Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Bad Neighbours

This is a weekly meme that I am hosting here at Reviews from a Bookworm. I own over 500 books, I'mn a book blogger so it's kind of obvious that I love books. But the one thing I own more of than books is DVDs, I love movies, TV shows, musicals. So I think it's time to include a weekly movie review on the blog. To take part all you have to do is share a movie review once a week, link back to Reviews from a Bookworm and add your link to the linky tool.

This weeks movie review will be for:

Bad Neighbours

I'd seen the trailer for Bad Neighbours a lot, I think it's just Neighbours in the US, and couldn't decide if I wanted to go see it. The movie did look like it had it's funny moments but comedies can be tricky because sometimes the only funny parts are the ones they put in the trailer. I ended up seeing it with boyfriend one night after work when we decided to go cinema and it was the only remotely decent looking movie we hadn't already seen yet.

The film is about Mac (Seth Rogen) and Kelly who have a young daughter named Stella. They're excited to meet their new neighbours until they realise that they are a fraternity. They go over to meet the new neighbours and leaders of the fraternity Teddy (Zac Effron) and Peter (Dave Franco) and ask they they keep the noise down if they have parties as they have a young daughter. The guys agree on the condition that if they ever get too noisy that Mac & Kelly always call them first before calling the police. On the first night they go over to complain about the noise they end up staying and joining the party, where they bond with their new neighbours. But, no the second night, when they are unable to get in touch with them to keep the noise down they end up phoning the police instead. When Teddy & Peter realise they become very angry and determined to get back at their neighbours. This begins a back and forth between the two as they try to break one another.

I have to admit that I went in with quite low expectations, which I think really helped and so the movie didn't leave me feeling disappointed. The movie did entertain me but it just didn't make me laugh very much which, when you consider that it's a comedy film, isn't that great. If anything, the movie makes you cringe a lot more than it makes you laugh. It was so cringe inducing at times that it was a little hard to watch. I feel like Rosie Byrne stole the movie for me, I really enjoyed her character and found her to be the funniest of them all. She seemed like the person who wasn't trying super hard to be especially funny, it just came across more natural than the other characters. I do enjoy Seth Rogen most of the time and didn't think he was bad in this, I just didn't love his character that much. One of the stand out funny moments for me was when Seth Rogen and Zac Effron are imitating Batman voices with each other. It went on for a little too long at one point but it was hilarious.

I honestly have never understood the whole fraternity and sorority thing. I just don't really understand what the point of it is. Maybe that's just because of the way it's presented in movies, which is basically a way to party and get drunk and that usually requires new people joining to do humiliating things. It doesn't really look like fun, I prefer the good old fashioned idea of a Freshers Week to meet people and get drunk. But, like most things in movies, it's probably really exaggerated and made to seem a lot worse than it is. So the whole brother aspect of the fraternity just seemed weird to me and the characters relationships with one another. It did not compute!

In total, I probably laughed twice during this movie. I wasn't ever bored by it and didn't feel like it was a boring film, it just wasn't a laugh out loud type of movie. I thought most of the characters were okay but nobody stood out very much other than Byrne. It had it's moments but overall it didn't do it's job as a comedy film. Yes, I was entertained for the whole movie but I wasn't made to laugh and that's kind of the whole point of going to see a comedy film.

5/10 Butterflies

I was never bored whilst watching the movie and it did entertain me, it just lacked in laughs. There was a lot of the film that I cringed at but only a few moments where I actually laughed. The characters were all okay an each had their moments but I didn't really love any of them. My favourite character would definitely be Byrne's. It was an entertaining enough movie but as a comedy I expected to laugh way more than I did. I wish I had more to comment on but I really don't. I even kept notes whilst I was watching so that's a bad sign that I didn't really have much to say about it even whilst I was watching it. 

Next Week:

The one where they gave Maleficent feelings!

I have been meaning to take part in both of the following memes for a while now, so its nice to finally be able to get to them. I will be taking part in Reading is Fun Again's Thoughtful Thursday and Okay, Let's Read's  Thursday Thoughts, picking between them or doing both topics each week.

Bookshelf Organization

Do you have a set way of organising your bookshelves? Do you like your bookshelves to be organised or does it not matter too much? Do you store your TBR books and your read books separately or together? What do you think about the rainbow bookshelf organisation trend?

I recently got two new bookshelves and now have 4 in total and I am still struggling to decide how to organise them. I can't do them all standing up because I just have too many books and not enough book shelves. So I have to stack the ones I am less excited by or eager to read behind the ones I want at the front. Series have to be together, that's a rule. I like my hardbacks together as well. If I have a ton of books by the same author then I usually like those to be together as well, like my Jodi Picoult books. I keep my TBR books and the ones I have read together and don't desperate them. I probably should but I'd just be embarrassed by how many bookshelves my TBR books would take up. 

How my favourite bookshelf is looking right now (have this as I am finally starting the Book Blogger tag!):

I like it, but I am not satisfied with it. Some moving is required before I will be happy. 


There are different types of series. There are series that are just one long story (e.g. Lord of the Rings), there are series that follow a character on a set of different adventures (e.g. The Sookie Stackhouse novels), and there are series that are a collection of stand alone novels all within the same universe (e.g. Star Wars Universe). What is your favourite type of series?

My favourite series are probably those like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Northern Lights where each book is it's own story but, in my opinion, it's one big story together. I don't really read many series that are stand alone novels within the same universe. I like falling in love with characters and following them on a journey. I thing the series that are one long story just work so well, they grip you and make you want to keep reading so that you can see how it all ends. 

One chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX, to enter go here.

You can also enter my June giveaway, where 3 winners have the chance to win any 2 of the books I have reviewed in 2014 so far. For full details go here.

Five Friday Favourites: Underrated Books
My Weekly Book Haul: 07/06/2014
The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski: 5/5 Review
Discussion: Why Commenting Makes Me Feel Like A Performing Monkey
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Books I've Read In 2014 So Far
The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu 5/5 Review


  1. Sorry the movie wasn't more funny, I do love a good comedy.

    Can't wait to see your review on Maleficent!

    Is it wrong that I got a kindle so I could control my bookshelves? In fact, I have very few books on it now because I gave most of mine away, with a few exception of course. I just didn't have room for them all.

    1. Me too, so I was sad it didn't make me laugh more. I am scared for my review of Maleficent, haha.

      Even my Kindle is a MESS! There is no organisation to that at all, haha.

  2. It's a shame about the film. I like Seth Rogan, I think he's a fantastic actor, but I wasn't feeling this film in the trailer and so ditched it personally. Great questions this week though! My bookshelf, weeeeeell, it's kind of a mixture of a mess, but I totally understand the whole set up. I of course have a favourites shelf which is also a 'want to continue with either series or author self, I also have a freestyle part, a dystopian stack, adult contemporary, ya contemporary shelf and na stack and my library books go on my bed side table as encouragement to read them (it works!) Types of series I most enjoy would have to be the ones where they go on different adventures but there is an overall plot throughout the whole set up, like Harry Potter, or Sweet Evil, Gallagher Girls and Starcrossed, I think I like those best :) Interested to see your thoughts on Maleficent though, need to know how it was!

    1. Yeah, I wasn't planning on seeing it but we went one night after work for some reason.

      Those are definitely my favourite type of series too!

      I don't think my opinion on Maleficent can be trusted, everyone else loved it :'(

  3. Might have to pass on that movie, I don't go to many so I only pick ones I know I will like, X-Men, and The Fault In Our Stars were the last ones I saw. :D

    1. I have a really cheap cinema near me so I take risks more often now, if I don't like it at least it barely cost me anything. I can't wait to see TFIOS, it's not out till next Friday here :(

  4. Great post! Honestly I'm not very surprised about the movie. I kinda had this feeling that the preview made it seem funny then it actually is =/ I'm pretty darn excited to see Maleficent though, I look forward to your thoughts =)

    1. That's kind of the case with a lot of comedy trailers, which makes it hard to decide when to give it a chance or not. I'd steer clear of my thoughts then, I am like the only person who wasn't the biggest fan.

  5. It honestly doesn't sound like that good of a movie. Comedies now a days just aren't funny anymore like they used to be. It's more about pushing the envelope than just letting the comedic parts shine through. Glad to hear that you still enjoyed the movie. Even if you did only laugh twice. Can't wait to read your Maleficent review.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. I know, comedies are a lot harder to watch now. The trailers usually show the only funny parts, although sometimes you find some you actually enjoy. I am like the only person who didn't love Maleficent, which sucks but oh well.

  6. Yeah, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see the movie because it looked pretty dumb (although dumb can be funny). And sororities and fraternities are always portrayed in an exaggerated (usually bad) way in movies. I was actually a little sister in a fraternity in college and I've never seen a movie come close to portraying what it's actually like.

    Series…something that's been bothering me lately is a book in a series that reads as part of a book rather than a book, if that makes any sense. Even if it's a series, each book should have a story where the main plot gets wrapped up. It seems like more and more trilogies are just one big book that's been split up into three books and that's driving me crazy!! I don't think Harry Potter or The Hunger Games is like that (although maybe books 2 and 3 of THG is). But I do agree that I love getting to know the characters better through having multiple books. I basically have a love/hate relationship with series right now. Great post!! ~Pam

    1. That sounds about right. I'm from the UK so I can only really go on what I see on TV/movies and you can tell it's not really that accurate a portrayal, at least I hope not.

      I get what you mean, in that case I start to feel like the story has just been dragged out. I think it's part of the reason I didn't like After the End so much because it's just one story to me, didn't require that pointless cliffhanger ending and being dragged out to more than 1 book.

  7. I want to rearrange my books. But I'll probably wait till I've filled up my last 3 shelves. Then COLOUR CODING HERE I COME. My only hesitation is series. They need to live together. Can't separate the family!! >_< Buuut...colour coding looks so dang good. Decisions, decisions...

    1. I tried colour coding but it drove me crazy after about 10 seconds because it wasn't in any particular order other than colour. I changed it back straight away, haha.

  8. MOVIE: I didn't mind Bad Neighbours. Normally, I can't stand Seth Rogan and he didn't annoy the heck out of me in this one. While it wasn't original by any standpoint and the laughs were truly mediocre at best, it entertained me just enough to feel like I didn't completely waste my money. I'd give it a five as well.

    BOOKSHELF: My setup is pretty similar to yours in theory. All of my favorite series are prominently displayed in my living room bookshelves. The one's I'm less excited about or that got DNF'ed get banished to the bookshelf in my room. But then there's my digital bookshelves. Those are grouped by genre then by series alphabetically. I think that's the one place that my mothers A personality rubbed off on me. Digitally, I'm anal about organization.

    SERIES: I'm with you -- a series with a central character is my favorite type to get into. It's all about the journey, and that's better with one perspective. Then again, one of my favorite series isn't written like that at all, my post.

    1. I thought it was an okay film but it wasn't anything special. I thought he was good in it but his character didn't really stand out for me. I didn't feel like I'd wasted my money either, it entertained me enough.

      I have two bookshelves in another room where a lot of my less favourites or ones I'm not interested in reading for a while go. My Kindle organisation is EMBARRASSING. There is none.

  9. Movie: I think this is a movie I will wait for the DVD. I love the premise and the funny of it all but I have to say that the cost of movies has moved me to see great epic (action, artsy) movies on the big screen and movies like this at home.

    I love your bookcase. I have mine sorted in TBR and Read/Keep shelves. I loved the Harry Potter series but I did not the last book. I love following characters as they grow and learn throughout the books.

    1. I definitely think it's better to wait for the DVD. I only went as my local cinema is REALLY cheap, haha.

      I think it's always nicer to be able to follow a character as they grow and develop, definitely my favourite kind of series.

  10. Ooh I really want to watch Maleficient! I am waiting till my sisters get back from uni so we can watch it all four of us... but they better hurry up xD Been distracting myself with other new movies for the time being. I wasn't sure about Bad Neighbours too. I do like my fair dose of Seth Rogen and Zac though, so perhaps I will see it for that. :D

    1. I would recommend steering clear of my review then, I am like the ONLY person who wasn't a fan apparently, haha.

  11. Ah, sorry that you didn't really LOVE neighbours. I really want to watch it, but I did kinda hoped there would be more laugh out loud moments! :) Maleficent! Ooh, looks freaking awesome. I def. want to know what your thoughts are on that movie.

    1. Damn! I am like the only person who didn't like it so now I am scared for people to read my review.

  12. I hate how many comedies these days aren't very funny, they're either gross or just kinda stupid! I'm glad you kinda enjoyed it though!
    I just found out about this meme and so have not participated but I did just review Fault In Our Stars! I'm just not very good a reviewing movies even if I do watch a ton =)

    1. It was okay and entertaining, but not exceptionally funny. I wish comedies tried harder to be funny without having to go gross. I'm not that great either, haha, but I do try ;)

  13. I am sorry that this movie didn't turn out as funny as you thought it would be. I've never even heard of it!

    As for my bookshelf... Once upon a time it was organized by genre. Then I got more books and certain series would fit on the same shelf as the other books in that genre. So, unfortunately, there is no real organization right now. Soon I will get another bookshelf so that I can finally have everything perfect again :)

    1. That's probably for the best, wasn't that great.

      I have, almost, enough bookshelves now but organisation is still hard for me. I just can't ever decide how I want my bookshelves to be organised.

  14. I have seen Maleficent with my cousin ,my mum and my lite bro and sis, so enjoy it went watch it again *Waits for Maleficent Film review*

    1. I liked Maleficent but I did have A LOT of issues with it, if I am being completely honest.

  15. I love the idea of having a favorites bookshelf. I would love to have all of my favorites in one place. I think I will try that next time I organize my books, or maybe the next time I get a new bookshelf. Great post!

    1. Favourites bookshelves are AMAZING!!! <3 I definitely recommend it, it gives me so many great feelings when I look at it :)


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