Discussion: Sharing Is Caring - Blogger Love

If you ever see a blogger list their favourite thing about blogging, you are pretty much guaranteed to find the community pretty high up on that list. There's a reason for that, the blogging community is pretty amazing. When I first started blogging I honestly had no idea what I was doing, I didn't even plan or schedule any posts, I just jumped straight in. 

In the seven or eight months since I've started blogging, I've met so many amazing bloggers who have helped me along the way. They've been supportive and shown my blog some serious love and I am so thankful for that. From the first few bloggers who started leaving me regular comments to the amazing blogger who helped me redesign my whole blog just because she could. I want to take the time to share my love for them in this post, and I thought you could all do the same about blogs & bloggers you love. 

So this is less of a discussion and more of a way to spread the love. I am going to add a Link Up at the bottom and I would love for you to add a link to your blog. I am going to attempt to come and visit EVERYONE who links up and check out your blog. I will read at least one post and comment because I honestly believe visiting other blogs is one of the most important parts of blogging. Without the wonderful people who come visit me and comment, I'd literally just be typing away everyday and putting it out there for no one to read or see. 

If you have any bloggers or particular blogs that you love or who have helped you out then I'd like to hear about it in the comments. You can leave a link to them in the comments or add them to the linky tool. And if you feel like spreading the love, go visit some other blogs and leave a comment. As bloggers we should all know how amazing it feels to get a comment from someone!

I also feel like I have got to know some amazing bloggers but haven't revealed a lot about myself on the blog. That was a conscious decision at first because I was a little nervous about the whole blogging thing and being out there. I also didn't tell my friends, family or anyone else my web address, the boyfriend was the only one who knew. But, inevitably, my family cyber-stalked me until they eventually found it - Milan, I'm looking at you, you too mum! So I just wanted to say Hi! and give you the most basics of basics:

This is me with the boyfriend>>>
<<< And this is me, in a tree!
These were taken when I was on holiday in Spain and I fell in love with that rather awesome, ridiculously huge tree. Seriously, I wanted to have that thing in my own garden! I am twenty-two, almost twenty-three. I work in a library and you would think that would be quiet and dull, but it's busy, hectic and full of crazy people! I'm naturally a brunette and am finally back to having brown hair. In truth, I kind of miss the blonde highlights but I don't miss the damage it does to my poor hair! That guy in the photo is my boyfriend, not a creepy dude just trying to get in on my boat pic, and we have been together for 7 1/2 years now. I started the blog about 7 months ago and so far I am loving it.

Now to some of the wonderful bloggers I want to thank & spread the love for:

Book Badger
Amanda @ Book Badger

This girl is seriously amazing! Her blog is brilliant and I actually visit it everyday to see what she's got going on over there. She posts pretty much every day, which is incredible, and always has amazing content. She's got superb, in depth reviews; brilliant discussion posts, fun meme's and so much more. 
She's also the wonderful blogger who saw I was struggling to redesign and sent me a new header, which I loved and ended up using. She then offered to help me with the rest of my redesign, just because she could. That's the most amazing thing a blogger has done for me since I started blogging. For me, blog design is a headache because I'm not very good at a lot of the more complicated stuff, like coding. But Amanda helped me through the whole thing, she coded things and designed headers for my sidebar. She's so lovely and I can't thank her enough, not sure what I would do without her! She's always there if I need help with anything, want to discuss a book or a post I'm thinking of doing. I never expected to make any friends from blogging, duh I am socially inept, but I am so glad I found her! So if you get a moment, go check her out! She recently posted a great list of potential Discussion Post Topics for anyone who struggles & shared her Not-So-Favourite Leading Ladies

Follow Book Badger via Bloglovin'

Cait & Mime @ Notebook Sisters

This blog is run by Cait & Mime, two sisters who's blog posts always have me laughing like crazy! Cait comes to visit and comment on my blog a lot, and she leaves some of the greatest comments. A lot of you will know this blog already because they're superb when it comes to spreading the love. Like me, they seem to love finding the time to go visit other blogs and comment on their content. If you are looking for a wonderful blog that posts almost everyday, has great reviews and posts that will make you cry with laughter then you need to go check these two out. Two of my recent favourite posts were Cait's choices of the 5 book characters she would want as her allies in the Hunger Games & her Honest YA Blurbs post that had me laughing so hard it hurt. 

Follow Notebook Sisters via Bloglovin'

She's one of the very first bloggers I remember who would come and visit me a few times a week. She would read all my posts and always leave a nice, meaningful comment. When you first start out in blogging it kind of blows your mind to find that someone is taking the time to do that, it still does in fact. I love checking her blog out as well because she does great, short reviews and discussion posts that get me thinking. She recently reviewed Something Real by Heather Demetrios and discussed Comparing Books on book covers and blurbs.

Follow YA Escape From Reality via Bloglovin'

Reading Is Fun Again
Pam @ Reading Is Fun Again

Another Pam who made a habit of coming to visit me once a week and leaving little comments. I loved to go visit her back and read her reviews and discussion posts. I now take part in her Thoughtful Thursday posts, which I really love. She switches it up a lot and reviews lots of different genres. She recently discussed Secondary Characters and Book Covers.

Follow Reading Is Fun Again via Bloglovin'

Ebony @ Paperbacks & Protagonists

She's someone who has started visiting my blog recently and who I love to visit back. Not only does she blog but she also posts videos, which I love because I often get sucked into the black whole that is YouTube and can't get out. She recently posted the Books She's Looking Forward to Reading & talked about being lucky enough to see an Early Screening of The Fault in Our Stars. LUCKY!

Follow Paperbacks & Protagonists via Bloglovin'

My blog button
Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

I really love this blog and it's so much fun. She does book reviews but also does a manicure to match the book cover of every book she reviews. They're incredible and she is super talented. She recently reviewed We Were Liars by E. Lockhart and Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley.

Follow The Bookish Manicurist via Bloglovin'

Katie @ KKatie Reads

Another blogger who comes to comment on my reviews quite often. I know bloggers say that reviews get the least love, but it's thanks to all the wonderful bloggers I'm mentioning that mine get lots of  love. She recently reviewed Second Star and posted her goals for Bout of Books

Follow KKatie Reads via Bloglovin'

Grab My Button
Rachel @ Confessions of a Book Geek

She stops by a lot now to leave comments and I like checking back in at her blog. She recently did a list of some great websites you can go to for bookish deals, which made my day because I love a good deal on a book. So check out the Bookish Deals here and also her review of Minutes Before Sunset.

Follow Confessions of a Book Geek via Bloglovin

Little Birdie Books
Allie @ Little Birdie Books

Another blogger who I really enjoy visiting, she comes to comment a lot and she has great content over at her blog. She posts a lot of wonderful reviews and hosts some brilliant giveaways. She recently reviewed Uninvited by Sophie Jordan and Half Bad by Sally Green. 

Follow Little Birdie Books via Bloglovin'

The Bookish Daydreamer

Christine @ The Bookish Daydreamer

Another blog I like to visit and comment on when I can find the time. Her recent posts were a review of Chapel Wars by Lindsay Leavitt and Rebel by Amy Tintera.

Follow The Bookish Daydreamer via Bloglovin' 

Those are honestly just a few of the amazing bloggers that come and visit and say hi! If I've left anyone off then I am sorry but I had limited time on the post and tried to get as many people on as I could. Please leave a link to your own blog so I can come say hi and so that others can too. Leave a link to any blogs you feel deserve some love to. If you have any amazing blogger stories then I would love to hear about them in the comments.

So share the love and add your own blog and others you love. 
Leave a comment saying hi and any amazing blogger stories you have.
If you decide to follow then let me know & I'll be sure to come follow back! 

One chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX, to enter go here.

You can also enter my 1,000 Bloglovin followers giveaway below. For full details go here.

Boys Like You by Juliana Stone: Review
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Wish I'd Put Down
Life by Committee by Corey Ann Haydu: Review - It's essentially Mean Girls
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Now You See Me 
Five Friday Favourites: Not-So-Favourite Contemporaries 
My Weekly Book Haul: 17/05/2014
Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas: Review


  1. This post is a great idea! I hope you don't mind if I do the same thing on my blog? I'll link back to yours of course :) The blogging community truly is just wonderful! ♥ xx

    1. Oh, and sorry - none of your "reply as" options are actually applicable to me! My website is: http://www.millicentnankivell.com :)

    2. I wouldn't mind at all! It's just a lovely way to spread our love for all the other wonderful blogs and bloggers out there :)

  2. Thank you so so much Charnell! This means the world to me! I never expected to make friends either when I started blogging, but you're definitely one! I visit you whenever you have a new post and while I might not always comment because I don't want to comment rubbish things like ;cool post, nice books' or whatever, I do ALWAYS visit because I love it here. I love all your content, your feeling induced reviews and that you just have you're own style! You deserved the spruce up anyway hunny, you work hard and if you ever want anything new, let me know :)

    1. HAHA 'feeling induced reviews' <3 I love that! I usually just refer to them as rant-fests because that seems to be all I do lol. I try to edit myself down but I just can't do it, I have to just type away and go with it.

      Thanks for all the help, my blog would be a mess without you ;)

  3. This is such a lovely post, it's great to get to know you better, and thank you so, so much for the sweet words about my blog! I'm glad you like it so much :)

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

    1. You're very welcome. You always write really brilliant reviews, but I am always blown away by the manicures because that takes a serious amount of talent. I can't even handle doing one coat on my nails when I have to switch hands!

  4. THIS POST MADE ME SO SO HAPPY. OMG. YOU ARE AMAZING. *throws confetti and chocolate and just general happiness* XD XD And did I mention? I LOVE YOUR BLOG TOO. It is amazing and I always feel like your reviews are so relaxed, like I'm really chatting to someone about books. And I love your gifs and the variety of your posts and gaaaah. EVERYTHING.

    PS. I really like that tree. I want one. I may need to live to Bilbo's age, but, dang, I really want a tree like that.

    1. Awww, thanks Cait! I want that tree, I thought about sneaking it home in my suitcase but I wasn't too sure it would fit. I just felt like it was time to gush a little about the blogs and people I am loving at the moment :)

  5. Firstly, congrats on accomplishing so much in the past 7/8 months, you should be really proud! Secondly, this is just such an absolutely lovely post.

    The community is definitely one of my favourite things about blogging; everyone is so supportive and welcoming and it's great to be able to discuss books with people equally as passionate. Or just fangirl and be kids with each other.

    I'm a big believer in spreading the blogger love and returning comments. I've discovered so many cool people by just visiting the blogs of people who have been awesome enough to comment on my posts.

    Thank you for the shout out in this post btw :) I really appreciate you being so awesome!

    1. Thanks so much! I just wanting to take the chance to send the love to some other bloggers because they have given so much to me. The fangirling like children is always fun.

      I do the same, comment back on anyone who comments. If someone leaves a comment on one of my reviews then I try to always go comment on one of there's.

  6. (couldn't add my blog to the link up?)
    Love the idea of this post!! I'm a new blogger yet (started in the end of February), and I've been blown away by how nice the book blogging community is! Three bloggers have especially been really supportive of me, and have helped me as I've gotten started:
    These ladies rock!

    Finley Jayne

    1. I know, the link up seems to hate me right now for some reason. Think I've fixed it but who knows. Thanks for linking up some other bloggers, will definitely be checking them out. I'm so happy you've found other bloggers to support you and help you out :)

  7. This is such a great post! I only started blogging in mid-March, and I haven't really got to know that many people yet, but Cayce at Fighting Dreamer has been so friendly, and Lesley at Books and Beautiful World has left such long thoughtful comments on my review posts! I love them both.

    I've been following your blog but I haven't really left any comments yet, I will try to do so more in the future! (:

    Cynthia @ Jellyfish Reads

    1. Aww thanks so much for taking part and linking up to some bloggers! I'll stop by your blog and theirs and check out your posts! :) I'm happy you have already found some wonderful and lovely bloggers :)

  8. I was having a less than great evening, and this really perked me up so much! I'm getting all the feels going on!!! :D Thanks for spreading the love, I think I'll have to continue this as it really does make a difference! Another great post, Charnell! R x

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for always stopping by and leaving comments, it means a lot.

  9. Oh what a lovely idea for a post! I'd not heard of any of the blogs you mentioned. It's amazing how many of us are out there isn't it?

    1. I know, so many that it is hard to comprehend. I liked doing this as I thought it would help me find blogs I'd never even heard of, and it has! :)

  10. Thanks so much for including me and saying such nice things about my blog! I feel the same way about this community, it's been great, and I had no idea when I started blogging.

    I love your blog as well, you always write such amazing (and honest) reviews (and you read so much!)

    I linked three blogs that I love that people should check out: Rebecca at The Library Canary, Nicole and Ashley at The Quiet Concert, and Natalie at Natflix& Books.

    Such a thoughtful post, you made my day! ~Pam

    1. I feel like I barely read any more so that makes me feel a lot better! Thanks for linking up the blogs, I'll definitely be going to check them all out :)

    2. Thanks, Pam! You're the best! And thanks for writing this super awesome post, Charnell! Some bloggers I love are Book Rock Betty, Sabrina @ I Heart YA Fiction, and Brittany @ Book Addict Guide. I'll link them up because they're awesome!

    3. Awww, well I am glad you like the post and thanks for taking part. I will definitely be visiting all three of the blogs you linked.

    4. Awwww, Rebecca. Xo, girlie! I would have put your link up there as well. Also linked up Jen Ryland @ YA Romantics, Sara @ The Hiding Spot and Jen @ The Starry-Eyed Revue! Amazing blogs, reviews and people! Feeling all warm and fuzzy! :)

    5. I will definitely be visiting them all, thanks for taking part! :)

  11. This is such a fabulous idea and I love that you are doing this!!

    You have a great blog and I am now a follower. I plan on stopping by lots so be on the lookout for me. ;)

    1. Heehee, I will definitely keep my eye out for you. Thanks for stopping by :)

  12. Great post! I absolutely love this community too. I'm so happy I took the plunge and started blogging about 7 months ago. Some weeks I'm lazy, tired and it takes a lot of work to write reviews and posts but that has nothing to do with the community. When I complain about my lack of energy or I need to fangirl about something book related I head to Twitter and my blogger friends are there.
    And everyone is there to share the comment love, too. Especially on the weekly memes. It is a welcoming community. In the end it doesn't matter how many followers you have, it's about the bloggers you meet and just sharing the love. :D
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I have so much fun talking to and commenting on other bloggers blogs. I love this community, it's amazing! I am so happy I started blogging too, it's been so unbelievably fun. I get tired and lazy at times too, or I get a little overwhelmed at everything that I need to do for the blog. But it's always worth it :)

  13. Aww, this is such a lovely idea! There are quite a few new-to-me blogs on your list (and on the linky) so thanks for helping me to increase the number of bloggers on my "stalker" list. ;)

    1. Well I am happy that I could add to the 'stalker' list, we all need one of those :)

  14. This is such a lovely post. I absolutely love the blogger friends that I've made, and they most definitely make blogging more fun. Thanks so much for sharing/spreading love.

    Also, thanks so much to whomever put my name on this list. Such a nice surprise! <3

    1. It was Pam from YA Escape from Reality. Thanks for coming to check it out :)

  15. This is an awesome post! What a great way to share the love! love the blog!

  16. I love this post. As a newer blog I was nervous about how I would be accepted into the specific book blogging community, but everyone was really welcoming, and it's a great feeling to see those I've gotten to know via their blogs supporting me every week and taking the time to not only read and comment on my posts, but to leave words of encouragement as well! Thanks for reminding everyone how rewarding blogging can be!

    1. Thank you! So glad you like the post and the whole idea behind it. The blogging community is amazing, so happy that I started my blog because I wouldn't be without it now.

  17. This is an awesome post. I do agree that having others comment on my blog encourages me to continue doing it, and that I'm not just typing away to the large expanse of the world wide web. I also love how encouraging other bloggers are too. It's great!

    1. I know, the community is amazing and it's nice to have people comment and show that they are reading what you're writing :)

  18. Wow, what a wonderful idea! I love seeing all of this positivity around the blogosphere - it is such a wonderful community to be a part of and it's sad when the drama sometimes overshadows that. You are great for doing this and spreading the love! THANK YOU! :)

    Thanks to Pam for adding our blog! I added my friend Kay's blog to the list - It's a Book Life!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

    1. Thanks! :) I will definitely be checking out her blog. Thanks for stopping by and adding someone to the list!

  19. Fantastic post, Charnell! I loved getting to know you better and thank you so much for featuring me! I'll definitely make the effort to go and check out everyone's blogs right now. :)

  20. Awh this post is just so heart warming <3 I always try and visit everyone's blog who comments on my posts because I love that they take the time to do that. I even have a few regular commentators and a small but very much loved amount of email bloggers :D I didn't know what I was diving into when I started blogging, but I am sure glad I did!


    1. I know, the blogging community is just amazing and I wanted to share my love for some of the great bloggers who comment a lot. I didn't know what to expect from blogging but I am so happy that I started.

  21. The blogging community is a supportive and welcoming place, and one of the best ways to get involved is to share other bloggers' work. When you share a post that you love, you're helping to spread the word about it and support the blogger's work. This is especially important for new bloggers who are trying to build an audience. Telkom University


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.