Top Ten Tuesday: Books About Friendship


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

I am totally not going to be picking all the super obvious books that you think are about friendship. I am going to be picking those amazing books I love and convincing you why they are totally about friendship. I wasn't just thinking up reasons so I could put them on my list... I SWEAR! (Okay, maybe a little!)


The Harry Potter series

This one is completely genuine as it is definitely a series that's about friendship. Harry, Ron & Hermione are like the ultimates when it comes to friendship. We love them, we love their true friendship and we totally want them as our BFFs. It's not just me, right? And then we get to friendships like Harry and Dobby *sobs*, Hagrid and his friendship with them, Remus and Lupin and the Potters, Fred and George and so many others! Look upon them and weep:

Okay, moving on from the Harry Potter love!

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)
The Hunger Games

Some might think this is a dystopian about taking on President Snow, bringing down the Capitol and getting rid of The Hunger Games. Wrong. It's totally about one girl finally making friends and letting people in. Katniss, as Hermione would say, at times seems to have the emotional range of a teaspoon. She can seem very unfeeling at times, and completely incapable and unwilling to make friends. Slowly but surely, she begins to let more people in and befriend others and not just keep to herself. Without her friendships she would never have survived both of the Games she takes part in. Without friendship she would never have for the Mockingjay pin, GO MADGE! Friendships become really important in this book., even if at times she can't separate romance from friendship. 

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie! Oh, the feels you gave me. You cried almost constantly and made me want to hit you, but your story definitely punched me in the feels. The friendship in this book is extraordinary and I absolutely love it. This book centres around Charlie finally making some true friends and growing as a person. Charlie, Sam & Patrick are a brilliant trio. 

We Were Liars
We Were Liars

An easy pick because it really is about friendship. It concentrates on four friends, the Liars, who spend their summers on a private island with their parents. This book just about broke my heart and left me absolutely sobbing at work. The friendships in this were something else and it tugged at all my heartstrings. It was just a truly incredible read, the friendship between Cady, Johnny, Mirren and Gat was just beautiful. Loved every minute of this book and highly recommend it. 

Far From You
Far From You

Another exceptional read that blew me away. This tells the story of Sophie Winters and her struggle to move on after she witnesses the murder of her best friend Mina. As a recovering drug addict she is devastated when the death is seen as a drug deal gone wrong and nobody hunts for Mina's true killer. This book was a little heartbreaking as it plays back Sophie's memories of Mina and how important her friendship was to her. There is so much more to this book than meets the eye, definitely recommend you go read it. 

Dangerous Girls
Dangerous Girls

This one is quite similar to Far From You in some ways but very different. It's another mystery where a girls best friend is murdered, but in this book we see the best friend being blamed. We get to have flashbacks of their friendship and how they came to be such good friends. We get to see the events leading up to the murder and we are able to see the court case play out. This book kept me guessing and the intricacies of the friends meant that I didn't know who to trust, I doubted everyone. 

Under The Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1)
The Under the Never Sky series

Okay, this one totally makes the list because of Roar! I am not even sorry because it totally counts. Part of the reason I adored this whole series so much was Roar. He's an amazing character and I loved him in this book. His friendship with Perry was the best bromance ever and his and Aria's friendship was so touching. Love the series, love the friendships, love it all!

His Dark Materials series

If the bond between a person and their daemon isn't the ultimate friendship then I don't know what is! I read this series and was in awe of the daemon's the whole time. Please, world, let me have a daemon! I NEED MY OWN PAN!

The Help
The Help

I love this beautiful book! It shows the unlikeliest of frienships and the just how far people will go for one another. This book has such a hype surrounding it but I promise you that the hype is well eaqrned. This is a truly incredible story that shows some inspiring friendships between some extraordinary characters. I just adore this book. 

You can find my reviews of them here:

One chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX, to enter go here.

You can also enter my 1,000 Bloglovin followers giveaway below. For full details go here.

Life by Committee by Corey Ann Haydu: Review - It's essentially Mean Girls
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Now You See Me 
Five Friday Favourites: Not-So-Favourite Contemporaries 
My Weekly Book Haul: 17/05/2014
Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas: Review
Discussion: Sharing is Caring - Blogger Love

Be sure to link to your own TTT post so that I can come check yours out.
Stop by my Blogger Love post if you have time to link your blog up and any others that you love. 


  1. The H.P. series is hands down a favorite of mine simply because I love the friendship in it. I couldn't of picked a better series to name for this giveaway.

    Great picks! Some of these I still need to read but this really is one of my favorite things about series as well, or even books, is the friendship that feels so real. I adore friendship to love/romance reads as well.

    1. I know, it definitely deserves to be number one on my list! I really love friendships in my books, I love books that have really strong friendships in them.

  2. Nice picks!! Lots of Harry going around today!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Harry Potter is a great choice. The trio's relationship is one of the best friendships of all time. I really need to read Far From You, it looks fantastic.

    1. I KNOW!!! I love HP and it definitely deserves to be at the top of my list, so many amazing friendships :)

  4. I absolutely need to read The Help. I JUST DO. I loove the movie (can Emma Stone be any cooler?! honestly. she's the best) but I feel like their is a bookish Help shaped hole in my literary career. x) I didn't feel qualified to put HP on my list since I've only read like...3 of them. >.< I WILL GET TO THE REST. I PROMISE. I DO. But I absolutely love how realistic the threesome is at the beginning. Ron and Hermione's spats make me giggle.
    My TTT!

    1. YOU DO! It's an amazing book. I adore Emma Stone, she is far too amazing. DO IT! Get to the end of HP :) Their spats are hilarious throughout the whole series.

  5. I feel like today's TTT wouldn't be complete without HP. That is definitely a series about every kind of friendship. All of them very strong.
    I didn't put HG on mine, but I agree whole heartily with your reason why. Good job! :)
    I just finished We Were Liars yesterday (*sob*) and totally agree with you. It's beautiful!
    Great list!
    Happy reading!
    My TTT

    1. I know, it totally deserves to be at the top of my TTT list. That book has so many wonderful friendships in it :) We Were Liars was such an amazing book, it broke my heart.

  6. Oh, I didn't even think of the Dark Materials trilogy, but of course it's true. So interesting!

  7. I chose Harry Potter too! I wanted to say it was the best for friendships but then I thought about the Lord of the Rings and Frodo and Sam and all of the other great friendships in there and I wasn't sure. They're both great sagas. :)

    1. I have only seen the LOTR films, so I couldn't pick that. But, if the friendships are amazing in the book as they are in the film then I would totally struggled to pick between HP and LOTR.

  8. Harry Potter is great. I love that you give a shout out to Madge, as I was very disappointed they left her out of the movie.
    Check out my Top 10

    1. ME TOO! Poor Madge, what did she do to be deemed unworthy? I guess introducing her would take too much time that they just didn't have.

  9. The Perks of Being a Wallflower and His Dark Materials are excellent choices for this list!

  10. You've got several I've not read. I never thought of the friendships in the Hunger Games.

    1. I have seen it on a few lists now, so many great ones in that book :)

  11. Great list! I read We Were Liars recently, so good! Also His Dark Materials is an amazing choice! I love Pan so much too and Iorek Byrnison.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. Yes, glad someone else loves His Dark Materials and the friendships in that one.

  12. Love all the HP and HG animations you added to this post, so fun! <3 And yes to 'The Help'! Yours is the first list I see with this book on it, but you're absolutely right, a great book about friendship!

    1. Such a beautiful book! I couldn't do those two books without the gifs, they just show those friendships so well.

  13. Fabulous list. HP is on so many lists this week. I haven't read We Were Liars yet, but it's on my wish list.

    Thanks for visiting The Book Connection.

  14. I really like Far From You too. There were so many layers there. I was actually surprised by how much I liked it! Great list!! Thanks for stopping by! Shannon @ Rex Robot Reviews

    1. I know, that one was filled with surprises and I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did.

  15. Yeah, let's be honest, nothing was going to beat the HP friendships. Which is probably why it's on every list (mine included!)

    LOVED Roar and Aria in Under The Never Sky - nice to see some platonic friendships floating about

    1. I've seen it on practically every list and it's so clear to see why, so many amazing friendships in that series.

  16. Awesome choices! There are a few on there that I never (sadly) actually thought about, and then saw them on your list, and I was like, "Oh yeah!" :)

    1. Haha, that's actually how I was with a lot of other lists, I saw so many that I probably should have thought of myself.

  17. Great list! I really want to read We were Liars. I just requested it at the library, but I'm like #42 on the waiting list.

    1. Oh no! I hope it gets to you really quickly, that's an amazing book! :)

  18. I totally forgot about The Help, but it's such an amazing book, complete with friendships (and tears and laughter). YES I REALLY WANT MY OWN DAEMON!! Such an amazing thing for Phillip Pullman to have in his novels. Great list otherwise - got a few book recs to read :)

    1. Thank you! I wanted a daemon so bad, it wasn't fair. I'm still holding on to the hope that one day it will just magically appear :)

  19. I love that you included The Dark Materials series! I think that definitely fits on this list. I really need to read We Were Liars sometime soon; I've been hearing such good things about it! Great picks :D

  20. Great list! What a bonehead I am to have forgotten to put HP on my list. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an excellent friendship book, too! I hadn't heard of Far From Me, but it sounds so good I'll have to add it to my wish list immediately. :)

  21. Ohhh, I can definitely see why We Were Liars is on this list (despite having not read it yet!) I totally agree with you with your reasoning for Hunger Games, it's sort of the underlying truth (so far at least-- I haven't read Mockingjay yet haha) for all of the superficial competitions and the like.

    joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts

  22. HP, HG, and Under the Never Sky are all great picks! Awesome list! :D My TTT

  23. Great list! Katniss' growth in developing friends in the Hunger Games series is truly fantastic!

  24. Dang it! I forgot about His Dark Materials! I always remember it being a romance rather than a friendship =/

  25. I love your choices! The Help is an excellent choice!

  26. So many great books on this list!! I've been seeing Dangerous Girls around a lot lately, both in this week's TTT post, as well as several random reviews. I never even heard of the book, and now I'm so eager to get myself a copy and fit it into my reading schedule ASAP! :)

  27. Awesome picks and GIFs! Love it! I so agree that HP needs to be on every list!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  28. Yay Roar! Go bromances! Also awesome gifs =)

  29. Fab friendships! I especially am fond of the friendships in THG, Perks, and HP.

  30. I loved the relationships in We Were Liars too. It made me wish the book was a little bit longer so we could see more of those moments. It was a memorable book though... I don't think I'll ever forget it. I just bought Dangerous Girls last week, so I hope to get to that soon. And Far From You is one I really need to read soon as well. I've been eyeing it up ever since it came out :)

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT

  31. Yes, Harry Potter will always remain a great story about friendship! Great picks :)

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

  32. Haha, the first gif + your first choice totally got me! And I love the inclusion of We We Liars. Even, though I just read it, I probably would have forgotten about it!

  33. Beautiful choices! Harry Potter deserves it!
    I wish I could read The Perks of Being a Wallflower too. I heard it's cool!

  34. Great list! And you have a gorgeous blog. :) I had forgotten about Roar and didn't put Under the Never Sky on my list! How could I forget about Roar? *fail* Great list overall!

  35. HOW DID I NOT THINK OF UNDER THE NEVER SKY?!?! Wow, I feel like a failure of a fan for that oversight, good gracious. Roar is seriously the best friend you could ask for:)

  36. Yea for The Hunger Games! Aside from the want to overthrow the government, I don't think it would have gone so well had there not been a basis of friendship. Wonderful choice!

    Andrea @ Bookish

  37. Oops. I can't believe I didn't think of The Perks of Being A Wallflower, but I'm so glad you did. It falls perfectly under this topic. And a big high five and fandom hug for Harry Potter! I love the gifs you've said. Awesome list! Thanks so much for stopping by my post!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  38. Completely agree! Harry Potter has the best friendships ever! There is no other book that beats it!

    Also, I have to tell you how much I love your blog design! Love the pink and blue =]

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  39. Huge fail, I can't beleive I forgot Harry Potter!

  40. I have yet to read any of those except for the Hunger Games! I thought the Hunger Games was an okay book, I much preferred Catching Fire which is the only book in the series which really did it for me. I also really like the Percy Jackson books when it comes to friendship <3 They're a brilliant example and would definitely be on my top ten!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.