Top Ten Tuesday: Covers I'd Frame As Art


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

Book Covers I'd Frame As Art

This weeks topic was one I thought would be really easy, but turned out to be quite hard. There are so many different covers I liked and found it hard to choose, but I just randomly picked them in the end instead of trying to narrow my favourites down.

The Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi
These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
Fell by David Clement-Davies
The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu
Sleepless by Tracey Ward
The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
Cress by Marissa Meyer
Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout

I have realised that I am a big fan of dark blues and purples on my covers, as well starry nights. These are just some of the ones I decided to pick, I really had so many that it was hard to narrow them down. Very excited to see which ones you all picked so be sure to leave your link below.

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  1. Oh nice! Totally forgot about Apollyon!! Loved that one! My post won't be up for a few hours. Stop[ by tomorrow some time if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. It's a really pretty cover, haven't started the series yet though! I will check it out :)

  2. What are the chances that we would have the same book on our lists just different covers?! That's crazy man! Wow! You also like your eyes and your people. I think this weeks is going to showcase the little things we like on covers but never really realised and I think it's pretty cool. Of course I love The Shatter Me covers, and The Lunar Chronicles covers too, they're gorgeous! I think the Half Blood series JLA all look pretty nice too, so great choices! :D
    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday since I mentioned a similar book ;)

    1. Haha, you know I'd cyberstalk your blog anyway ;) I kind of check it everyday =D I know, that cover of The Sky is Everywhere is one I haven't seen before. I have to say that I prefer mine, but purple is my favourite colour ;) I know, it is weird... I THOUGHT I HATED PEOPLE ON MY COVERS! It has to be something really special for me to like it, usually people on covers does really wind me up... not sure why.

  3. Oh yes! You have got some gorgeous covers on your list this week. I really like sparkly, starry covers. The Shatter Me covers are beautiful. Very effective.

    1. I really love the Shatter Me covers, they're stunning. Starry covers are some of the best :)

  4. Ahhh, so, so pretty! I would be happy seeing any of these on my wall. My favourites however are Shatter Me, Unravel Me, Ignite Me, These Broken Stars, The Winner's Curse and Glow!

    1. I love this weeks topic, so many pretty covers to look at :)

  5. Some gorgeous covers! I especially like Glow and Sleepless :) Great picks!

  6. Love those Shatter Me covers, and I'm loving the Lunar Chronicles too, even if I haven't got around to reading them just yet... great list! R

  7. I looooove these! And I have SO many the same as you! We are bookish cover twins. I totally was going to put Alice on mine and then ran out of room. It's sooo beautiful. I discovered I have a thing for orange. AND starry skies. Sci-fi usually has the best covers of ever. Like Plus One? And Salvage, too! (I've heard they're not brilliant, buuuut the covers!) XD

    1. HAHA total twins and you had quite a few on your list that I almost added to mine. I really love starry skies too, they make some of the most stunning covers. HOW'D I FORGET PLUS ONE?!? I adore that cover, it's absolutely stunning.

  8. I just love the covers of Shatter Me series and The Winner's Curse! Amazing picks! <3
    Top Ten Tuesday
    One Broke Girl

  9. I absolutely love the Shatter Me Covers they are a work of genius!

  10. Your list itself is pretty! I mean, I like the borders for the images. I've seen that Shatter Me series on a few lists but I haven't read it.
    Here's mine.

    1. Thank you! I haven't read them either but the covers are gorgeous! :)

  11. These Broken Stars is definitely one of the prettiest covers I have EVER seen, it's so gorgeous. I do like starry nights, they make such beautiful covers.

  12. Love these covers!!! My favorite from your picks are the ones for the Shatter Me trilogy and the one for The Sky is Everywhere. I've seen two other covers for that book but that one is prettier!

    1. It's my favourite of the covers for that book too, I love the purple. The Shatter Me covers are truly incredible, happy to have those on my shelf.

  13. The Shatter Me book covers are so eye-catching (har-har)! I haven't read the series yet, but I do love the little details on each one.

  14. I do love the cover of These Broken Stars. :)

    1. It's one of the prettiest covers I have seen in a long time.

  15. All lovely choices! The shatter me covers are definitely nice ones. :)

  16. I love all your choices! They are so pretty. My favorite cover from your list that I didn't pick is The Sky is Everywhere. I haven't heard of the book, I'll have to check it out since I love the cover! :D

    1. The cover is just as beautiful as the book itself, definitely recommend! :)

  17. These covers are fantastic! I've seen some other Top Tens and noticed that you also have some of their favorites on your blog. I love when the covers are like works of art. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks! I have seen so many gorgeous book covers on these Top Tens, would happily have so many of them hanging on my wall.

  18. THE WINNER'S CURSE has such a gorgeous cover! I love the ones for the SHATTER ME trilogy as well, though I think they would spook me a bit if I hung them on my wall. ;) Awesome choices!

  19. I love all those covers! Especially The Sky is Everywhere... I don't even know that book but wow, the cover is gorgeous! <3

    My Top Ten!

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  20. Oh, those Covenant covers are lovely! And I love the covers for The Sky is Everywhere!
    Thanks for stoppin' by! Have a great week!

    1. You too! The Sky is Everywhere has such a wonderful cover :)

  21. These are all beautiful and new to me, except Cress, which is on my tbr. Considering I still haven't gotten to Scarlet, it will be awhile. lol. Great covers and thanks for stopping by my TTT,

    1. I haven't even got to Cinder yet, but I love the cover ;)

  22. YES!! All SO gorgeous!! Especially the Shatter Me Series. Oh, and Cress. And I also love Cinder and Scarlet too. :) Such a fun topic - I could have picked 100 gorgeous covers!!

  23. I don't know why I didn't include Cinder, Cress and Scarlet on my blog. I love those covers. I would totally frame those and hang them in my house.

    Angela's Anxious Life

  24. Ooh…I like all of these, but especially the Shatter Me series. I have the old hardback for Shatter Me with the girl in the dress (the usual). I would much rather have the paperback cover. ~Pam

    1. I really dislike the girl in the dress one, but I am not 100% sure why. I have the first two in paperback but they are different sizes. I HATE THAT!

  25. It's so cute how you actually put them in frames! I'm so sad that I didn't add The Winner's Curse because I think it so beautiful how she grabs ahold of the R.

    1. Haha, thanks! That took a while, I clearly need to get a life. I love that cover, took me far too long to realise she holds the R.

  26. The Truth About Alice cover is one I almost picked myself!! xD
    - Alex in Bookland

  27. The way you've displayed your covers is really lovely and very striking - makes me want to have them on my walls!
    Lynn :D

  28. Gorgeous picks! I almost put a few of these on my list, too :)

  29. I love your choices! The cover for The Winner's Curse and These Broken Stars are just astounding! Thanks for visiting my TTT! :D

    1. Thanks for checking mine out too, those are two of my absolute favourites - both are so stunning.

  30. Totally love Appolyon! Beautiful! These Broken Stars is another I think is beautiful. Great list! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  31. Those Shatter Me covers are lovely, and would look great all next to one another. And The Truth About Alice is breathtaking!

    1. I love the colour of The Truth About Alice cover, would be more than happy to have that one on my wall.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Love your choices. The shatter me, unravel me, and ignite me are truly dynamic. Ashley@Chronicles

  34. Great choices. How could forget about Cress. Beautiful cover. Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  35. Pretty covers! I wanted to include quite a few of yours on my list too (The Winner's Curse, Cress) but well, ten's ten. :(
    We do share one, which is Ignite Me and though I've still yet to read that and Unravel Me, the cover's just such so attractive and utterly beautiful my mind automatically presumes the content will be just as amazing too. I sure hope that'll be true. Anyway, thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier on!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to come check mine out. I know, picking just ten was hard and I kind of cheated a bit! I hope it proves to be true, have yet to start that series :)

  36. Awesome list! Those are some pretty spectacular covers. I have The Winner's Curse sitting on my nightstand, haunting me with its beautiful cover as we speak. I love the Cress cover too, and that dress that the girl is wearing on the cover of These Broken Stars is goooooooorgeous. Great picks!

    1. I just got The Winner's Curse, although it turned up damaged, and the cover is spectacular! Can't wait to get that on my shelf :)

  37. Oh my goodness! It's so beautiful, look at the way you arranged the covers! That's so awesome! The covers are spectacular! :) Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  38. So many pretties! The WInner's Curse was on my list and These Broken Stars was a close one!

    1. The Winner's Curse is just so stunning, hope the book is just as amazing :)

  39. I'm reading The Winner's Curse at the moment, and I'm kind of sad I have the Kindle edition, because the cover is stunning. Thanks for stopping by my TTT! :)

    1. I am excited to finally read that one, hope the book is as amazing as the cover! :)

  40. Great picks!I love the cover for These Broken Stars and The Truth About Alice.And let's not forget The Winner's Curse.I can't wait to get my hands on all of those books so I can stare at them whenever I want!Thanks for stopping by my post earlier!Happy Reading!

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews

    1. Thanks! I adore The Winner's Curse cover, finally have the physical book and it's incredible! :)

  41. I keep telling myself that I'm going to participate in TTT but always forget about it until that day. And these type of posts are something that take time to come up with. Maybe I'll do it next week ;) I've seen a lot of people with the Shatter Me series covers. Love those so much! And THESE BROKEN STARS cover is so gorgeous.

    1. THEY TAKE SO MUCH TIME!!! *sobs* The Shatter Me series covers are just incredible :)

  42. Have yet to read it, but I love the covers of the Shatter Me series, too! :)

    1. I haven't read it yet either, but I adore the covers! :)


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