Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Heroes

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

I like this topic because I can kind of take the term hero and make it what I want. If you google the definition of hero then you get this:

plural noun: heroes
  1. 1.
    a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage, 
  2. outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

I am just going to completely ignore that part about it typically being a man. But I will still be doing those characters that I admired for their courage, achievements and the things they did that made me want to absolutely applaud them. And, terribly, we have yet another week where I have had to stop myself from just posting 5 entries that are all Harry Potter characters! 

Harry, Ron & Hermione
I feel like these three need no explanation really, they all deserve their own spot on this list. I have grouped them together so that I have room to showcase other characters though. Harry, Ron & Hermione are the ultimate heroes for me, in every way! They defeated Voldermort people, VOLDERMORT! What is more bad ass or deserving of being classed as a hero than that? Nothing. Harry, for a long time I believe, knew that his fight with old Mr V was probably going to end in his death and he went for it anyway. He was willing to die to save his friends, the people he loved and the Wizarding and Muggle worlds in general. And Ron and Hermione were with him every step of the way. Without each other they never would have been able to do it. I have far too much love for these three, far too much love!

Katniss Everdeen
This character is one of those utterly infuriating ones, with her complete lack of emotion and inability to choose between two boys. But, she has to make the list because she made me so angry but I loved her as a hero. She just completely, 100% does not want to be the hero and that's why I love her as one. She just wants to go into the Hunger Games and do her best to survive. She wants to go home and be with her family and deal with the Capitol and the Hunger Games every year. She doesn't want to be the peoples Mockingjay, she doesn't want to start a revolution and be the symbol of hope for others. She just wants to survive and I admired and loved that about her. It's great to see a character step up to the plate and want to overturn an oppressive government or take down an evil, psychotic wizard BUT it's actually refreshing and more realistic to see a character who doesn't want to do any of it because it's absolutely terrifying. She also won her spot on this list for wanting to make sure Peeta got out of the second Hunger Games alive, no matter if it meant her dying. 

Lyra Silvertongue
I will always have a place in my heart for Lyra! She started out as such a young child in Northern Lights and grows so much over the course of that trilogy. Northern Lights could be hard going at first because of her age and maturity level but it's worth getting into because it's an amazing and beautiful series. I just fell so in love with her world and her as a character. I haven't reread this series in a long time and it's something I am very eager to do. I need to see if I still love it as much as I use to and if Lyra is still the feisty, strong hero that I remember. 

Persephone Hadley

I am clearly using this as an opportunity to spread more love for my favourite books. But I just love Sephy as a character and she is a hero to me. If you're looking for a character who shows courage then you can't go wrong with Sephy, she's one of the bravest characters I have come across. The things she goes through and survives and the strength she shows, it makes her very worthy of a spot on this list. 

Most Harry Potter Characters

I wasn't joking when I said I wanted to just do 5 slots for HP! I mean, come on, it's full of heroes. And all different kinds of heroes as well. I could probably list about 50 characters that could make this list but I won't because that would take forever. Hagrid, Dobby, Fred, George, Tonks, Lupin, Sirius and on and on it goes! These characters are just the best creations ever and I will never grow tired of reading about them. 

So, who are you favourite book heroes? Any obsessive HP fans who'd have just listed HP characters? Do you agree or disagree with any of my choices?

One chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX, to enter go here.

You can also enter my June giveaway, where 3 winners have the chance to win any 2 of the books I have reviewed in 2014 so far. For full details go here.

My Weekly Book Haul: 14/06/2014
My Last Kiss by Bethany Neal: 2/5 Review
Top Ten Tuesday: Summer TBR List
Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas:  4.5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Maleficent 6/10 Film Review


  1. You know, I like how you took the term hero and made it multi-sex, that's a great idea! All of the HP everywhere, Katniss, in some ways, yes, I agree, much more in Mockingjay than the others (yes, I'm the black sheep!) and I need to read Noughts and Crosses, it's there, on my list to read like, very soon, but I just need to do it! Gosh, encourage me woman, force me! :O Great list though as always hunny, thank you for always joining in! :)

    1. Haha, that's just because I totally forgot that we already did heroines! Ooooops! GET TO IT WOMAN!!! I am forcing you with my mind powers!!!!!!!! ;) IS IT WORKING?!?

  2. Oo I was just working on a favorite heroes post! So funny about HP. I think my favorite is Roarke from the In Death series by JD Robb. That man could so make me do bad things. Whewboy!

    1. I have never read that but I keep getting tempted to pick the first book up whenever I am at work.

  3. Fantastic post, Charnell! I'm just working on my post now, and I'm finding it so hard not to choose all Harry Potter characters as well!

  4. I absolutely 100% agree with Katniss. SHE IS THE BEST. I love her loyalty to her family and her sacrifice and...just everything. How can she be so brave?!! *sobs* Well, you know I'm pretty slack on the HP front, BUT, I do love mostly everyone so far. Except for Snape, dang it. He's awful. I wish he'd fall down a hole. *goes off to grumble in the corner*

    1. She is! Your hate of Snape is totally understandable. I detested him as well, such an awful character. Now hurry up and finish ;)

  5. Some of these I am not familiar with but those that I am, I couldn't agree more with!

  6. Personally, I think every slot needs to be filled with HP characters! :P

    Seriously though, even the minor, more background characters are so heroic and brave and willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good. HP is the ultimate moral fibre book

    1. There were so many amazing characters that I could have picked just from HP. It's kind of why I cheated and just added them all in at the end ;)

  7. I completely agree that the Harry Potter series is full of heroes! I couldn't limit it to just 5! I think Katniss is a great hero and I still need to read Noughts & Crosses, I know I won't be disappointed with it :) Great list!!

    1. You definitely won't be, it's a fantastic book and series! :)

  8. Ah, I'm not sure I can choose any favorite heroes. There's too many, and I usually like anti-heroes better. ;) And of course, when I try and think of some I love, I draw a total blank. ;) Michael from Hilari Bell's KNIGHT & ROGUE series is definitely up there, along with Alina Starkov from THE GRISHA trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. :)

    1. I've never heard of that author or series before, will have to look it up. I own the first two Grisha books but still need to make time to get to them.

  9. I completely agree with you about all of the Harry Potter characters…so many of them are heroes! And yes, Katniss. I agree with Mara about Alina. I just finished Ruin and Rising and Alina is definitely a hero (along with Mal and Nikolai). Great list! ~Pam

    1. I know, you could never just pick 5 of them! I still need to start the Grisha series, I'm really looking forward to it! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Fantastic list! I definitely agree with you about the Harry Potter characters :)

    1. I could have probably picked 50... yeah, I could pick 50 ;)

  12. I have only read two of them, but I would definitely agree with Sephy <3 Although I am not much of a Hunger Games lover, you gave good reasoning for including Katniss, and I would've for the same I think. I would also put Sam, Dekka and Edilio from Gone <3 They are such heros, dealing with all they went through. Whether they had super powers or not, they were still equally heros.

    1. I really want to do a reread of Gone and get into that series again. But, it's been a while and I need to hunt them all down.

  13. I totally agree with HP characters, Katniss and Lyra. I absolutely loved ALL of those books. Each of these heroes had such incredible growth and strength that really made them connectable. Even Lyra, who was only a twelve year old.

    1. She seemed so young at first but she matures so much over those books. I came to love that character so much.


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