do it. I am really hoping to reach 11 but I think that would be aiming too high.


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