2014 First In A Series Challenge: Sign Up & Current Progress

YAY! I have found yet another series to participate in! I love the sound of this as it matches up perfectly with my 2014 Series Challenge, and I have read quite a lot of series starters already this year. I am a sucker for a challenge and this is one I really think I will do well with. You can sign up for it at Darlene's Book Nook.

So if you want all the rules then go to her page but the basics are:

1. It runs 1st Jan - 31st December 2014
2. Can join at any time.
3. Don't need a blog to participate.
4. All book formats count.
5. Four levels to the challenge: Novice: 5 books, Lover: 10 books, Expert: 20 books, Fanatic: 30 books

Well it says you need to pick your level, you can go up at any time but can't go down. I am going to pick Series Expert, which means that I aim to read 20 books that are the first in a series. Now let's check my progress so far this year. I had to miss some as I DNF them, they deserved the DNF though because they were HORRIBLE!

  1. The Program by Suzanne Young
  2. Splintered by A. G. Howard
  3. Impostor by Susanne Winnacker
  4. Witch Finder by Ruth Warburton
  5. Starters by Lissa Price
  6. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
  7. Uninvited by Sophie Jordan
  8. Easy by Tammara Webber
  9. After the End by Amy Plum
  10. Ashfall by Mike Mullin
  11. Exile by Kevin Emerson
  12. Nantucket Blue by Leila Howland
  13. To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

I'm really proud of my progess on this one, I could probably hit the 30 books one by the end of the year. I had to leave off two: Avalon and Storm because I DNF both of those. This is an easier challenge for me because most books coming out at the minute are book one in a new series. I am committing myself to a lot of series right now, it's a real problem.


  1. This sounds like another awesome challenge! :) Don't we all commit ourselves to too many series? ;)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.