Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Parents In Fiction

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

What a brilliant topic this week! Absent parents seem to be all too common in young adult fiction, it's like none of the children actually have any. But, every once in a while, you get those books that actually put effort into their parental characters. They provide us with some truly brilliant parents who we come to know and love. It's a brilliant topic but a hard one as I struggled to think of many parents that stood out to me in the books I've read. I'm going to be excited to see which parents other people chose though.

 Arthur & Molly Weasley

Oh, I adore these two. I have so much love for the Weasley family that it's a little sad. Yes, to me, they clearly exist somewhere out there. My Hogwarts letter totally got lost on it's way to me! Arthur & Molly are just the greatest parents and they loved each of their children so much, regardless of how much of total a wanker they could be! *cough* Percy *cough*. That moment in the gif was my all time favourite Molly moment from the HP book series. I was absolutely sobbing by that point because of all the character deaths, but that moment had me laughing through my sobbing and loving Molly ten times more!

James & Lily Potter

Come on, how could they not make the list? They are amazing parents and two characters you come to love even though you never get to meet or know them in the book series. I loved hearing stories about Harry's parents from Sirius and Remus. They died trying to protect their son, so that clearly earns them a spot on this list.

Remus Lupin & Other Half

I want to shout her name because I love her so! But I won't, because there might be some of you who have yet to finish or even read Harry Potter. If that's the case: What is wrong with you? Please go rectify this at once. I loved these two as parents and J.K. Rowling knows how to make a girl cry. These two are some of my favourite HP characters and they definitely earned their spot on the list of my favourite parents in fiction.

My Life Next Door (My Life Next Door, #1)
The Garrett's

If I could be bothered to get my copy of this off the shelf then I could get the characters actual names, but it's late and I'm lazy! The Garrett's stole my heart from the minute they were introduced in this series, all ten of them. That's right, the Garrett's have eight children. I think they win a spot on this list purely for the fact that the two of them created Jace Garrett. One of my top, or maybe even top, book boyfriends. Yes, they totally earned the spot just for raising that boy. They should have a million children because they clearly have great DNA.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1)'Daddy' 

The fact they referred to him as daddy did creep me out the entire time I was reading this book. I also seem to have no recollection of his actual name and can't be bothered to flip through the book and find out. He was a brilliant character and a wonderful father. He was raising three girls by himself and I think he did a fantastic job. I loved the relationship they all had with each other, the family in this book had me smiling so much.

So that's my list! I did have 5 different parents from Harry Potter that I wanted to use but I actually managed to refrain from using them all. GO ME!

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You can also enter my June giveaway, where 3 winners have the chance to win any 2 of the books I have reviewed in 2014 so far. For full details go here.

My Weekly Book Haul: 07/06/2014
The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski: 5/5 Review
Discussion: Why Commenting Makes Me Feel Like A Performing Monkey
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Books I've Read In 2014 So Far
The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu 5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Bad Neighbours 5/10 Review


  1. I love it when books add in parents! Parents are important! I know not every family is lucky enough to have supportive parents...but I love it when books go the extra mile NOT to make their protagonists orphans or abandoned or whatnot. x) I LOVE the Weasley parents. They're my favourite of the whole thing, I think. But, omg, please don't hit me with your wand. I'm only up to book #5, but I'M WORKING HARD TO FIX THIS. I even own book #5! Hardcover! It's beautiful! (Second hand, but whatever.) And as soon as I whittle down my mammoth TBR again, I'm onto it. x)

    1. FIX IT!!! Haha. I won't hit you, especially since I know you're actually attempting to get through them all. The Weasley's are AMAZING :)

  2. Lots of Potter families here! Remus and *****, I love them, they are so perfectly matches, their personalities and such and the love they have for one another is beautiful, same with the Potters and Weasleys, they made my list too! :) I haven't read To All the Boys yet but I plan to and I think the warning comes with great notice too, so thank you! Great list hunny, it is a good topic ;)

    1. I loved Remus & ***** and I was devastated in Deathly Hallows, DEVASTATED! There's no getting over that... EVER! I love parents in fiction, such a perfect topic! :)

  3. YES! I love all of these, well except for the Han book but only because I haven't read it yet, I am sure I will agree with it too once I have. I adored the Garrett's and the Weasleys. :D

    1. You definitely should get to it, it's a brilliant book. The Garrett's and the Weasley's are my favourites! :)

  4. I love all these too!
    Hi! I'm a new follower of your lovely blog via GFC.
    Have a nice day!

  5. Aaaannnd I've not read a single one of them O.o Always makes me smile though when there are solid parents in a read. Too many opt to go the other way which gets old so fast.

    1. I know, they have a habit of being absent, dead, abusive or god knows what else.

  6. I love how most of these you've included are in Harry Potter :) I haven't read the last 2 books yet but I will sometime! They sound awesome!

  7. Oh man, I just love the first three you mentioned in this one. I definitely agree - those parents in Harry Potter are just the best. I have yet to encounter the other ones you've mentioned, though.

    1. I was really, really, really tempted to just have 5 parents from Harry Potter, made me super sad to leave off the Longbottoms.

  8. I love that you have mostly Harry Potter characters in here. I totally agree with all of them. And I agree that many YA tend to have absent parents. I love it when the parents are there, when they are supportive, and just plain awesome like Arthur and Molly Weasley. I would like to see more YA like that.

    1. I was really close to just have 5 parents from Harry Potter, but thought that would be a little sad. I definitely feel YA needs more parents that are actually present and a part of their kids lives. It's a lot more realistic!

  9. Arthur and Molly... I die. LOVE this post.

  10. Arthur and Molly <3 of course I love , they are on my list too. HAHA I did the whole *cough* percy *cough* thing too, I promise you I didn't copy you, hadn't even looked at others before doing mine. Completely agree, I pretty much cried from Hedwig tbh, so all the book. But that was one of the moments that momentarily took my mind off what was going on around me because I was too focused on cheering for Molly. Got to say too, I did like Bellatrix in a way, no matter what she did its hard not to admit she was a brilliant character. But after book 5, what she did... I'm just happy it was Molly who did it because she loved him too. In her own little way haha.

    I almost thought about putting James and Lily too, but I opted for putting Sirius instead, because he is such a loved character to me and he was like a dad to Harry.

    Please excuse me while I go and cry uncontrollably about Remus Lupin & her... I think I'll just leave this comment as it is. Although I will say this, they were some of my favourite characters too. (It goes Snape, Sirius, Lupin, Ron, Draco, Neville, Hagrid, Tonks, Mad Eye)

    haven't read the other two yet but I'm sure they are really good and once I do I will understand why they are on your list.

    Great picks this week :)

    1. She definitely was a brilliant character, I always loved and hated her in equal measure! The crazy, brilliant bitch! :) Haha, that's totally okay - everyone thinks Percy's a wanker ;)

      I was originally going to do 5 HP parents - Potters, Weasley's, Lupin's, Longbottoms <3) and Sirius. I thought I'd seem like too much of a crazy Potter fan then.

      I almost cry just thinking of their names! I could never meet J.K. Rowling I don't think, I have too much anger about that last book. Haha. But so much love too. Tricksy woman!

      Love your list of favs! Ron was always mine, I just love him. I think if he were real I would marry him. Characters like Snape and Draco were always so brilliant that I couldn't help but love them as much as I wanted to hate them.

    2. haha I'm glad you agree. By rights I should just hate her because of what she did, bit I cant help but love her and at times I feel like I'm being untrue to Sirius haha. (I know, I'm a sad-act) LOL That is very, very true. I never liked him, not even before he went to the dark side

      I don't think you can look enough like a crazy Potter fan. I would have loved the post haha. P.s I love the Longbottoms too.

      I know ho you feel, I would love to meet her because of what the books gave me but she also killed off 5 of my favourite characters, I don't think I could forgive her for that haha.

      It sounds silly, but if they were real I would marry Draco. Of course if they were real, in my world, I would have to fight Hermione for him. Because yes, I totally ship them aha.

      Snape and Draco are in a way like Bellatrix, no matter how much you want to dislike them because they are such brilliantly written characters you can help but appreciate them.

    3. I never liked him either, did anyone? I don't want to meet anyone who liked him, they're clearly crazy. She's just so evil that she's awesome. She's like Maleficent in the original Sleeping Beauty, so wicked that you have to love and appreciate her as a character.

      Longbottoms <3 When I finally found out what happened to them in Order of the Phoenix I was so upset!

      I don't think I could either so I worry that I would want to strangle her and hug her all at once. Then I'd look clinically insane.

      HAHA!!! OH, YAY!!! I totally shipped Draco and Hermione too <3 But I love her and Ron together as well.

  11. Yes, it is amazing how many books barely have the parents in them. I loved the Garretts, they were so great! And yes, the dad in To All the Boys was such a big part of that book, in a good way (I think it's a southern, U.S., thing to say "daddy"). I would also add Tris's parents from Divergent, especially the Mom. Great list! ~Pam

    1. I think someone else mentioned that, but it didn't stop it sounding creepy to me, haha. Tris's mum is a great pick, she was amazing and the thing she did for Tris at the end of Divergent made her very deserving of a spot on this list.

  12. I love all the Harry Potter ones you listed. For some reason, I always really liked Hermione's parents, too. I mean, I feel like it would be quite bewildering to find that your daughter is going to spend the next seven years of her life away from home learning magic, but they seem so good natured about it, coming with her to shop, and all. I just picture them as such cute parents!

    Erin @

    1. Me too, although I felt like I didn't really get to see them or get to know them. Definitely would have been cute parents though :)


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